Wi-fi Marketing – How providing free Wi-fi can boost in-store analytics
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
Offering free Wi-fi to customers in store has become a standard practice. Complimentary Wi-fi is often anticipated by customers these days, and very much appreciated when they visit you on site. But did you know that offering this free Wi-fi doesn’t just benefit your customers, but also presents you with opportunities to enhance sales and endorse your brand? Studies have found many correlations between complimentary Wi-fi and sales data, such as diners being happier to eat alone in a restaurant if there is free Wi-fi, and that when free Wi-fi is present higher sales numbers are reported by ret ..read more
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Picture This – The Importance of Images on Websites
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
Imagine a website without a picture on it. Just a wall of text… Would you want to stay on this site? Probably not. It would be overwhelming and lacking flow; nothing would grab your attention or keep you interested. Images to websites are like lights in the dark. They break up the space, make your webpage easier to understand, allow effortless navigation, and create a view worth looking at. Websites displaying photographs have an attribute of richness that influences your sites success through two key courses. The first attributes to search engine optimisation, allowing search engines to inter ..read more
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Basic Guide to Gravity Forms in WordPress
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
Having forms on your website is great for so many reasons! Whether you are wanting to let people get in contact with you, get a sign up to a newsletter, or gather information for a unique service you provide. Gravity Forms is our preferred plugin to help you achieve this on your WordPress site. After the initial build of your website, there may be small changes and adjustments you want to make to these forms. This article covers some of the basic changes that are always handy to know when it comes to your Gravity Forms. Forms The Forms tab navigates to the Gravity Forms plugin. This plugin is ..read more
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Guide to Making Basic WordPress Changes
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
WordPress is a great platform to build a website on. With an abundance of post types, plugins, and broad functionality, it can be melded into the website of your dreams. After the initial build of your website, there may be small changes and adjustments you want to make to the back end or front end of your site. This article covers some of these basic changes that are always handy to know when it comes to your WordPress site. Logging In To log in to your website go to your website URL and add “/wp-admin” at the end of the URL. From the login page, enter the username and password provided to y ..read more
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Finding a replacement solution for WorkflowMax
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
We got a surprising email today – that Xero is discontinuing WorkflowMax. This was surprising, as Xero had been adding new features such as UUIDs, and new screens into WorkflowMax in the past 6 months.  They have given us 15 months to change solution.   They had included a vaguely worded sentence about a new company taking over the WorkflowMax brand, but why would we let a new company take over an already old and aged product? It was surprising – as they seemed more concerned about saying that Xero were going to get a ‘revenue share’ back from the new product, than what the new ..read more
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What is Google Analytics 4?
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
Google Analytics 4, also known as GA4, is the latest version of the popular web analytics tool offered by Google. It provides businesses and website owners with insights about their online audience, such as their behaviour, demographics, and interests. Google is always updating various online tools, and it can get overwhelming to understand why they make certain changes, so let’s take a look at what GA4 is and how to read it on a basic level.   What is Google Analytics 4? GA4 is the newest version of Google’s web analytics tool that uses machine learning to provide insights into user beha ..read more
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Marketing in the Era of Covid-19
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
When venturing out into the world resembles a post-apocalyptic wasteland during lockdowns, and covid is still ever threatening on our horizons, only the nimble and flexible businesses have the best chance of survival. The Covid-19 pandemic has rewritten and redefined marketing for this new age. Marketing and the way people do business has been fundamentally changed. However, marketing goals remain the same, whether it be generating brand awareness, increasing leads, or creating customer affinity, and ultimately growing and scaling your business. Following are the trends that the Covid era has ..read more
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The Map to Google Campaigns
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
Choosing the right google campaign is essential to the success of your online advertising. The foundation of a google ad campaign is a goal, which determines which campaign type your ads will inhabit. The campaign type is selected off your marketing goals, brand strategy, and the time investment capabilities you possess.Here   Outlined here are the different campaign selections, and why you might select each type respectively. Discover which campaign is right for you.   Search Campaigns  Search campaigns are the text ads on google search results pages, displayed after you type a ..read more
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Divi Training Resources
Mata Digital Blog
by matadigital
9M ago
Everyone loves a good process streamlining tool, and the Divi Builder does just that. Divi is a WordPress website building platform that not only vastly improves efficiency and speed when building websites, but also enhances the ability to make them visually stunning. Since we live and breathe Divi, we know our way around and have a few tricks up our sleeve. But as with any new skill, there is a learning curve involved in mastering it. We have a wide range of resources that we utilised when initially learning Divi, and still use in order to keep up to date with the constantly evolving platform ..read more
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