X: Catastrophic Thinking, Existential Threats & How SEP’s can help clients when they’re flipping out
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
Sometimes things feels like everything is at risk, everything is a threat, everything can take us out. Not everyone has that sense, not everyone who has it has it all the time, but when we have it, it's good to have accompaniment with someone who can accept how we feel while also helping us hold on for when things change ..read more
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099: Holiday Sessions – an episode that almost got away
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
Play Episode 99 Here The holiday season impacts different people in different ways, from the option of taking it all in to wanting to be narcatized through it with a request to be reawoken on the other side. One of our opportunities with things like SE is helping people make more appropriate and successful levels of participation with the holidays, including helping them manage or even transform their associated stress response. In the season ahead, it's a good idea to consider the various possibilities in the Holiday Session and what good you might be able to help your clients find in them ..read more
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The Many Reasons for the Voo that You Do
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
Continuing on with a mini-series on The Voo Sound. Here we take a deep 2-hour dive at a still incomplete list of values and opportunities in the Voo Sound from introduction to tracking sensation, to stimulating the viscera in titrated fashion, to effecting energy well transitions, utilizing a “reverse engineered intervention” to evoke the ventral vagal complex’s influence on the Vagal Brake and on and on…for those who are still curious or dubious about investing time and attention in the Voo Sound with your SE clients, here is support and encouragement in making that investment. Next episode ..read more
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Tea Interlude Check In During Continuing Publishing Hiatus
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
Play Episode Recording Here I'm still looking for the opportunity to complete Episode 98 on Preparing for Surgery. On the way there I wanted to say hello, cheer folks who are headed to Adv. II and completion of the SEP training and share some thoughts on getting more comfortable through failing and looking forward to the next opportunity to do better. With a cup of tea and a microphone, I'm waving and wishing you well on my way out to the forest where I'll be teaching bushcraft for the next little while. I'll return to the studio toward later September ..read more
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Sliding Under the Chaotic Cusp with the Voo Sound – A Personal Trial Turned Triumphant
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
I’ve been looking forward to returning to SE Reflections for a series of episodes in 2023 and had intended to start by reviewing the many reasons for the Voo that we do (for yourself and with your clients). Then at the close of 2022 I had a most remarkable health crisis due to mold exposure coinciding with recovery from COVID-19 and it was the Voo sound that really turned my hard times around – and I got to watch as it all happened – leading to a reinvigoration of my advocacy for the Voo sound and my segue back into sharing these SE Reflections with you ..read more
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104: SEP in the Time of Covid-19
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
An episode dedicated to looking at the challenges, and some of the inherent psychobiological influences of the current pandemic. Here’s a link to the project mentioned in this episode: SEP’s in the Time of Covid-19. There is no fee. A link to this episode’s sponsor: RiverMinutes.com Just guessing, You probably need a minute by the river ..read more
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095: After the Accident
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
Play Episode 95 Here Here is a very long episode that boarders on exhaustive, though hopefully not too exhausting. The subject? Considerations and a pattern of thought for how we attend to people soon after they've been in an accident. At those times SE Practitioners have a special and often unique offer of support and guidance for aiding the completion of the autonomic stress response. This episode is a review, encouragement and cheerleading for that opportunity. It's going to take you several hours to listen to ..read more
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103: Let’s Disagree
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
A placeholder episode while I reach toward episode 104 on Covid-19 ..read more
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094: Invitations to Orientation
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
Play Episode 94 Here This does not cover every last thought I have on Orientation and what is required to ensure smooth meaningful participation when you're asking people to "allow their eyes to go where they want to go." But this 2-hour episode is probably the last thing I'll say about Orientation on this podcast project. You may need to approach this in rounds and I've left a few things out that would have been helpful to say...but this is what we've got. Please make use of it as you like. I think you'll see that I put some effort into this for you ..read more
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Promotional Ad: Tour of the Guide to the SE Language – Part 3 of 3
Twig's SE Reflections
by Anthony Twig Wheeler
11M ago
As I re-release the Guide to the SE Language and move toward making improvements on this project I’ve been looking for SE students and practitioners who would like to join me in this study. To share news about this I’ve prepared a small series of Promotional Ads to demonstrate and talk about the opportunities for SE Practitioners who join me in this exploration of the SE Language. I hope you’ll find this piece helpful in itself. And I hope you’ll consider joining me in one of my online programs for SE students and practitioners…your financial support helps me further develop the SE Reflections ..read more
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