Quantum pseudo-telepathy
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
1w ago
Quote Quantum pseudo-telepathy describes the use of quantum entanglement to eliminate the need for classical communications.[1][2] A nonlocal game is said to display quantum pseudo-telepathy if players who can use entanglement can win it with certainty while players without it can not. The prefix pseudo refers to the fact that quantum pseudo-telepathy does not involve the exchange of information between any parties. Instead, quantum pseudo-telepathy removes the need for parties to exchange information in some circumstances. Quote This is a cooperat ..read more
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The vacuum energy v. Higgs field - discrepancy
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
1M ago
Hi, The average vacuum energy is estimated to about 3 GeV/m^3 (the observed). If relying on this value (when the calculated in extremely much higher). -And the Higgs field energy VEV, the vacuum expectation value, is both observed in the LHC experiment and fairly calculated to about 246 GeV. How are these differences explained in QM physics? 3 GeV versus 246 GeV? I understand that the VEV amount is presented without any special volume in mind. But surely the VEV isn't correlated to the cubic meter volume, though must be estimated to the Planck scale. Far minor than the m^3 which the vacuum is ..read more
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Is the law of vibration true?
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
2M ago
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Hawking radiation is produced at the black hole horizon, and other pop-science myths
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
3M ago
The other myth is, for example, that the Hawking radiation is result of virtual pair production when one of the virtual particles becomes real. I've found this article that tries to straighten some misconceptions: Sabine Hossenfelder: Backreaction: Hawking radiation is not produced at the black hole horizon. Quote All this supports the conclusion that Hawking particles are not created in the near vicinity of the horizon, but instead come from a region surrounding the black hole with a few times the black hole’s radius.   ..read more
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Can real-space-eigenstates of conduction electrons in crystal cause formation of electronic singlet pairs?
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
4M ago
Crystals may contain electronic real-space-eigenstates as ground states, which are spatially much larger than one unit cell, such as impurity states, standing waves at Brillouin zone edges, Anderson localization, etc. Every eigenstate is usually occupied by two conduction electrons with opposite spins, forming a singlet pair. Notably: if the eigenstate is limited in real space, then the excitation energy of each singlet electron is not necessarily negligible, so below a certain temperature the singlet pair can be lasting. Isn't this a long-debated pairing mechanism in superconductors ..read more
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How Sacrosanct is Conservation of Momentum in QM?
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
4M ago
Quote Tunneling limits the minimum size of devices used in microelectronics because electrons tunnel readily through insulating layers and transistors that are thinner than about 1 nm. I've seen statements such as this kicking around for decades and always been troubled by a niggling doubt. I imagine that the phenomenon can be explained by normal electron scattering and tunnelling without invoking any deviation to conservation of momentum. But is that all there is to it? Is the momentum vector of a particle subject to variability due to, say, random quantum fluctua ..read more
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Is the cat dead?
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
4M ago
You are playing a video game, you have received a "gift" box, it could contain one of many items... has the box contents been determined as it was presented or will the contents be determined as you open it? Is the box empty or does it already contain a gift ..read more
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Acceleration in quantum theory
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
4M ago
Are there examples of how acceleration is treated in quantum theory? If a classical system is accelerated I have a picture of a wave traveling through the system like if you were to pull a string or push a rod. What happens in "comparable" situations  when the systems are quantum? Does "acceleration" mean anything under those circumstances?  ..read more
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What happens during a measurement?
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
4M ago
In systems theory, the measurement process is not a mystical matter. During a measurement, two systems come together. Described in: Quantum mechanical measurement in monistic systems theory. Doi:10.23756/sp.v11i2.1350  ..read more
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Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Science Forums » Quantum Theory
5M ago
You are looking at photons right now in reading this.  Now just take it for granted that I entangled one of them.  How would you tell it apart from the other trillions of photons, and then to prove entanglement you need to measure it which first means isolating the entangled proton, then measuring it, which would invoke Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle making an accurate measurement if not impossible, at least always suspect.  Note, I am not arguing that entanglement happens, just wondering how one would find a proton that is entangled say a million miles away ..read more
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