Episode 13: Towards an Uncharted Future
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
5M ago
In this final episode, our mythic quest comes full circle and sets off into the unknown. We contemplate what it means to create our lives as a DEVOTIONAL masterpiece, and wonder, to what cause or purpose are we devoted? The story of Merlin going mad and wandering the wilderness allows us to see the full scope of our spiritual journeys up to the present, and gives us a way to move forward towards an uncharted future. Weaving together many of the mythic figures explored in previous episodes—Isis and Osiris, Mary Magdalene and Jesus—plus, a mind-expanding creation story into one mythic arc, we co ..read more
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Episode 12: Creation Amidst World Chaos
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
5M ago
How do we create the world we want to live within when we face so much chaos, horror and destruction? Can we ever move beyond damage control? In this episode, we call forth the wisdom of the great Hindu Goddess Durga and explore the story of her creation of the Mother Goddess of Death, Kali, upon the battlefield. We look directly into Kali’s dark, bottomless void in order to learn the true nature of the game currently being played out here on earth, and we learn the key of how to change it ..read more
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Episode 11: Rites of Passage
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
6M ago
Audio Block Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more What kinds of rites of passage would be fitting for a world lead and guided by the Evolutionary Androgyne? How do we transition from youth into adulthood learning how to balance the feminine and masculine within us? In this episode, we take a hard look at the culture’s current rites of passage (and significant lack there of) while exploring new possibilities through the ancient Greek coming of age story of Hermaphroditus—child of Aphrodite and Hermes. We explore potent opportunities to rewrite our own pasts so that we may co ..read more
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Episode 10: Remembering our Innocence
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
7M ago
How do we stay courageous when it appears as if the world is falling apart? How do we keep our hearts open when we are witness to atrocities and horror inflicted by fellow humans onto others? These are important questions to be asking during this time of messy chaos and global transformation. A key may be discovered in the ancient Turkish story of Shahmaran, the great Serpent Woman who lived under ground. Shahmaran helps us to remember our innocence by stripping away everything except what is at the deepest layers of our hearts. Journey with us into the UnderWorld realms of the earth as we lea ..read more
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Episode 8: Learning to Live in Truth
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
8M ago
The Great Flood is perhaps the most prolific myth told worldwide. It is difficult to find an indigenous culture that does NOT contain an allegorical tale of a great deluge that wipes out much of humanity. What is the collective lesson of this story if there is one? In this episode, we explore the laws of karma, justice and fate. We brave the realms of our shadows to excavate the ways we may be avoiding the whole awful truth, thus giving away our power. What does it takes to live in a state of inner truth so that history does not repeat itself? If there are consequences to all of our actions, h ..read more
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Episode 7: Birthing a New World
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
8M ago
What if the battle between light and dark, or good versus evil didn’t have to be resolved through war? What if we could step through a portal into a new world where differences and divisions resolve themselves through the laws of nature instead? In this episode, we go in search for this new world through the continuation of the Isis and Osiris Egyptian epic. Isis gives birth to Horus—the divine sun child and heir of Osiris. Horus and Set battle endlessly for rulership over Egypt. But as we learn early on, Isis has woven a different plan to move Egypt into a new golden age ..read more
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Episode 6: The Truth About Love
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
8M ago
If we love something, why must we also set it free? Why would we choose to sacrifice for the sake of love? In this episode, we answer those questions through the lens of one of the greatest love stories ever told, the Egyptian epic of Isis and Osiris. Isis takes us along her journey of grief, magic and letting go so that we may get to the truth about the nature, the power and the transformation of love ..read more
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Episode 5: Our Wild, Infinite & Mysterious Nature
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
8M ago
What really is at the heart of the collective longing for home—the deep yearning that so many of us experience for belonging or going back to the place from which we came? What if “home” is much more than just a physical location on earth, and has more to do with returning to a state of “being home” within our ensouled bodies? In this episode, we explore the potential extent of our wild, infinite and mysterious natures through the folklore story of the Selkie, the seal woman who loses her seal coat and leaves the ocean to marry a human man on land. We expand into the great breadth of power and ..read more
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Episode 4: Reclaiming Our Innate Majesty
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
8M ago
Imagine a world where we could all be royalty. What if we could redefine these words—majesty, queen, sovereign—so that they allow for the encompassing of all of humans, rather than a tiny select few at the top of a cultural hierarchy? In this episode, we reclaim our royal roots by exploring the recent surge in the mythology of Mary Magdalene. Why is she coming into our collective consciousness now? And how can we make sense of all the varying accounts of her? We bring these different theories and stories to the forefront, embracing the multiplicity of her mythic nature, which allows us each to ..read more
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Episode 3: The Masculine is Reborn
The Evolutionary Androgyne
by Charlotte Eléa
8M ago
What does it mean, in spiritual terms, to be be free? And what does it really take to lead a soul-led life? In this episode, we answer those questions by diving into the process of ego death and spiritual rebirth, and we are guided by the story of Cerridwen and Gwion Bach, otherwise called The Hanes Taliesin, the origin story of the great Celtic bard and poet. How does the cauldron and womb of the Goddess, shapeshifting, and drifting out at sea for forty years relate to your spiritual journey? Listen and discover now how to become the Midwife and Warrior of your own life, ego death and rebirth ..read more
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