6 Ways to Support Mental Health After Pregnancy Loss
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
4d ago
Pregnancy loss is multifaceted, and it impacts both mental and physical health. In the immediate aftermath of a miscarriage, you might experience a range of emotions and urges that feel confusing or even scary. Miscarriage is a major loss, even if it’s one that people often don’t talk about.  Losing a pregnancy can be incredibly traumatic. Grief is already a difficult emotion to deal with, but the taboo around miscarriage adds to many people’s pain and suffering. Often, people who experience a miscarriage are encouraged to keep their feelings to themselves, which makes them feel even more ..read more
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Finding a Psychologist: What to Consider
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
2w ago
Are you looking for a psychologist? If you’ve never been through the process before, it feels daunting! How do you go about finding a psychologist? Not just an effective one, but one who truly cares and connects with you? To help, we put together this guide of considerations and steps to take when trying to find a clinical psychologist that’s right for you: Take time to figure out what you’re looking for:  At the start of your search, it’s important to take time to reflect on what issues you’re looking for professional support with. The type of psychologist you’re looking for may change d ..read more
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Coping Strategies for Managing Grief and Loss
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
3w ago
Grief is a fact of life, but that doesn’t make it easy to deal with. We will all feel grief at some point in our lives, because life involves change, and change activates grief. You can grieve for many reasons, including the death of a loved one, but that’s not the only source of grief in life. Grief commonly comes up around experiences that involve a lot of change, like moving, changing jobs, becoming a parent, struggling with infertility, dealing with chronic conditions, changes in relationship status, and more.  To our brains, change is loss, and loss means grief.  Grief doesn’t f ..read more
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9 Blogs to Help You Navigate Difficult Parenting Moments
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
1M ago
Being a parent is a hard job, and unfortunately it doesn’t come with an instruction manual.  For most of us, what we learn about parenting is what we observed from our own families, and maybe some professionally recommended books here and there. But there are so many parts of parenthood that we may not even realize what we need to know until we need to know it. We know how hard it is to be a parent, and how isolating it can feel to need help but not know where to go for it. As a jumping off point, we’ve gathered all of the parenting resources from our blog to date, and put them together h ..read more
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Parenting with Chronic Pain
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
1M ago
Living with chronic pain is challenging–and parenting with chronic pain is a challenge that feels like it comes with little support.  Parenting can already feel like driving somewhere new without a map–when you add in managing chronic pain on top of that, it can be hard to find resources that speak to your experience. There are a lot of limitations that come with experiencing chronic pain that just aren’t factored in with typical parenting advice. This can make parenting–where your whole world is about your child, and you already feel a little removed from your “adult” social circles–feel ..read more
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What You Should Know About Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
1M ago
Did you know that there’s a treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that’s been shown to be effective for up to 80% of people with OCD? It’s a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). What is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)? ERP was developed to treat OCD, and it can be an incredibly effective form of treatment for folks dealing with obsessive thoughts and compulsions.  To understand ERP, it can help to understand more about how Obsessive Compulsive Disorder works. OCD involves intrusive thoughts that are disturbing and unw ..read more
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Don't Know What You're Feeling? Try This.
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
1M ago
You’re sitting in therapy and your therapist asks the dreaded question: how are you feeling right now? But there’s a storm of emotions in your head that you can’t decipher so you just say: I don’t know.  This happens to all of us, and not just in therapy. There are so many moments we find ourselves not knowing what we’re feeling–maybe because we haven’t taken enough time to sit with it, or maybe because we’re feeling something in a context we’ve never felt it before–or maybe because many of us aren’t taught to recognize and have compassion for what we’re feeling when we’re feeling it. Thi ..read more
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6 Signs It's Time for Couples Counseling
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
2M ago
Is it time for you and your partner to start couples counseling? When you’re feeling disconnected from your partner, it can feel hopeless and frightening. You might wonder what you can do to repair the connection you have and feel like a team again. Couples counseling can make a big difference in the way you communicate and connect with your partner. There’s no perfect time to start couples counseling, but it’s true that couples often wait for a very long time to get support after they start having problems. The negative patterns that lead to disconnection have more time to get ingrained the l ..read more
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What You Should Know About Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
2M ago
Did you know that there’s a treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that’s been shown to be effective for up to 80% of people with OCD? It’s a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). What is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)? ERP was developed to treat OCD, and it can be an incredibly effective form of treatment for folks dealing with obsessive thoughts and compulsions.  To understand ERP, it can help to understand more about how Obsessive Compulsive Disorder works. OCD involves intrusive thoughts that are disturbing and unw ..read more
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 5 Things You Should Know About It
Hope+Wellness Blog
by Crown Creatives Virtual Services
2M ago
If you’re thinking of starting therapy, you’ve likely run into the term modality before. A modality is the approach a therapist takes when providing care for their patients. One of the modalities we utilize here is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  CBT is an approach that focuses on how our thinking patterns influence our behavioral patterns. The main idea behind CBT is that thoughts influence how we feel and act. Basically: how we act can in turn also affect how we think and feel in a given situation, and our unhelpful thoughts can then lead to unhealthy behaviors and feelings ..read more
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