Why the label 'best' photographer might not mean the best for YOU
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
9M ago
When searching for a photographer, it can be slightly overwhelming. As we scroll through Google, Facebook, Instagram and any other methods of finding your next business to help photograph your family - how can you make sure that it is a good decision? Does the most expensive photographer mean the best photographer? Does the cheapest photographer mean the worst photographer? The answer: No. Every person is different, at the same time every photographer is. There are a lot of aspects to a business that can influence your experience (and your pocket). The reason why I am writing this blog is to h ..read more
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Why you should always hire a professional for branding photography
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
10M ago
Google search: Branding photographer. Result... well - a gazillion websites! We are overwhelmed with how many are available to us (and even AI). However, while anyone can do branding photography - not everyone understands the importance of hiring someone who truly understands how branding photography works and the different aspects to it. When it comes to branding photography (which can also be taken as marketing, headshot and corporate photography) - there are endless ways to approach this for your business, but that does not mean all of them are right for you. As a photographer experienced w ..read more
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How a Studio Session can be great for your family
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
We know planning and carrying out a family session can be just as stressful as planning a holiday – however, there are a few ways to make your next investment in a family or children session beneficial and fun! Book your session at the ‘happiest’ time of the day Squeezing in a random time is not always going to work for your little ones; it could be nap time, or simply stretching your daily usual routine a little too far. Unfortunately, you can’t edit out a crying kid from a session (and you wouldn’t want to!). Try and request a time that suits your children’s routines, which usually is just a ..read more
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Let’s Talk… Contracts and Why They Are Essential
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
Contract… it seems to be a little scary word for many of us. How many times have you entered a competition, or joined up a new membership to only sign without reading that teeny, tiny font? Or perhaps you never went ahead with a booking because a contract was sent to you, and it scared you. Every year, more and more businesses add contracts to their business practices. It is rare to find a photographer operating without a contract, especially when they are a registered business. Contracts are a crucial part of most, if not all, businesses - big or small. In the creative industry, whether it be ..read more
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Finally, showing the difference between a 10 cent print and a professional print!
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
When investing in a professional, avoid discount and department store prints Over the years, I get very similar questions “because your prints are professional, I want to print these at a department store, it should come up great right?” and “I printed these at a department store, but they came out different to what you showed me, they aren’t really nice”. When investing with a professional, it is best to not take shortcuts. While it saves you money in the short term, you are actually downgrading the value of your investment with your photographer. When you invest in a professional photographe ..read more
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A Weekend Photographing With His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
I love capturing inside the St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church of Darwin. Since establishing my business known as In The Lens; now Georgia Politis Photography, I have done over 70 events inside this church and most of those being Christenings. I was delighted to capture His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia visit to Darwin over the weekend. It was a major event for our community, as it has been over three decades since an archbishop has visited the Northern Territory. We started off with welcoming the Archbishop at Darwin International Airport, with the lovely Greek Orthodox School of D ..read more
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Why you need to look into an experienced newborn photographer
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
Recently, renowned Australian newborn trainer and photographer, Kelly Brown, posted a heartbreaking personal video. She got a call from a parent, who went to an Australian photographer, who did not practice safety measures in the session and dropped the newborn baby - on the head. What is worse, the photographer did not acknowledge the accident and tried to continue. I felt this is an important time to talk about photography and how different it should be treated to newborn photography. They are certainly not the same, and not should be treated in the same way. I have seen many videos from ph ..read more
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Five tips on finding the right newborn photographer for your baby
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
The newborn photography industry has exploded in recent years; in the 90's parents would generally have their baby at the hospital or at home in their crib photographed as a newborn with a film camera. These days, you have an abundance of newborn photographers in differing styles available with many styles going in and out of fashion. Yep. You are pregnant or just gave birth and you are overwhelmed; you follow around 10 or so local photographers, some perhaps interstate or overseas for inspiration. The time has come to book and you have no idea what to do. The choices are endless! First things ..read more
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My Fibromyalgia Story and how I hope it will help others
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
You know when you meet people, and find out they have an illness - whether that is visible or not - and sometimes are curious to hear their story? This is my story; and I am hoping it will help people not only seek treatment, but also know that there are more like them then they may think! The only thing that really got me to understand my own illness was to read stories like the one I am about to tell you - it gives you motivation, hope and also - for those who need it - someone to relate to. We are real. We are out there. We can have a life of achievements; despite whatever we may have. It a ..read more
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Watermarks - A mark that is like a tattoo for a photographer's work
GP Photographer Blog
by georgiapolitisAPP
11M ago
It may sound weird, but it is true! For many of us, our work is apart of us – it becomes who we are. We spend countless hours building up our business, portfolio, name and professional quality level – that when we are asked about watermarks, or people taking our images without our permission – it is no easy say on how to explain the importance of it to us. This is a topic I have wanted to cover for a long time now, and with many events coming up this year - I thought now is the right time to share on why exactly I use watermarks and why they are required. The Lowdown... Watermarks are usually ..read more
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