3 Ways Speech Therapy Can Help a Child with Cerebral Palsy
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
5d ago
When a child has cerebral palsy, their coordination and movement do not develop typically. It can make it seem very hard to grow up in an environment that has been built for people who do not have CP. Many aspects of the disorder can prove challenging for a growing and developing child, but fortunately, advances in medicine have managed to find ways to significantly improve quality of life. This article will discuss one specific method for helping kids with CP navigate the world – speech therapy – and the ways it can help the child. Like all therapies, CP can be quite costly. If you are consid ..read more
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Cerebral Palsy and the Potential Benefits of Occupational Therapy
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
1w ago
While the exact cause of cerebral palsy is often unknown, the neurodevelopmental disorder is commonly a result of brain damage that happens before or during birth. There is no cure for it, but there are various therapies and interventions that have been successful in helping improve the child’s quality of life. One of these therapies is occupational therapy, which focuses on developing skills necessary for the performance of daily activities. Children who can be guided to conquer these skills gain more independence. While it can be costly, families of children with cerebral palsy often find th ..read more
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Do Black Women Have a Higher Risk of Maternal Death?
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
3w ago
Sometimes, living in the United States can feel like a cause for celebration. We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, the land of opportunity and the American dream. Unfortunately, it is still a country in the real world, and reality is way less rosy. For example, while we enjoy generally good health care in this country, the system itself has some cultural issues. Statistics have been coming out showing that Black women have a higher risk of maternal death than others. These maternal mortality details can be explained by a variety of factors. If you have a loved one who die ..read more
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Undiagnosed Preeclampsia in Illinois
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
3w ago
At times, pregnancy can feel like an incredible miracle. At other times, it might seem more like an endless risk. On the one hand, your body is creating life, and you get to witness the various stages of development. On the other hand, there are so many birth injuries, risks, and conditions that can be associated with a pregnancy that it can be overwhelming. While about 700 women die in the United States every year due to pregnancy and childbirth complications, it is estimated that about half of these could be prevented with proper medical treatment. One dangerous condition that can appear lat ..read more
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What to Know About Postpartum Hemorrhaging
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
1M ago
 Welcoming a newborn baby into the world is a life-changing experience. Fortunately, modern medicine has come a long way, and some birth-related complications that used to be life-threatening are now resolved much quicker and safer in Western hospitals. Unfortunately, these medical advancements have not managed to completely eliminate all the risks associated with delivering a baby. Some women experience postpartum hemorrhaging, which is excessive bleeding after childbirth, and it can be dangerous with serious and lasting effects. It is one of the leading causes of maternal death. This ar ..read more
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Adaptive Devices and Equipment for People with CP
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
1M ago
Some people experience pregnancy and childbirth as an enchanting and miraculous period in their lives culminating in the addition of a cooing, healthy baby to their families. However, pregnancy truly is a time full of the unknown, with many mothers-to-be worrying about their babies’ development. Unfortunately, sometimes those worries are well-founded, and a child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. While people with cerebral palsy can face serious symptoms and challenges throughout their lives, we are fortunate to live in a time of technological advancements that can help challenges be mitigated ..read more
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Could My Doctor Be Responsible for My Miscarriage?
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
2M ago
A miscarriage can be a horrible experience for anyone to go through. Often, a woman who miscarries feels tremendous sadness and trauma as well as harsh physical pain. As awareness has increased, the general population now realizes more than ever before how common miscarriages are, but that does not make it any less painful. Beyond the physical and emotional pain that might improve with time, miscarrying can also be connected with other medical complications in the future. Since they can cause so much pain and suffering, women who miscarry sometimes find themselves asking who is to blame. While ..read more
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Early Intervention Services for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Illinois
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
2M ago
When a child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, early intervention services play a crucial role in their development and quality of life. In Illinois, families of children with cerebral palsy must understand the legal options available that can make a significant difference in ensuring that children receive the support they need to thrive. If your child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, contact a birth injury attorney to learn about the legal options that may be available to maximize your child’s quality of life and help them in their development moving forward.  At Birth Injury Law Allia ..read more
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4 Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy From a Birth Injury 
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
2M ago
Cerebral palsy is a serious birth injury that is known to impact movement, muscle tone, posture, and learning ability. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the developing brain, usually before or during birth, but parents and caregivers may not notice that something is amiss with their child for several months or even years.  Understanding the symptoms of cerebral palsy is crucial for early detection and intervention to improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition. Parents who suspect their child may have cerebral palsy should contact a professional right away. If your ..read more
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Medical Negligence That Can Lead to Birth Injuries in Illinois 
Illinois Lawyer Now Blog » Birth Injury Law blog
by Adam Syder
2M ago
Birth injuries can have devastating and lifelong consequences for both the child and her family. In Illinois, medical negligence during childbirth can result in various types of birth injuries, with cerebral palsy being one of the most serious and prevalent conditions. If you, your child, or both of you suffered injuries during the childbirth process and you believe medical negligence may be to blame, contact a lawyer to secure the legal representation you need during this stressful time. At Birth Injury Law Alliance, Ltd., Attorney Allen Schwartz has a proven track record of obtaining multipl ..read more
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