How To Bounce Back From Burnout and Love Your Work Again
Inclusivv Blog
4M ago
Feeling like you're running on fumes, struggling to make it through the workday? (Raises hand!) Burnout is becoming all too common, especially among leaders and women in the workforce. The World Health Organization even recognizes it as an “occupational phenomenon more
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Why Taking Care of Your People is Taking Care of Business
Inclusivv Blog
4M ago
Key Highlights more
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How Leaders Use Inclusivv Conversations To Talk More Openly About Race At Work
Inclusivv Blog
7M ago
Conversations about race in the workplace The world has experienced a lot of heartbreak in just a few short months. From the attacks in Gaza to the racial crimes at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, there’s no denying the multitude of divides and tensions that still exist. more
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Working in Silos? 4 Ways to Break a Silo Mentality
Inclusivv Blog
8M ago
Working in silos? In today's workplaces, we're surrounded by communication tools, from emails to Slack to virtual meeting rooms. But despite this abundance, a common problem persists: silos more
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MLK Sunday Supper: Challenging the Status Quo with Inclusivv and Hands on Atlanta
Inclusivv Blog
8M ago
"Atlanta influences everything." more
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Celebrating Cultural Diversity at Work
Inclusivv Blog
1y ago
August 26, 1920 more
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Explore Meaningful Conversation Topics with Inclusivv Content Subscription
Inclusivv Blog
1y ago
Imagine being asked by one of your company leaders to build out meaningful programming for your employee resource group or your entire company. Now, imagine having to do this on your own, without any real expertise on the topics. more
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Understanding Microaggressions: How Small Actions Can Have a Big Impact
Inclusivv Blog
1y ago
Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional, actions or comments that can have a significant impact on individuals from marginalized groups. more
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5 Ways to Reflect & Refresh This Holiday Season
Inclusivv Blog
1y ago
The end of the year is a time of celebration and community, a time to reflect on the months behind us and look forward to what’s next. The end of the year also brings an opportunity to find creative ways to serve and support your team. We’ve gathered a list of five ways to reflect and refresh within your workplace this holiday season more
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Inclusivv Takes a Stand on Employee Mental Health
Inclusivv Blog
1y ago
Here at Inclusivv, we understand that building a more just and equitable world requires our utmost commitment and dedication. But constantly pressing towards a goal such as this one can lead to burn out, something our team is not immune to. When Jenn Graham, our Founder and CEO, noticed some telltale signs of burnout among her employees, she knew she needed to take a stand on employee mental health. At a recent all-hands meeting, Graham announced a company-wide Fall Break. Everyone is off the clock from October 1st through October 5th. more
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