Summer is almost here! Time to add to your TBR pile!
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
3w ago
Summertime is for vacations to beaches or mountains or lakes or wherever your fancy takes you. Sometimes summer is more a staycation and that’s perfect too! What makes summer special? Time with family (those kids are home from school so ENJOY!) Time with friends Time to unwind and relax Time for new adventures More time for READING!!! I will go ahead and admit that my writing will be on the backburner during summer as I enjoy having my kiddios home from their respective universities across the country but also because I just need a break (2023 was a h.e.double hockey sticks kinda year so I more
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What indie authors need most
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
9M ago
What do authors need most besides a literary agent or big name publishing company to come along, sweep him or her off his or her feet with a hefty signing bonus and promises the author will never have to lift a finger to market their own books? Throw in a Hollywood executive producer knocking on the door with a movie deal starring Tom Hiddleston or Keanu Reeves (or your celebrity crush of choice), I’d say that’d round out an author’s dream very nicely. But…the odds of the above are so itsy bitsy tiny, what do authors really need? Here’s a short list. Feel free to add your own thoughts: Strong more
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New Year and New Exciting PNR News and Much More!
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
9M ago
Did you do the traditional setting of new year resolutions for 2023? I’ve done so in the past and quite frankly…it’s been a waste of my energy because then when I don’t magnificently follow through I feel guilty for not “being the best I can be” and for “letting myself/others down.” Guilt is not a positive nor productive emotion and gets a person absolutely nowhere. So I endeavor to not set resolutions anymore, but instead take a loving and kind approach of each day doing my best. Some days it’ll be 10,000 (okay, maybe that’s a bit overly optimistic, how about 5,000) words written, the house c more
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Daily Gratitude Challenge
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
9M ago
Just a few days ago, those of us in the USA sat around a table with family and friends (some we liked and some we didn’t), pigged out on foods we wouldn’t normally cook, watched football or Hallmark or Lifetime channel holiday movies, and we declared that we were thankful. That’s what November and Thanksgiving is all about, right? Well, it got me to thinking. Why aren’t we grateful year round? Why don’t we express our thanks on a daily basis? Then my angels and spirit guides shouted, “Hallulejah! She gets it!” So today, I come to you with thanks and gratitude for subscribing to my website, for more
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Special Edition ~ Cover Reveal & Preorder
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
9M ago
After almost blowing the whole cover reveal last week when my excitement got the better of me when my author paperback proof came in the mail and I almost showed it off on TikTok… I am pleased to finally unleash this beautiful book cover (along with the preorder link) onto the fantasy and paranormal romance reading world! (drum roll please) PREORDER HERE What if everything we thought we knew about the fall of the most notorious archangel from history was wrong? What if Lucifer didn’t just fall… but he fell in love? Archangel Lucifer has been tasked with avenging slaughtered angels; but in so more
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TikTok – You Don’t Stop…
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
9M ago
Every time I hear someone say “TikTok” I think of a rap song that I can’t remember who sang but I think it was quite some time ago since my kids have absolutely no clue what song I’m referring to. But it’s not just a song. Apparently, it is a way of life and I am… well, to say it in the words of my people… Uncool because I have no friggin’ idea what to do with this new app that everyone is raving about. Also, apparently, it is ESSENTIAL for authors to help market books. Since my book marketing IQ is fairly low (borderline idiot), I need all the help I can get in that category. So here’s me more
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Who’s the Hunter? Who’s the Hunted?
KC Freeman - Fantasy & Paranormal Romance Blog
by kcfreemanauthor
9M ago
So, I did a thing recently. There was a short story I wrote that had been included in an anthology quite awhile back and was now free for me to re-publish if I chose to do so. Well, I did so choose. Do you enjoy steamy shifter romances? How about super steamy wolf shifter romances with a major emphasis on STEAM? Ok, yes, there is a plot, lots of intrigue, but also lots of sexy fun! And best of all… It’s FREE! At least for now anyway so take advantage of me please and download your #free #wolfshifterromance today! Download your free copy now A clandestine hacker takes from the corrupt politica more
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