Voice Lessons: Tina Goodyear on how she lost her personal writing voice and, many years later, rediscovered it
Read Her Like An Open Book
by Bill Wolfe
3d ago
I have spent years teaching others to write. I have preached the power of the written word, have espoused the virtue of writing as empowerment, a vehicle for agency. I have doled out journals, pens, prompts and passion. I have prodded, encouraged, and held students’ hands as they wrestled with revision. I have helped the ..read more
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Fifteen writers pay tribute to Alice Munro, the queen of short stories
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by Bill Wolfe
5d ago
The literary world lost one of its most important and influential writers on May 13 when Alice Munro, who wrote only short stories from the late 1960s until her final collection, Dear Life, in 2013, passed away at the age of 92. There is no praise that was not heaped on her work during her ..read more
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CIVILISATION FRANCAISE author Mary Fleming on one of France’s best kept secrets
Read Her Like An Open Book
by Bill Wolfe
1w ago
Let me tell you about a region that is one of France’s best kept secrets. It lies at the southern tip of Normandy, only two hours from Paris and an hour west of Chartres, yet it remains remote in the minds of many French people and certainly most tourists. The area, whose assignation dates from ..read more
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Elizabeth Poliner: How mapping the stories of Alice Munro made me a better writer
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by Bill Wolfe
2w ago
With the passing of Canadian Nobel Prize-winner Alice Munro today at age 92, I thought I would re-share this insightful craft piece by Elizabeth Poliner. I first came to love Alice Munro’s stories for the resonance I felt with her subject matter—the close examination of the lives of girls and women; the tension she returns ..read more
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Seven stellar short story collections you may have missed
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by Bill Wolfe
1M ago
Short stories don’t receive the attention they deserve. Some readers dislike having to get oriented to characters, settings, and conflicts only to have to do it all over again with the next story. And some find the tight focus and often unsettled conclusions dissatisfying. I found that the more stories I read, the better I ..read more
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Climate Change, Eco-Grief, and the Power of Story: Maryann Lesert on the inspiration for her novel LAND MARKS
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by Bill Wolfe
1M ago
Recently, I had a conversation with Seth Bernard, a Michigan musician and activist, about art’s role in changing culture. Seth mentioned a phrase he had heard, “Culture changes at the speed of narrative,” which seems like the perfect opener for my musing on fiction with a message. Culture is, essentially, a story—a story that shapes ..read more
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WHALE FALL is an absorbing, lyrical coming of age story set on an isolated Welsh island
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by Bill Wolfe
1M ago
Whale Fall By Elizabeth O’Connor Pantheon Books: May 7, 2024 224 pages, $27.00 WHALE FALL is one of those books that sneaks up on you, holds you spellbound, and leaves a big impression. Elizabeth O’Connor’s debut can best be described as a cross between the thorny issues at play in Audrey Magee’s THE COLONY and ..read more
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THE CEMETERY OF UNTOLD STORIES is a bittersweet celebration of the lives of characters whose stories must be told and the Dominican immigrant experience
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by Bill Wolfe
1M ago
The Cemetery of Untold Stories By Julia Alvarez Algonquin Books: April 2, 2024 256 pages, $28.00 Believe it or not, The Cemetery of Untold Stories was my first Julia Alvarez book (hangs head in shame). I’ve been meaning to read In the Time of Butterflies and How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents for ages ..read more
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Laura McBride on “occupying the special zone of women’s bodies”
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by Bill Wolfe
2M ago
Laura McBride lives in Las Vegas and teaches composition at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas. She is the author of the novels We Are Called to Rise (read my review) and In the Midnight Room (read my review). The Women’s Alliance at my college asked me to give a talk on “women’s ..read more
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My Five Favorite First Quarter Reads
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by Bill Wolfe
2M ago
2024 is off to a great start, at least in terms of my reading. Despite many competing demands on my time and other distractions, I managed to read a diverse group of books outside of my usual preference for literary fiction. I hope you find something interesting to add to your reading list or see ..read more
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