Running: Why You Are Not Getting Faster
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
1w ago
As runners, we often get stuck in a rut. We've been running for years (or decades!) but see only slight improvement beyond the newbie gains we enjoyed initially.  What gives? You put in the work and run the miles, race the races, and even do some speed work here and there, but you seem to have plateaued indefinitely. You aren't getting faster. Running may feel easier than initially and more enjoyable, but you haven't seen tangible improvements in a long time. Many runners ask, “Why am I not getting faster?” The answer lies in training and understanding the difference between exercisi more
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The Ultimate Guide To Fat Loss For Runners
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
3w ago
Like many, I turned to running when faced with the need or desire to lose weight. I'm grateful for running, as it was the launching pad for my fitness journey and transformation. But as a runner, a coach, and a personal trainer, I've noticed several common misconceptions about fat loss and running that could impede your progress.  One of the most common questions for many of us is, why am I running so much but still not seeing the weight loss results I desire? Running burns many calories, so why aren't the pounds falling off? THE PROBLEM WITH RUNNING FOR FAT LOSS Let's start with ada more
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Is An Obsession with Numbers Killing Your Results?
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
1M ago
Have you ever stopped to consider if we're too fixated on the numbers—the scale, our pace, the weight on the bar, our steps, our calories, macros, or our body fat percentage? And if so, is this obsession helping or hurting us?  Of course, monitoring can be valuable. You've heard the saying that what gets measured gets managed.  If you don't track your calories, how will you know if you are eating too many (or too few)?  If you don't monitor your weight, how can you be sure it doesn't get out of hand?  It's not the numbers themselves; it's our emotional attachment to them. W more
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My Favorite Non-Fiction Book Quotes (Running, Goal Achievement, Mindset)
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
2M ago
As part of my New Year's Resolutions (remember those?), I decided to scroll less on my phone at night to relax and read on my Kindle instead. Mentally, it was an easy swap, one black gadget for another. I like to read, and my list of books I wanted to dive into was piling up, so I began reading. I joined Libby to borrow books from the library and have Spotify Premium, where you get a fixed number of audiobook listening hours each month. It's April first. Do you know how many books I have read so far this year? 24! How many did I read last year? I think five. That was a lot of wasted time on so more
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Meet Lea: The Lessons That Took Me Ten Years to Learn
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
2M ago
I want to tell you about the crazy ride that took me from an insecure chronic dieter to a fitness professional and health coach. But first, I want to thank you for being here. My fitness story begins with the first time I gained thirty pounds.  That’s right. I, too, struggled with my weight and my relationship with health and fitness. In fact, I’d bet that many speed bumps, barriers, or difficulties you encounter when trying to lose weight or get in shape…I’ve been there. Overweight? Been there. Underweight and miserable because of unhealthy exercise habits? Been there. Hiding from famil more
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What Does Poultry Have To Do With Self-Compassion?
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
3M ago
One thing my mom taught me as a kid that served me well over the years into adulthood is that you don't have to believe everything you think. It seems obvious, but it can be surprising how we assume our thoughts are always true. In fact, we don't often consider that we are having the thoughts at all; they are just there. Do you even recognize that you can be hard on yourself? Do you notice when you give yourself less grace and understanding than you do to other people? Think of someone you care deeply about. Are you kinder to them than you are to yourself?  The first step is noticing and more
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Help Me With My Morning Routine!
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
4M ago
I need your help to hold me accountable. I know what you are thinking, "Lea, aren't you the coach? Why am I holding you accountable?" All you have to do is read this blog post, and you've done your job. Coaches have the same human brain that you do, and behavior change can be challenging for anyone! I have a good news/bad news scenario. The good news is that my training/coaching schedule is getting very busy with clients. The bad news is that I am struggling to find the time to get my workouts in. I work with clients during the times I used to work out. Please don't get me wrong; I am beyond g more
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How To Develop The Skills To Run a Marathon
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
5M ago
Have you ever downloaded a twelve or sixteen-week training plan from the internet, finished all the workouts in the first few weeks, and then got thrown off track? Yeah, me too. The problem is not that you don't have the dedication, willpower, or personal inner strength to follow through; it is more likely that you didn't (yet) have the skills and habits to fit marathon training into your busy lifestyle. The good news is that you can build those skills now with some work and commitment to new daily actions. Running is a skill that needs to be cultivated and practiced. You can develop running f more
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Runners of a Certain Age (A Series for Runners Over 40)
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
5M ago
About twenty years ago, I gained about thirty pounds, which changed my life trajectory in a positive way. Gaining thirty-something pounds around the time I turned thirty was the best thing that could have happened to me. I was never a person who (previous to this weight gain) worried about her weight. Growing up, I was naturally thin despite my lack of athleticism and poor diet. As many young people do, I survived on a fast food diet, and exercise was a four-letter word. I was more interested in makeup and fashion than personal records and finish lines. Then, as often happens, my lifestyle cau more
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10 Ways to Harness the Power of Self-Control to Elevate Your Potential For Behavior Change
Lea Genders Fitness
by Lea Genders
5M ago
Are you someone who feels conflicted between what you should do and what you want to do and hopes to make better choices and decisions to improve your long-term health?  I will cover some tangible ways to revise your thinking, environment, situation, and habits for the best chances of success with behavior change. Why? Because people with greater self-control are more likely to achieve their goals! It's that time when people start thinking about goals and resolutions for the new year. Did you know there is science behind why we do this? In the research paper by Angela L. Duckworth, Kathe more
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