Uranus – The Mad Scientist Of Astrology & It’s Effects on You in 2020
Tarot By Anisha Blog
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9M ago
Unlike the rest of the planets, Uranus is the only planet named after a Greek (instead of a Roman one) sky God Ouranos, the father of mythological Saturn.  Astrologically, Uranus is associated with chaos, unpredictability, limitlessness, breakthroughs, and breakdowns. Though Mercury is associated with technology, in some schools of astrology, Uranus is often referred to as the “higher octave” leading it to be a symbol of electricity and the internet. Uranian energy is defined by eccentricity, nonconformity, and extremes. Depending on where Uranus is placed in our natal charts, the ho ..read more
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Loving Without Fear: The Acceptance Game
Tarot By Anisha Blog
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9M ago
“Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.” — Brene Brown We are taught as children to be selfless, to be okay when someone treats us badly and maybe this exists more in Asian culture, where patriarchal culture is dominant. However, being cheated upon is a global phenomena. More prevalent and common across geographies and countries. The importance of it of course, varies. Unfortunately, the impact uniformly  stays as devastating and heart breaking for anyone hurt. Post the mishap, when the you manage to crawl out of the mess and stand over the ..read more
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Total Solar Eclipse in Leo & How It Will Effect You – August 2017
Tarot By Anisha Blog
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9M ago
Unlike the potent Lunar Eclipse on 7th August, the Solar eclipse on 21st August, is likely to be milder. Astrologically speaking, we’ll feel the impact of both of these eclipses. We have already felt the full effect of the powerful Lunar Eclipse on 7th August. Eclipses tend to shake up the status quo and reveal things that are veiled from us. Solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between earth and the sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s apparent diameter is larger than the sun’s, blocking all d ..read more
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These Are The Effects Of Saturn In Pisces – March 2023 – Feb 2026
Tarot By Anisha Blog
by admin
9M ago
As per astrology, March 2023 is one of the most important months of the year 2023. There are major planetary movements that take place during March 2023. We have movement of multiple slow moving planets. https://www.tarotbyanisha.com/pluto-in-aquarius-astrology/ Moon and Saturn move into the dreamy Pisces which in astrology is associated with creativity, intuition, and spirituality. Moon is the natural ruler of emotions, and its placement in Pisces can heighten sensitivity, empathy, and imagination. Saturn on the other hand in Pisces will bring about a time to look inward, finish that incomple ..read more
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4 Tips To Set 2023 Resolutions
Tarot By Anisha Blog
by admin
9M ago
Let’s drop the charade for once and for all of this silly childish tradition of setting resolutions when the chances are that not only will we not achieve them, but we will forget them halfway through the first quarter. So let’s not bother! Because if we approach all of our life the way we approach our New Year’s resolutions, we’ll forever be the gold fish in a bowl. So maybe a better question to ask is: Why do we need to set intentions at all? Why need to be so goal focussed? And, we always need to be thinking about our future? Is the hype justified around pushing our bodies an ..read more
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2022 Astrology Review & A Peek Into 2023
Tarot By Anisha Blog
by admin
9M ago
Where 2022 post the lifting of lockdowns was all about refiguring our personal equation – as to where we stand in the world and how we re establish ourselves, 2023 is focussed on finding peace in the midst of chaos. As much as we would like to rush ahead to greet 2023, we have Mercury which is retrograde – lounging at the gates of 2023 – asking us to pause and look back at the lessons 2022 gave us. A perfect time to “re”: rethink, review, renegotiate, recharge, and rest. Mercury retrograde will hold us back four times in 2023 – and interestingly all its retrogrades are in the earth signs. Indi ..read more
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Tarot By Anisha Blog
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9M ago
Aquarius full moon on Friday, July 23, 2021, makes a tense aspect to Venus. So the spiritual meaning of full moon July 2021 astrology relates to relationship irritants and karmic imbalances involving our love lives.  An aspect pattern linked to the July 2021 full moon creates a lot of activity and makes you want to achieve something and reach your goals. But it also creates irritability and inner tension that can make it very difficult to relax. Over the next few weeks, consider what it means for you to open your heart to your partner. What does it mean for you to align with someone you c ..read more
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Nothing Is Permanent: Lessons Of 2020
Tarot By Anisha Blog
by admin
9M ago
“Everything, in its way, is a gift – even the painful things. In reality, all of life every moment, every experience – is an expression of spirit.”  -Adyashanti I personally will never forget 2020 – not due to covid – in fact, the pandemic came as a reminder of the people I hold dear…of the things that needed to get done today..not tomorrow ..not next month. Release what you hold tightly… I lost the love of my life for 9 years – Jimi boy – who had come into my life when unknowingly I needed him more than he needed me….Nothing was falling apart – life was peacefully mundane…voids had l ..read more
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Mars Retrograde 9th September – 13th November
Tarot By Anisha Blog
by admin
9M ago
Tarot card readers and astrologers often tend to use the traditional ways to describe the energies of Mars, the warrior planet whose retrograde tends to affect our relationships the most. Though Mars traditionally is described as the alpha male symbol, it’s pertinent to keep in mind that all of us possess shades of both of the alpha Aries and the Venus (feminine) energies. When retrogrades happen, these energies and how we express them in our personal lives can go off in another sphere – but it’s not all hopeless. When Mars, the warrior planet goes retrograde, certain areas of our life can fe ..read more
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How To Navigate Through Hurt
Tarot By Anisha Blog
by admin
9M ago
One of the first steps we can take, whether we are seeking physical or emotional healing, says Kornfield, is to hold ourselves with compassion and love. “Just as yeast is a necessary ingredient for bread to rise, compassion and love are the necessary ingredients for healing.” We all understand and know in our hearts, what is right, what is wrong, what it means when someone is disrespectful towards us or loving and respects our boundaries. Unfortunately our toughest lessons come from people closest to us, who may work as catalyst for change in us. The trick is not to ignore the hurt that rises ..read more
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