Meili Steele deposited Ontologie linguistique et dialogue politique chez Bakhtine in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
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1w ago
The essay examines the strengths and weakness of Bakhtin’s dialogical ontology more
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Meili Steele deposited Three Problamtics of Linguistic Vulnerability: Gadamer, Benhabib, and Butler in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
1w ago
Three Problematics of Linguistic Vulnerability: Gadamer, Benhabib, and Butler Debates in feminist political philosophy often focus on what problematic(s) to use in order to understand normative ideals, gendered differences, and their histories. For the purposes of this chapter, I will contrast two important problematics in these debates, the…[Read more more
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Meili Steele deposited Hiding from History: Habermas's Elision of Public Imagination in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
1w ago
Hiding from History: Habermas’s Model of Political Deliberation Meili Steele Jürgen Habermas’s recent interventions in disputes about public history have served to underscore the failure of his philosophy to address an issue crucial to any democratic community: how to deliberate about one’s symbolic inheritance. His well-known immuni…[Read more more
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Pramod Ranjan deposited मीडिया और मुस्लिम [Media and Muslims] in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
1w ago
प्रमोद रंजन की ‘मीडिया और मुस्लिम’ टिप्पणी शिमला से प्रकाशित एक छोटे से समाचार-पत्र में 2003 में प्रकाशित हुई थी। यह टिप्पणी भारतीय मीडिया में बढ़ती सांप्रदायिक सोच से संबंधित है। रंजन लिखते हैं कि देश में मुस्लिमों को हाशिये पर धकेला जा रहा है। किसी भी अखबार को उठाएं तो आपको समाज में बढ़ती इस प्रवृत्ति की छाया मिल जाएगी। वे लिखते हैं कि…[Read more more
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Gary Hall deposited ‘How To Be A Pirate: An Interview with Alexandra Elbakyan and Gary Hall by Holger Briel’ in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
1w ago
From the opening: ‘When Michael, Markus, and I first discussed the idea for publishing this book, it was very clear to us that we did not want to write yet another theoretical book on Internet piracy; practitioners from the field should also have a voice. After all, it is they who created this phenomenon in the first place and it is clearly…[Read more more
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Pramod Ranjan deposited मंडल के बाद पिछड़ा पावे सौ में पांच in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
3M ago
केंद्र सरकार द्वारा बीपी मंडल रिपोर्ट के हवाले से सुप्रीम कोर्ट में रखे गये आंकड़े के अनुसार 1990 में सरकारी नौकरियों में ओबीसी की भागीदारी 12.55 प्रतिशत थी, जबकि 2005)की गणना के अनुसार ओबीसी कोटे के कर्मचारियों की संख्या महज 5.2 प्रतिशत थी। यह हैरतअंगेज आंकड़ा उस समय का है, जिस दौरान पिछड़ावाद के अनेक सिपहसालार डॉ राममनोहर लोहिया के…[Read more more
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Charles Peck Jr deposited Battle of Chosin Reservoir esprit de corps vs “There is no psychology of groups” - or religious community (Geertz) = materialist ideology w/ historical social colnsciousness: Dharma (Hinduism), Confucianism, & Filipino kapwa-loob values + antisocial beha in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
6M ago
Korean War Battle of Chosin Reservoir: The British casualties in one day in the battle of the Somme during WWI were 50,000 dead and wounded. 50,000 casualties in one day – patriotism & esprit de corps – is a very solid proof that there is a “psychology of groups.” Why is the Battle of Chosin Reservoir important? Preface: Materialist dogma – “…[Read more more
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Cagdas Dedeoglu deposited Posthuman citizenship in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
7M ago
Citizenship and the posthuman have not been often theorized together. In this paper, I want to think about their coalition both as a new episode in the efforts of politics for citizenship, including knowledge politics, and as a source of rebalancing power against governmental and corporate interests in citizenship politics. Here, I seek to address…[Read more more
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Charles Peck Jr deposited Historical Synergies from Sumerian Temple Economy, Hunter Gatherers, Greek Patriarchal Gods, to Materialist Extreme Individualism: Rappaport, Durkheim, Mannheim, Voltaire, Gasset, Nietzsche in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
9M ago
Historical Synergy: Mannheim holds that historical and political thought is determined by the socio-historical location of the thinker and the political aspirations and material ambitions of the group or groups to which he belongs. 2. Prehistoric Artic Hunter-Gatherer Synergy of Beliefs in Animal Spirits w/ Economic-Political Realities Erica Hill…[Read more more
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Harald Pittel deposited Feelings without Structure: A Cultural Materialist View of Affective Politics in the group Political Philosophy & Theory
Humanities Commons Forum » Political Philosophy Theory
10M ago
The term ‘affective politics’ is sometimes used to dismiss political strategies as being directed merely at affects at the expense of rational analysis (Massumi 2015: 65f). While such uses are meant to criticize certain politics, appeals to the affects – and consequently, forms of propaganda or populism – do not have to be bad at all. The point h…[Read more more
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