8 Proven Ecommerce Email Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Sales + Examples
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
22h ago
Ah, the digital prophets have spoken again, decreeing the end of ecommerce as if it were an ancient relic, bound for the dusty shelves of digital history. Yet, there it is, your inbox, defiantly brimming with life and opportunity. “You’ve (still) got mail,” it whispers, a testament to the enduring power and relevance of email in our daily digital dance. In fact, research shows that 99% of people check their email every single day. Email is a proven champ in the ecommerce world, with a stellar return of $36 for every $1 spent. But the secret sauce? Using email smartly. Gone are the days of one ..read more
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7-Step Advanced Social Media Marketing Blueprint: High-Impact Strategies for Dynamic Growth
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
2M ago
As social media continues to evolve at a breakneck speed, what was trending last month might just as well be ancient history today. This fast-paced digital transformation can leave businesses scrambling to keep up. The good news is, you don’t have to keep up with every minuscule change in the algorithm or trend on TikTok. At the end of the day, marketing is simple. You’re communicating your value to fellow humans. Keep this in mind as we take you through these 7 more advanced steps for your social media marketing blueprint. In this post, we’ll discover how to refine your approach on socia ..read more
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The 8 Step Social Media Marketing Blueprint for Your Business [UPDATED 2024]
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
2M ago
When it comes to getting your small business noticed, it can feel like it’s you versus a wall of giants – how can you compete with the big guys in the industry? With astronomical budgets that get them on billboards and YouTube ads, not to mention trending on TikTok and X, the competition can be pretty intimidating. But we’re not here to tell you what you can’t do – we strongly believe every David has a chance against Goliath, and every small business has something special to offer that a large corporation just can’t replicate. So we’re here with an 8 step social media blueprint to help you out ..read more
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5 Ways a Marketing Advisor Can Transform Your Business
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
2M ago
If you’re hoping to stand out in the crowded digital marketplace, you’re up for a mammoth of a challenge without the help of a marketing advisor. Sure, you’ve got something awesome to share, but catching the eye of your audience? That’s a whole other ballgame, especially for the smaller businesses and startups out there. You’re up against the big players, with their flashy ads and hefty marketing budgets, making it super tricky for your business to get a slice of the spotlight. This is where the magic of a marketing advisor comes into play. Think of them as your personal guide in the vast wild ..read more
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Maximize Your Impact: The Experts’ Guide to Building Interior Design Websites That Stand Out
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
2M ago
Your website is the first room your clients step into – it’s where first impressions are not just made, but meticulously crafted. In the realm of interior design, where every detail counts, your digital presence is your silent pitch, echoing your brand’s voice long before you speak. It’s about making that initial click a moment of awe, an instant connection, an irresistible invitation to explore further. This isn’t just about being online. It’s about creating a space where your designs do the talking, where your aesthetic becomes an experience, where each scroll tells a story. In a world where ..read more
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From Followers to Brand Advocates: Transform Your Audience with Ambassador Marketing
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
3M ago
Did you know that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from individuals—even if they don’t know them—over brands? This striking statistic underscores the seismic shift in digital marketing towards authenticity and trust. Enter ambassador marketing, a strategy that transforms passive followers into active brand advocates, leveraging real stories from real people. This approach isn’t just about cutting through the digital noise; it’s about creating a symphony of genuine voices that resonate more deeply with audiences than any traditional ad ever could. “Marketing used to be about making a myth ..read more
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Why Your Architecture Firm Isn’t Growing: Unlocking Success with Digital Marketing for Architects
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
6M ago
Does your architecture firm’s growth feel like a blueprint that never left the drawing board? You’re not alone. In the world of architecture, creating awe-inspiring structures is just part of the story. The other, often overlooked hero? Digital marketing for architects. Yes, in this digital era, your firm’s visibility online is as crucial as the integrity of your buildings. Let’s face it, the architecture world is brimming with talent, which means standing out is as much about your marketing finesse as it is about your architectural prowess. But here’s the catch – traditional marketing methods ..read more
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Building a Strong Online Brand with Architecture Website Design [Plus Examples]
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
7M ago
Today’s digital age demands more than just awe-inspiring structures. It calls for an online presence that’s equally captivating. Your website is not just a digital portfolio; it’s the cornerstone of your brand’s online identity. That’s where architecture website design comes into play. It’s about crafting a website that’s as meticulously designed as your architectural projects. NOTE: If you’re looking for examples of exceptional architecture website design, scroll down to the second half of this blog! Imagine a website that not only showcases your portfolio in the most visually stunning way, b ..read more
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Dental SEO: Your Golden Ticket to Google’s Top Ranking Spots
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
8M ago
Alright, picture this: you’re a dental rockstar, and you’ve got the skills to make smiles sparkle. But there’s a catch – your awesome dental practice won’t thrive if no one knows about it. In the age of the internet, dental SEO is basically your golden ticket to rockin’ the top spots on Google. Now, we get it, SEO might sound like techy mumbo-jumbo, but stick around and we’ll break it down for you. No complicated dental jargon here, just a casual chat about how dental SEO can turn your online presence from a whisper into a full-blown shout. So, if you’re ready to make Google your best buddy an ..read more
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5 Types of Email Marketing Campaigns You Need for Your Business
Just Digital Inc. Blog
by Just Digital Team
9M ago
In a world where our email inboxes often resemble a game of “Unsubscribe Whack-a-Mole,” sifting through the pile of automated newsletters and assorted types of email marketing campaigns can feel like a chore. We’ve all been there, casually marking them as spam, all the while questioning how these messages managed to multiply like digital rabbits during our morning commutes. But in the midst of all this inbox chaos, there’s a treasure trove of potential waiting to be discovered. You see, isn’t about piling onto the mess; it’s about crafting campaigns that don’t just add to the noise but rather ..read more
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