A Mother’s Love
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
3w ago
Written for Mother’s Day, 12th May 2024. Wishing you a meaningful Mother’s Day, reminiscing, grieving, celebrating, whatever that may be or bring up for you. I felt inspired to share and go within, feeling, as I, probably like most of us, have unresolved past stuff about my mum. It can feel raw, mixed up, filled with gratitude and regret. As we grow, our memories and perceptions usually change. Here it is for your reading and feeling experience. You are welcome to reply to me, especially if it stirs up feelings which you may need help with. Enjoy. When we are young, for most of us, our moth ..read more
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Are You on Automatic Pilot, or Are You Living Mindfully?
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
1M ago
Hello Everybody We are back in the swing of the year now and as people settle into 2024, laughter sessions are going well. Laughing together is such a healthy thing and there are now more opportunities to do so, thanks for Your Library support in this area.  I have been still working a lot on decluttering and minimising, being present, drawing, walks in the park, meditation, and more. What we make of our life can depend so much on what energy we put into it, the direction we are focusing on and being flexible and adaptable. Over the years I have let go much wanting to be in control of ..read more
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How Does Mindfulness Compliment Laughter Club Activities?
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
4M ago
Hello Everyone What two wonderful topics, Mindfulness and Laughter Yoga! Today I will share about mindfulness, which is a huge topic. Essentially, when you attend a laughter club session, you are way more present and, in the moment, practicing mindfulness without even knowing it! When we laugh, we have eye contact and simultaneously, have heart connections with each other. It is very uplifting and energising. There are huge health and social benefits that come naturally when we laugh together. You will very likely agree that our lives are richer when we are conscious, feeling ourselves pres ..read more
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Loneliness Prevention Using Laughter Club Involvement and More
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
6M ago
Hello Everyone I feel you will agree that we and people generally, have changed significantly in the last few years, as a result of the trauma, sickness, and isolation due to the Covid-19 virus. Many of us live fearfully, in more isolation and feeling alone nowadays. Especially as the Covid virus is still prevalent and I know of people who have caught it either again, or for the first time, as well as others who live in fear of catching the virus. We must march on and use these negative opportunities looming down upon us to reach out to one another in support and comradeship. This is exactly ..read more
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Minimalising and Laughter Yoga 101 in 2023
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
8M ago
Hello Everyone I feel to touch on decluttering again and bring up minimalising, as they can be expressions of our personality, because our habits are ingrained in our daily lives. A high percentage of people hoard and buy stuff, or even live in a way where they are being busy being busy, because of low self esteem. It may well be unconscious too, as we can put on a bravado attitude, which covers it up with others and we can be led to believe our strong bravado, outgoing way is a ‘good’ thing, when in fact it covers up how we actually feel about ourselves. Ha. It is all very complex, isn’t ..read more
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It is Never Too Late For New Things – You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
9M ago
The Ferntree Gully Library regularly hosts Laughter Yoga for the Ferntree Gully Laughter Club. It believes in providing the community a taste of what activities, groups, interests are available for them to be part of. One said that she had spontaneous light-hearted laughter afterwards, which continued for a couple of days and she planned to join us on a regular basis. And so she did, together with a friend, who participated and enjoyed it as well. As a result of this occurrence, two ladies have joined us as regular members/attendees, both as a result, also bringing a friend along. Another n ..read more
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How Laughter Affects our Judgment and Self-Acceptance
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
9M ago
Did you know that Laughter Yoga can help us feel better about ourselves? Gently, gradually, with regular connecting at laughter club, we can become more self accepting and a less judgment person. We develop a tolerance as we accept other people, situations and things in our life and at the same time, lose self-judgment. Many of us humans are full of crippling self-judgment, lacking in self-love and self-acceptance and the great news is that laughter helps lose that pattern. Our habits are developed from a very young age as a survival mechanism, even from a baby, we instinctively and uncons ..read more
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Birthdays, Anniversaries, Celebrations, Grief and Loss.
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
9M ago
Do you love having birthdays? At laughter club, we do and celebrate member’s birthdays with a cake. It is an opportunity for people to feel accepted, loved, have a sense of belonging and sometimes, to get over self consciousness. I feel to talk about the elephant in the room, because at this time of the year, coming up to Christmas, many of us will find the festive season very difficult. It is all right to be as we are, to take our time with healing and very likely, there will always be a hole, albeit a place of wounding in our heart. You will no doubt agree that nothing will ever be the same ..read more
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Energy Field Clearing and Laughter Club Meetings
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
9M ago
This blog shares how clearing your energy field ties in with the laughter we do together. At the end of laughter meetings and other public sessions, I lead a short harmonising energy meditation because it is something I personally practice and believe it to be most valuable. It is called ‘Basic Energetic Hygiene Resource’ and is an important part of my weekly personal growth/energetic hygiene classes. You can also engage in this regularly in your everyday life. As it is an important topic, it felt timely to tell you about it, as you may be unfamiliar with the concept of energetic clearing ..read more
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Laughter Yoga 101 – in Other Words, Basic Info.
Laughter for Living Blog
by Lynette Mitchell
9M ago
  Laughter clubs run on the premise that we laugh together for fun and fitness. There are many things we can do for fun and fitness, but none as simple as choosing to laugh and consciously do deep breathing exercises. You do not need any props, just a willingness to make it regular and do it. It is easier to laugh together in a group, that’s why laughing clubs have taken off all around the world. Deep breathing has many benefits, some are to oxygenate and circulate our blood around our bodies. It also increases our lung capacity, strengthening the muscles around our lungs. We become m ..read more
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