Tiny Houses and Trees- Risks and Benefits
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
6M ago
Tiny Houses and Trees - Risks and Benefits Give me a home among the gumtrees. With lots of plum trees, a sheep or two, and a kangaroo… This iconic Australian tune from the 1970s became famous well before the tiny house movement was a thing. However, as cheesy as it may sound, it’s fair to say that the dream of a picturesque landscape among the trees is shared by many tiny dwellers.   While the benefits of trees and plants are undeniable, there are also risks that need to be considered when moving your tiny to a parking spot “among the [gum] trees…” Addressing these risks may r ..read more
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Best Tiny House Airbnb Rentals In Australia
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
Australia is home to a wide range of natural landscapes and water formations. There are forests, mountain ranges, deserts, and many open spaces in the country.  In addition to the plethora of wonderful outdoor views and experiences on offer, you can now experience something new in terms of your accommodation too — by staying in a tiny house.  If you’ve never heard of tiny homes you might be wondering why small size is an appealing factor but read on to learn more…. We have everything you need to know about Tiny house Airbnb for rent in Australia and some of the best places to visit ..read more
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Air Conditioning For Tiny Houses In Australia
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
Air Conditioning For Tiny Houses In Australia | How to achieve thermal comfort Living in a tiny house comes with a number of benefits. Most tiny enthusiasts will agree that, to make the most of tiny house living, a lot of planning needs to be done to be able to utilize that small space as effectively as possible. A really important component of achieving a great tiny house is having a comfortable indoor temperature – no one wants to live in a house that feels like an oven in summer or a freezer in winter.  Air conditioning is one of the most obvious tools we have to be able to control i ..read more
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How Much Does a Tiny House Cost? (Australian Guide)
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
Tiny houses have enjoyed rising popularity for the last several years globally. The demand for Tiny Houses in Aus is at an all-time high, according to Channel 9 News. They reported a boom in prospective tiny home buyers amid skyrocketing housing prices in Melbourne (2021).  Why? The flexibility to live on a budget, free up resources, and live modestly yet comfortably has become a popular way of life for singles, seniors, and expanding families worldwide. Notwithstanding the arrival of the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme and the different First Home Owners’ Grants available throug ..read more
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Vibrant Tiny House in the Dandenong Ranges
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
Tracie and Brad Armstrong, along with their young daughter have created a perfect example of everything that tiny house living can offer. This couple has created their very own oasis in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne and they’ve never been more comfortable. Their journey to tiny house living evolved very organically over a number of years. Upon reflection, the couple believe it started around 10 years ago when they first moved out to the Dandenongs. Keen to have their daughter grow up around nature they made the tree change, finding a beautiful house to rent in the ranges but ..read more
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Solar Panels for Tiny Houses: Your Quick-start Guide
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
Are you looking to go off grid with efficient, durable solar panels for your tiny house? Solar power energy is the most accessible electricity source on the planet, particularly in Australia!  Solar power will not only power your THOW’s core energy uses, which include lighting, cooling, and heating, just as in a typical home, you will also get to enjoy the comfort of your fridge, hot water, and cooking without having to worry about a  power bill.  An investment in solar energy yields more than just saving on your ongoing power costs. Solar power energy offers you the freedom to ..read more
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What Is A THOW? – A Complete Guide
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
What is a Tiny House? THOW (Tiny House on Wheels or Tiny Home on Wheels) are small homes built on trailers for residential purposes that offer a cheaper, more environmentally friendly alternative to regular housing options. What is not a THOW? There are also other small home options that offer great alternatives to regular houses but are not technically tiny houses on wheels, these include Tiny houses built on foundations or skids, kit homes, and shipping container homes.   milivigerova/Pixabay Random Facts About THOW Australian homes are found to be the biggest in the world at an avera ..read more
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Top 5 Tiny House Insurance Companies in Australia
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
Additional Update*** October 2022 — In addition to the caravan policies mentioned in the update below, the Australian Tiny House Association have also come to an agreement with Benjamin and Benjamin Insurance Company to provide another option for tiny house dwellers. The Australian Tiny House Association have said the following “Benjamin and Benjamin Insurance Group have been able to secure a national underwriter to assist those seeking tiny house insurance. A tiny house will be insurable while it is on a physical property and ‘fixed’ to the land which includes: steps, decks, off grid and on g ..read more
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Where Can I Get Tiny House Plans in Australia?
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
So you’ve decided to embark on the daunting yet exciting journey of a DIY tiny house build. You’ve considered the realities of how you live your life and have gotten clear on exactly what functions your tiny house needs to support. Now it’s time for your Tiny House Plans to come to life.  Let’s look at some of the things you should consider when designing a tiny house and creating/finding your tiny house plans. Things to include in your tiny house plans Begin by finding inspiration A great place to start every tiny journey is with a collection of ideas from existing builds. As you go thr ..read more
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Tiny House Land Rental – What Landowners Need To Know
Tiny Houses Aus Blog
by Tiny Houses Aus
9M ago
So you’ve heard about the growing tiny house movement and you’re interested in being involved in the tiny house land rental scene. You’ve got a bit of space in your yard you’d be happy to share. You’d love some extra cash every week for doing nothing. Maybe you like the idea of having someone else nearby or a bit of extra security for your property, or maybe you’re just a true blue Aussie who’s happy to help a fellow citizen achieve their tiny dreams.  Whatever has bought you here, welcome!  If you’re considering renting your land out, you may have questions about how it all works. W ..read more
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