Understanding Military Benefits in Ohio Divorce Cases
Hoffman Law Blog
by Hoffman Law
2w ago
Divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process, and when one or both spouses are members of the military, the situation can become even more intricate. In Ohio, understanding how military benefits are treated in divorce cases is crucial for ensuring a fair and equitable settlement. This blog post will provide a comprehensive overview of how military benefits are handled in Ohio divorces, including the division of military pensions, healthcare benefits, and other considerations. Division of Military Pensions One of the most significant assets in a military divorce is the military ..read more
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Ohio Divorce Stock Transfers: Navigating Ohio's Equitable Distribution Laws and Tax Implications
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
2M ago
In Ohio, where equitable distribution laws govern property division, understanding the nuances of stock transfers and their tax implications is crucial for both parties involved. Let's delve into how Ohio handles these matters and what it means for divorcing couples. Equitable Distribution in Ohio Ohio follows the principle of equitable distribution, which means that marital property is divided fairly, although not necessarily equally, between spouses during a divorce. Marital property typically includes assets acquired during the marriage, including stocks and other investments. Transfer o ..read more
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Am I entitled to my ex-spouse's social security benefits in an Ohio divorce?
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
2M ago
You may claim social security benefits based on your ex-spouse's work record if the following criteria are met: You were married to each other for at least 10 years; You are no longer married; You are 62 years old or older; Your ex-spouse is entitled to social security retirement or disability benefits; and If you are entitled to benefits on your own, your benefit must be less than the amount you would receive. ve based on your ex-spouse's work ..read more
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Do's and Don'ts for a Client Preparing for a Divorce Deposition
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
2M ago
Dos: Prepare thoroughly: Review all relevant documents, including financial records, communication exchanges, and any other pertinent information related to the divorce case. Understand the process: Familiarize yourself with the deposition process, including what to expect, how to answer questions and the role of your attorney during the deposition. Be honest: Always tell the truth during the deposition. Lying or being dishonest can severely damage your credibility and negatively impact your case. Listen carefully: Pay close attention to each question asked during the depo ..read more
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Serving Ohio Divorce Papers to a Spouse Abroad under the Hague Convention
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
3M ago
Are you facing the daunting task of serving divorce papers to your spouse, but they reside in another country? The process can seem overwhelming, but fear not – there are established procedures to ensure your documents are served properly and legally, even across international borders. If you're in Columbus, Ohio and your spouse is living abroad, understanding the Hague Convention and its implications for serving divorce papers is crucial. The Challenge of International Service Serving divorce papers on a spouse living in another country presents unique challenges. Different legal systems, lan ..read more
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Who Gets What? Unpacking Ohio Divorce: What Happens to a Business Owned Before Marriage?
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
3M ago
In Ohio, the interest a spouse has in a business formed before marriage in divorce cases can vary depending on several factors. Ohio is an equitable distribution state, which means that marital property is divided fairly but not necessarily equally in a divorce. Here are some considerations: Marital vs. Separate Property: Generally, assets acquired during the marriage are considered marital property and subject to division in a divorce, while assets acquired before the marriage are considered separate property. However, if the business's value increased during the marriage due to the efforts ..read more
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Are you claiming that your home was a gift in a Columbus divorce case?
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
3M ago
In Ohio, when determining whether property acquired during marriage is considered separate or marital property, courts often consider factors such as: The intention of the donor: If the parents clearly intended the house to be a gift to only one spouse, this could weigh in favor of it being considered separate property. How the property is titled: If the property is titled solely in one spouse's name, this could indicate that it's intended to be separate property. However, jointly titling the property or titling it in both spouses' names could suggest that it's intended to be marital property ..read more
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What are survivor percentages in the division of property orders (DOPOs)?
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
3M ago
In the context of a DOPO (Division of Property Order), survivor percentages typically don't involve a direct payment or cost. Instead, they represent a legal mechanism for determining how jointly owned property or assets will be distributed in the event of one party's death. Survivor percentages are often established as part of divorce settlements or legal agreements between parties who jointly own property. They specify the proportion of jointly owned property that each party would retain if the other were to pass away. This allocation is typically based on various factors, including the cont ..read more
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Placing Funds in Escrow During Columbus Divorce Cases - Columbus Divorce Lawyers
Hoffman Law Blog
by Hoffman Law
4M ago
In a divorce case, parties may agree or be ordered by the court to place funds into escrow for various reasons. Here are some common scenarios: Property division: If there are disputes over the division of assets, such as real estate, investments, or valuable items, funds may be placed into escrow until a final agreement or court ruling is reached. Child support or spousal support: Funds might be placed into escrow to ensure that financial obligations like child support or spousal support are met on time and in full. Contingencies: In some cases, funds may be placed into escrow ..read more
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Inter Vivos Gifts in Divorce in Ohio
Hoffman Law Blog
by Eric Hoffman
4M ago
Divorce proceedings can be complex and emotionally charged, often involving the division of assets acquired during the marriage. One aspect that adds an extra layer of complexity is the treatment of inter vivos gifts – gifts given between living individuals. In the state of Ohio, understanding the implications of inter vivos gifts in divorce is crucial for both spouses. This blog post aims to shed light on this often-overlooked aspect of divorce proceedings in Ohio. Understanding Inter Vivos Gifts: Inter vivos gifts, also known as lifetime gifts, are transfers of property or assets made during ..read more
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