I Have Mood Swings: Could I Have Bi-Polar Disorder?
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by Norman
9M ago
A mood swing, as defined by Medical News Today, is “a sudden or intense change in emotional state.” It is normal for your mood to shift in response to different situations, news, or challenges you encounter throughout a day. However, if you experience frequent and dramatic mood changes between extreme highs and lows, it may be indicative of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder was formerly referred to as manic-depressive disorder or manic depression. It is currently listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as a chronic mental health illness ..read more
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I Have A Hard Time Staying Organized, Being On Time, And Prioritizing My Responsibilities: Do I Have Adult ADHD?
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by Norman
9M ago
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), previously referred to as attention deficit disorder (ADD), is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as a chronic mental health condition. It is a neurobiological condition that is characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and attention difficulties. Organizational deficits, difficulty with punctuality, and inefficiency in prioritizing responsibilities are all symptoms of ADHD, however, struggling with a combination of these symptoms does not imply a foregone conclusion that you have ..read more
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Do Psychiatric Disorders Always Need To Be Treated With Medication?
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by Norman
9M ago
A psychiatric disorder, also referred to as a mental disorder or a mental illness, is characterized by a “clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behavior… it is usually associated with distress or impairment in important areas of functioning.” While there are many different psychiatric disorders, the more common types include: Depression: As explained by the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is “characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities,” resultin ..read more
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The Differences Between Anxiety And Depression
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by Norman
9M ago
It is not uncommon for people to group anxiety and depression into the same category however they are two distinct conditions. Part of the reason why anxiety and depression can be difficult to differentiate is that there are overlapping symptoms in the two conditions. The relationship between anxiety and depression, and their respective associated clinical conditions (i.e., anxiety disorders and mood disorders) is complex and somewhat idiosyncratic. Anxiety and depression fall into different classifications of disorders. Another difference between the two conditions relates to their respec ..read more
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Tips To Manage Your Sleep In Mental Health Recovery
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by Norman
9M ago
Sleep is a fundamental necessity of life, and even a minor sleep deficit can have a significant effect on your physical and mental health. Implementing healthy sleep hygiene practices can be integral to one’s mental health recovery process. Below are some suggestions that could help you promote positive sleeping habits: Exercise daily: integrating regular exercise into your routine not only helps with releasing endorphins (the hormones in one’s body associated with feeling pleasure) but can also increase the production of melatonin (the body’s main sleep-inducing hormone).   El ..read more
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How Are Ways We Can Notice Our Moods? How Do Our Thoughts Impact Our Moods?
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by joshkanner
9M ago
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines moods as “a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion.” Moods are influenced by a combination of three factors: biology (e.g., hormones and brain chemicals), psychology (e.g., personality and learned responses), and environment (e.g., illness, emotional stress, etc.). It can be difficult to recognize and accurately identify our moods without practice. Lacking access to and being unable to notice our moods can hinder our ability to intentionally shift them. Understanding your moods may help you work out what causes them and how you tend to behave ..read more
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How To Support A Loved One Going Through Depression
Arizona Psychiatric Health Blog
by joshkanner
9M ago
Depression, also known as major depressive disorder (MDD) or clinical depression, is listed as a medical illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and is recognized as a serious mood disorder. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that depression is “characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities,” resulting in significant impairment in one’s daily life. MDD is a complex psychiatric disorder that affects mood, cognition, behavior, and impedes adaptive functioning ..read more
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