Of politics and purple states: Is Wisconsin a future red state?
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this brief episode, Conall and Emerson discuss broader political trends in the state of Wisconsin and ask ourselves what the future holds for our podcast's titular state.  Op-ed Conall cites about rural American political trends: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/25/opinion/rural-voters-republican-realignment.html ..read more
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One (state supreme court) election to rule them all: Wisconsin's Supreme Court election battle
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this episode, Conall and Emerson discuss the upcoming high stakes supreme court election that will determine the fate of things like Wisconsin's abortion ban, voting rights, and fair maps in the state. We explain our endorsement of Janet Protasiewicz and encourage others to vote for her ..read more
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Damn Derrick, Back At It Again: Assault on the Capitol (FINALE)
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this final episode of our episode on Derrick Van Orden, the Republican congressional candidate for Wisconsin's Third District , Conall and Emerson make our case for why he represents a threat to Wisconsin's democracy. From his embrace of Trump's election lies to his attendance at the January 6th rally, these render him unfit to serve the people of Wisconsin's Third.  We also analyze the state of Wisconsin's democracy and how other Republicans like Tim Michels and Ron Johnson also represent a threat to it - and why it's important for us to vote on November 8th to uphold Wisconsin's dem ..read more
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"Damn Derrick, Back At It Again": Dispatches from Wisconsin's Most Heated House Race (Part 1)
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this first episode of a mini-series on Wisconsin's 3rd House district, Conall and Emerson dive into the political dynamics of Wisconsin's 3rd district, a mostly rural district in western and central Wisconsin, and how the political winds in the district have shifted as of late. We also spend time recapping some highlights from Derrick Van Orden, the 2020 Republican candidate for the district running again in 2022, for all to know within Wisconsin and without it. Including his attendance at the January 6th conspiracy theorist rally that led to an attack on the Capitol! We will be letting ou ..read more
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Optimism of the Will: Thoughts on Persisting in Times of Struggle
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this emergency pod, Conall and Emerson discuss recent negative events in the world - such as the highly likely overturning of Roe v Wade, the Russian attack on Ukraine, or recent shootings in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York. We discuss peoples' feelings of hopelessness and helplessness in times like these, and how we can work through these feelings while also orienting ourselves toward action for a better future. We also look back at the Sandy Hook shooting and what did - and didn't - change after it.  Persistence is difficult in these circumstances, but both necessary and possibl ..read more
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Battle for the Badger State 2020: Darkness in Kenosha (Part 3)
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
Conall's note: The reverend I quote from at the end of the podcast about trauma is Roy Peeples, pastor of Turning Point Life Church.  In this 3rd installment of a 4 part series about the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin, Conall and Emerson dive into the tumult experienced by Kenosha after Jacob Blake was shot by a Kenosha police officer. Centering the accounts of those most impacted, we discuss the broader political fallout from the the killings of 2 protesters by an armed vigilante and the rioting that roiled the city for several days. Among other things, we analyze why Trump wa ..read more
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Battle for the Badger State 2020: Summer of Rage (Part 2)
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this second part of a 4 part mini series on the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin, we discuss the murder of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis and how that rippled through the country - and how it changed the presidential race.  And how Wisconsin - a state with stark racial disparities between Black and white residents - would soon be forced to once again confront racism in its own backyard in Kenosha, all amid the backdrop of racist rhetoric and incitement by President Trump.  ..read more
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Battle for the Badger State 2020: Harsh Realities (Part 1)
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this first episode of a 4 part series, Emerson and Conall recount the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin. Remembering our experiences on that fateful election night back in November, we segue into a broader discussion of the dynamics of the election as they played out in Wisconsin (hopefully you like the general silliness in Emerson's masterful introduction).  We go over the contentious 2020 Democratic primary leading up to Wisconsin's Democratic primary and the anxieties felt by many opponents of Trump over winning back the Midwest, including the pivotal tipping point state of W ..read more
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Donald Trump's Neofascist Insurrection
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this episode, we discuss the insurrection and attempted coup at Capitol Hill by neofascist Trump supporters witnessed on January 6, 2021. It's a date which will live in infamy, but it was not at all unforeseeable - we discuss why antifascist warnings of this type of thing were not taken seriously and what sort of consequences there needs to be for Trump and his enablers in the GOP.  Factual correction: If the President is convicted in the Senate, he is not barred from holding public office ever again - the Senate would need to pass a separate resolution for that, although that only re ..read more
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Where Are We Now: Silent Majorities, Loud Departures, And Floated Coups (Part 1)
The Great Purple State
by Conall & Emerson
11M ago
In this episode, Conall and Emerson discuss the recent 2020 presidential election and the fallout from it. We discuss why former Vice President Biden was able to defeat incumbent President Trump and why Trump has been lying  about the election's integrity and launching scores of groundless lawsuits instead of accepting his electoral loss and conceding. We also discuss the greater implications of this for the long term health and integrity for any sort of democratic government in America going forward.  Sources cited and other useful sources:  3rd Circuit Court of Appeals decisi ..read more
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