Pregnancy & Work: A Guide for Expectant Mothers
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dr Hoo Mei Lin
3M ago
Discovering that you are pregnant is a joyous feeling, even if the upcoming journey comes with a unique set of challenges, especially concerning the management of your professional life. Striking a balance between work and pregnancy entails several considerations, including workplace precautions, managing pregnancy symptoms and understanding your entitlements regarding maternity leave. With some thoughtful planning, however, you can navigate this exciting time with grace. Here are some points to keep in mind. First up, ensuring a comfortable workspace is essential during pregnancy. Ergono more
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PCOS: Exploring the Complexities, Risks and Solutions
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dr Yap Moy Juan
6M ago
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder that affects a significant number of women. It is characterised by imbalances in reproductive hormones, presenting various symptoms and potential health risks. PCOS can have a profound impact on a woman’s overall well-being and fertility. Understanding PCOS PCOS is a condition in which the ovaries develop small cysts, which are fluid-filled sacs. These cysts are actually follicles that contain eggs, but due to hormonal imbalances, they fail to mature and release an egg during the menstrual cycle. Consequently, the ovaries become e more
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Can I Be A Mother If I Have A Chronic Illness?
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dato Dr H Krishna Kumar
10M ago
Starting a family is an exciting period of life that many look forward to. In fact, many newlyweds are inclined to rush into this without knowing and understanding each other’s medical status. This is a particularly important consideration before starting a family, as it may negatively impact both your own and your future child’s health. What is a High-Risk Pregnancy? High-Risk Pregnancy: A pregnancy that poses a higher-than-normal health risk to the pregnant mother, foetus, or both. They  are often seen in individuals who have chronic medical illnesses or are known carriers for certain g more
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Can I Continue Being a Vegetarian While Pregnant?
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dr Hoo Mei Lin
10M ago
More and more people are adopting a vegetarian diet for a variety of reasons, whether cultural or religious, or as a personal preference. Is it safe to continue practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy? In recent years, it has become abundantly clear that a mother’s diet during pregnancy not only plays an important role for the health of the unborn child but may also predispose the child to developing health issues later in life. Vegetarian pregnancy: Is it safe? The short answer is YES. A varied and well-planned plant-based diet can provide enough nutrients for both the mum and more
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A Parent’s Guide to Prenatal Testing: 5 Frequently Asked Questions
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dr Yap Moy Juan
10M ago
Prenatal testing is an important consideration during pregnancy that allows parents to monitor the health and condition of their baby throughout all stages of pregnancy. What is prenatal testing? Prenatal testing encompasses two components: screening and diagnostic tests. Screening tests refers to testing a baby’s relative risk of having common birth conditions like Down Syndrome, Patau Syndrome, Edward Syndrome, etc. Diagnostic tests on the other hand, function to confirm the presence of a particular condition in a baby. When should it be done? Screening tests. Primarily done during the firs more
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Pregnancy To-Do List
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dato Dr H Krishna Kumar
10M ago
Pregnancy is an exciting chapter in a mother’s life. However, many moms-to-be are unaware of the physical changes that come with pregnancy. It is also essential for new moms to understand the right steps to take when pregnancy calls, to ensure the healthy development of their child. First of all, before embarking on pregnancy, you must see your doctor. Make sure that you are well and ready for the pregnancy. If you have a medical problem, it needs to be treated or stabilised before pregnancy. It is best to be referred to a pre-pregnancy clinic for advice before beginning the journey of pregnan more
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Male Fertility
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dato Dr H Krishna Kumar
10M ago
It is estimated that half of infertility cases worldwide are due to male infertility. For women, the quantity of eggs in their ovaries is determined at birth and will naturally decline as they age. For men, their testicles are capable of producing millions of new sperm every day, but this process depends on making and delivering normal sperm. Male infertility can occur if the testicles fail to produce healthy and motile sperm. The main causes of male infertility are: Sperm disorders Typically caused by chromosomal abnormalities which leads to low sperm count, poor sperm motility and abnorma more
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Vaccination during Pregnancy
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dato Dr H Krishna Kumar
10M ago
The arrival of COVID-19 vaccine is good news for all, but as a pregnant mum, you may wonder if it is okay for you to get the vaccine. Is it safe for the mother and the baby? What about other vaccines? Why vaccinate during pregnancy? Mothers share many things with their baby when they are pregnant: their nutrients, oxygen, antibodies. Hence, when they receive vaccination, pregnant mums not only protect themselves, but also pass the immunity to their baby through the placenta. This provides passive protection to newborns during the first few crucial weeks when they are still too young to receive more
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How Maternal Immunisation Can Prevent Neonatal Pertussis
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dr Kaliammah M. Kuppannan
10M ago
The neonatal period (the first four weeks of newborn’s life) is the most vulnerable time for a child. Neonatal pertussis is one of the major concerns during this period and maternal immunisation during pregnancy is highly recommended as a prevention strategy. Considered the most critical time for babies, the first 28 days of life are when feeding patterns are established and infant-parent bonding starts. During this time, the risk of infection is higher, making babies vulnerable and leaving them exposed to dangerous situations. Indeed, babies are more likely to die during the first month of li more
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Confinement Centres: What to Look For?
Positive Parenting » Family Planning & Pregnancy
by Dato Dr H Krishna Kumar
10M ago
Concerns revolving the emergence of confinement centres for mums in Malaysia were looked at in Positive Parenting Issue 2/2019. And here we continue to broach the subject, as to what one should look for when choosing a confinement centre. After giving birth, mothers may choose to go on confinement or not. It is a traditional practice that can help mothers rest and recover physically and emotionally, as well as prepare them for the lifelong journey of motherhood. Specific practices depend on one’s culture, but generally, mothers are advised to stay indoors for the whole period of confinement an more
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