How to improve your mental health as an entrepreneur in 4 steps
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
When an entrepreneur is struggling to cope with life's problems, the individual is not able to maintain focus on their important goals. This leads to a range of personal and professional consequences that engineer the decline of their business and impact the health of their workforce. But this doesn’t have to be the case. There are multiple things that can be done to improve our mental health and avoid all the consequences that poor mental health has on our job and the people around us. Here are some tips on what you can do: Get a good night of sleep. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to more
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5 Tips para ayudar a tu empresa a despegar con firmeza en el 2022
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
The beginning of 2022 is an excellent opportunity to define our company's goals, design a strategic plan that will allow us to achieve them, and take risks that will set us up for success. According to Forbes magazine (*Villa D. 2022), these are the 5 best tips to get off to a strong start in this new year: Track your vacation customers. The holidays are full of consumers who want to buy immediately. But what do you do with those consumers who show interest initially but fall by the wayside? Do you have processes in place to reach these potential customers? Take advantage of this to open up n more
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2000 New Opportunities
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
A year has 8760 hours. Of those hours, about 2920 are spent sleeping, between 2000 and 2500 working, and the rest are part of our free time. These 2000-2500 hours of annual work come from a simple calculation in which we count the average 8 hours of work per day - 40 hours of work per week - and multiply it by 52 weeks of work per year. Now, just because the average workday is 8 hours doesn't mean that all 8 are put to good use. In fact, it has been shown that, out of an 8-hour workday, the average worker is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes. And you may wonder, but where do the other more
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¿Qué es la Resiliencia y cómo Desarrollarla en el Entorno Laboral
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez qué hace que alguien tenga éxito en el trabajo? En los lugares de trabajo actuales, en los que hay recortes de personal, plazos de entrega, rivalidad y cambios organizativos, el éxito depende de la capacidad de las personas para sobrellevar e incluso prosperar cuando se enfrentan al estrés. ¿Qué es la Resiliencia? La resiliencia se refiere a la capacidad de una persona para "recuperarse" cuando se enfrenta a las adversidades inevitables de la vida. El lado fascinante de la resiliencia es que es una habilidad aprendida. Como cualquier otra habilidad, la resiliencia more
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Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
El ritmo de trabajo es, en ocasiones, tan vertiginoso que las personas terminan realizando sus tareas como autómatas, sin tener siquiera tiempo para pensar en cosas tan básicas como el por qué o el objetivo de las acciones que ejecutan. El estrés, la insatisfacción o la falta de enfoque son la consecuencia de esta realidad, que algunas empresas como Google, Intel, y Aetna están transformando gracias al mindfulness. El mindfulness es una técnica de atención plena que los trabajadores y empresarios pueden aplicar tanto en su vida personal como laboral. Es un método en el que el profesional consi more
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El autocuidado para una mayor productividad laboral
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
Nuestra vida profesional puede ser complicada, estresante, y en ocasiones abrumadora. A menudo, nos encontramos con demasiadas responsabilidades que drenan nuestra energía y nos impiden ser altamente productivos de manera constante. Por ello, dedicar tiempo de calidad a cuidarnos y a hacer lo que nos apasiona es un camino seguro hacia el éxito, también en el mundo laboral. Un claro ejemplo son las mujeres directivas que tienen que hacer malabares con sus cargos profesionales, sus familias, y sus responsabilidades diarias. No es de extrañar que muchas de ellas tengan rutinas diarias de autocuid more
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Chaos as a catalyst for deep transformation – Episode 4 of 4 –
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
As happened to all of us, the year 2020 (our fourth year of operation) came to this story with a radical and disruptive transformation. The unimaginable happened and for several months the whole world stopped. My clients, just like me, ceased their operations and were confined to the core of their homes, which aroused in me an even greater concern: the next time I speak with them (which was going to happen in a few hours or days), the conversations were surely going to have a tinge of fear, uncertainty, and pessimism. I remember being worried, and even afraid, emotions that faded away when I r more
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A 180° turn and an emotional roller coaster– Episode 3 of 4 -
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
The first year was challenging due to a serious health issue suffered months before (something I did not consider relevant when opening the company), my productivity and focus were not as expected; at least not what I needed to cover the expenses of a new company in the middle of the most serious economic recession in the history of the province of Alberta, and even worse, to generate enough cash flow to replace the fixed income I had given up not long ago. This scenario was not considered in my business plan, how was it possible that I, myself, was the biggest risk factor for my company! Repe more
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A Story of Transformation and Determination– Episode 2 of 4 -
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
Now that the purpose of my company has been revealed, I am going to share the source of its name, Eagle Business Coaching. It comes from a legend that I heard from the mouth of a North American Indigenous in a Pow-Wow just months after arriving in Alberta. His storytelling skills impressed me, but the legend itself triggered in me an episode of deep reflection that lasted for months, and for which, I will be eternally grateful. The legend says that eagles are the longest-lived of all birds, living up to 70 years. By the time they reach 40 years of age, their talons, beaks, and feathers have de more
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De la Estrategia Corporativa al Propósito de Vida – Episodio 1 /4
Eagle Business Coaching Blog
by Eagle Business Coaching
9M ago
El tiempo siempre me ha parecido enigmático por su intrigante manera de adaptarse a las emociones y circunstancias que experimentamos, aunque muchas veces suceda de una manera opuesta a la que desearíamos. Los momentos más divertidos e intensos parecen ser muy cortos, y, en contraste, el suspenso y la incertidumbre parecen gozar de una incomprensible longevidad. Sin embargo, si lo traducimos a unidades de medida, estaríamos hablando solo de horas, minutos o segundos. En este contexto, debo confesar que los últimos cinco años han sido tan cortos como el día más feliz de mi vida, y tan largos co more
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