April 2024 Newsletter
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
1M ago
Revealing Stories, Igniting Leadership. In April, we embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment, as we uncover the stories that shape our identity and ignite our leadership within the Korean American community. This month, we celebrate the kickoff of the NetKAL XIII Fellowship, where cohort members gathered in Montana for an immersive weekend of introspection, exploration, and connection. Led by CKA Executive Director Abraham Kim , CKA Managing Director Linda Butcher, and NetKAL Facilitators Jim H. Lee and Jena Boccetti, participants delved into personal identity, agency, and commun ..read more
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PRESS ARTICLE: Insufficient Data Hinders Understanding of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Communities
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
1M ago
Insufficient Data Hinders Understanding of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Communities   Comprehensive data on Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) groups in the United States is generally lacking, and there is an even more pressing need for specific analysis on individual ethnic groups within this diverse category, which consists of over 70 distinct groups. The demand for more research data on individual Asian American sub-communities has become increasingly apparent following the U.S. Federal Government’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) introducing new standards fo ..read more
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Building a National Leadership Community Advocating for Korean Americans
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
2M ago
Building a National Leadership Community Advocating for Korean Americans   The Council of Korean Americans is steadfast in its mission to amplify the voices and expand the impact of Korean Americans through leadership education and advocacy programs Washington, D.C.–(Newsfile Corp. – April 2, 2024) – The United States of America has become home to hundreds of nationalities, enticing immigrants with greater opportunities and the promise of a more prosperous life for themselves and their families. As of 2023, approximately 2 million Korean Americans are living in the US, either f ..read more
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March 2024 Newsletter
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
2M ago
Our Unfolding Chapters. In March, as we commemorate Women’s History Month, we delve into the stories that define the Korean American experience, celebrating the remarkable women who have left an indelible mark on our community’s narrative. One story we’re celebrating is the successful release of Starry Field, Margaret Juhae Lee’s new memoir that offers a poignant exploration of her grandfather’s role in the Korean independence movement, illuminating a pivotal chapter of history while delving into the complexities of intergenerational dialogue. Alongside Lee’s narrative, we draw inspiratio ..read more
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[Korean Ver.] 한인 리커의 꿈과 애환에 눈시울 붉혀…영화 ‘리커스토어 드림스’ 애틀랜타 상영
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
2M ago
한인 리커의 꿈과 애환에 눈시울 붉혀…영화 ‘리커스토어 드림스’ 애틀랜타 상영 이민 애환·부모 희생에 “우리 이야기” 공감   지난해 개봉해 각종 영화제와 언론들로부터 호평을 받은 한인 2세 감독의 다큐멘터리 영화 ‘리커스토어 드림스'(Liquor Store Dreams)가 22일 애틀랜타에서 상영돼 한인들에게 많은 감동을 안겨주었다. 이번 상영회는 한인위원회(CKA)와 조지아 공영방송(GPB)이 함께 주최한 행사로, 엄소윤 감독이 직접 참석해 영화 제작 비하인드 스토리, 한인 이민사회의 세대 간 갈등 등을 다뤘다. ‘리커스토어 드림스’는 로스앤젤레스(LA)에서 리커스토어를 꾸려나가며 아메리칸 드림을 이루는 한인 이민자 가족의 애환을 담은 다큐멘터리로, 엄소윤 감독과 그 가족이 직접 출연해 자전적 이야기를 그려냈다. 실제로 30여년간 리커스토어를 운영한 아버지 엄해섭 씨, 아버지를 이어서 또 다른 리커스토어를 운영하는 친구 대니 씨 등의 이야기를 영화에 담아 한인들의 공감을 이끌어냈다.   Atalanta 중앙일보 Read More ..read more
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[Korean Ver.] 애틀랜타 박선근 한미우호협회장, CKA 포용상 수상
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
2M ago
애틀랜타 박선근 한미우호협회장, CKA 포용상 수상   애틀랜타 박선근 한미우호협회장이 지난 10월 28일 미국 워싱턴DC에서 열린 CKA(미주한인위원회, Council Korean American) 갈라에서 ‘포용상(Embrace Unity Award)’을 받았다. 미주한인위원회(CKA)는 샌프란시스코와 워싱턴DC, LA 한인들이 2011년 미주 한인들의 목소리를 대변하기 위해 만든 비영리 단체다. CKA는 해마다 연말에 한인사회를 빛낸 한인들에게 상을 주고 있다. <애틀랜타 중앙일보>에 따르면 워싱턴DC 콘래드 호텔에서 개최한 이 행사에는 450명이 참석했다. CKA는 애틀랜타에 거주하는 박선근 회장에게 포용상, 배우 애실리 박(캘리포니아 글렌데일 거주)에게 영감상(Inspire Award), 제임스 리 사모펀드 투자자(매사추세츠 보스턴 인근 거주)에게 개척상(Trail Blazer Award), 송 리처드슨 콜로라도 칼리지 총장에게 역할상(Empower Award)을 주었다. 수상자들 가운데 포용상을 받은 박선근 회장은 애틀랜타에서 청소업으로 성공신화를 쓴 인물이다. 서울 출신인 그는 1974년 단돈 200 ..read more
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Retirement celebration held for former Ambassador Sung Kim
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
2M ago
Retirement celebration held for former Ambassador Sung Kim   Former colleagues, Korean American friends and other acquaintances held a special retirement celebration for former veteran diplomat Sung Kim, best known for his negotiations with North Korea, in Washington on Wednesday. Organized by the Council of Korean Americans, the celebration was filled with current and former U.S. diplomats and other prominent figures, including former Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, U.S. Senior Official for North Korea Jung Pak and U.S. Special Representative for North Korean Human Rights Iss ..read more
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Radewagen highlights Korean American Day – Saipan Tribune
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
2M ago
Radewagen highlights Korean American Day   Vice Chair Delegate Uifa’atali Amata Radewagen (R-A. Samoa) is highlighting Korean American Day (Jan. 13), which commemorates the day in 1903 that Korean immigrants arrived to become Americans, and celebrates today’s Korean American community. “I join our nation’s Korean American community in celebrating this day,” said Congresswoman Aumua Amata. “It’s a joy to work with several Korean American colleagues in Congress, part of the diverse strength that represents all Americans in our nation’s Capitol. The 1903 arrival of the first known Korean Am ..read more
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February 2024 Newsletter
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
3M ago
Dreams Across Generations. In February, our focus turns to the dreams that weave through the tapestry of our Korean American community, spanning generations and aspirations. This month, we draw inspiration from the recent premiere of “Liquor Store Dreams” in Atlanta, Georgia, a poignant exploration of immigrant experiences, intergenerational dynamics, and building bridges between Asian American and Black communities. Director and Producer So Yun Um, alongside our own CKA Executive Director Abraham Kim, engaged with a diverse audience, delving into the artistic choices, filmmaking process ..read more
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CKA Winter 2023 New Members
Council Korean Americans (CKA)
by Sohye Lee
3M ago
Dear Distinguished CKA Members and Friends,   I hope you are having a great start to 2024. I am pleased to present 12 outstanding individuals who have recently become part of the Council of Korean Americans. This Winter 2023 membership group comprises exceptional individuals, each bringing their own distinct skills and expertise to the table. With backgrounds in fields such as film, software technology, and energy, these new members have already made significant contributions through their innovative work. As we warmly embrace them in our expanding CKA community, we eagerly look forwa ..read more
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