Embracing Your Menstrual Cycle
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by Meghann Flint
5d ago
Insights from Lucy Peach's Menstrual Wisdom - In the journey of self-discovery and empowerment, understanding your menstrual cycle becomes a powerful tool for adult women. Lucy Peach, a renowned menstrual educator, has gracefully woven the concept of “Menstrual Wisdom” into her work, encouraging women to embrace the cyclical nature of their bodies. In this blog, we draw inspiration from Lucy Peach to explore the profound insights that come with knowing and honouring your menstrual cycle. The Power of Menstrual Wisdom Lucy Peach’s approach to menstrual wisdom revolves around acknowledging t ..read more
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Navigating Multiple Sclerosis: Unique Challenges and Strengths in Women
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by Meghann Flint
3w ago
In the run-up to World MS Day on the 30th of May, we take a look at the unique challenges and strengths faced by women living with MS. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological condition that affects millions of people globally, and it manifests uniquely in women. While both men and women can be diagnosed with MS, the impact on women’s lives can differ due to various factors. In this blog, we will explore the specific challenges that women with MS may face, as well as their resilience, coping mechanisms, and the importance of tailored healthcare strategies. Understanding Multiple Scl ..read more
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Late-Life Autism Diagnosis in Women
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by Meghann Flint
3M ago
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is often associated with early childhood, yet an increasing number of women are receiving autism diagnoses later in life. For many, navigating the world without a formal understanding of their neurodiversity can lead to challenges in various aspects of life. In this blog, we’ll explore the phenomenon of late-life autism diagnosis in women, the unique experiences these individuals face, and the importance of raising awareness for improved understanding and support. The Masking Effect: One of the reasons autism is frequently diagnosed later in women is their adep ..read more
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Can you believe we are 30?!
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by Meghann Flint
3M ago
This month, we celebrate 30 years since our official incorporation. What changes have we seen in those 30 years? I can’t speak personally for the first nine and a half years because I wasn’t here then. From what I know, a group of professional women came together and saw a need for a women’s health service in the area. It took about three years from talking about it to door opening, and I can only imagine the work that must have gone into making those dreams a reality. On the 25th of February 1994, we held our first AGM and were officially incorporated. When the doors opened, there was a nurs ..read more
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Breaking Free from the People-Pleaser Trap
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by Meghann Flint
4M ago
A Guide to Setting Healthy Boundaries Are you the type of person who constantly puts others’ needs ahead of your own, often at the expense of your well-being? Do you find it challenging to say no, fearing that you might disappoint or upset those around you? If so, you might be a people-pleaser, someone who habitually prioritises others’ happiness over their own.  While being considerate and helpful is commendable, being a chronic people-pleaser can lead to burnout, stress, and a compromised sense of self. In this blog, we’ll explore the traits of people-pleasers, the impact it can have on ..read more
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Overcoming your Hesitation to Get Tested for Ovarian Cancer
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by Meghann Flint
4M ago
Facing the prospect of testing for ovarian cancer can be daunting. The fear of the unknown, coupled with the anxiety about the potential diagnosis, often leads individuals to delay or altogether avoid getting tested. However, understanding the importance of early detection and overcoming these fears can significantly impact one’s health and wellbeing.  Understanding Ovarian Cancer  Ovarian cancer is often referred to as the “silent killer” because its symptoms can be subtle and easily mistaken for other less severe conditions. This silent nature contributes to the fear associated wi ..read more
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Breaking Barriers and Unleashing Potential: The Power of Female Education
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by WHWS Gosnells
6M ago
As we celebrate the International Day of Education on the 24th of January 2024, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the transformative power of education and its role in shaping a future where every individual has the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to the world. In this blog, we will look at the power of female education. In the intricate dance of societal progress, one pivotal movement involves breaking down barriers that have historically limited the potential of women. Education emerges as a formidable force in dismantling these barriers, offering a transformative pathway fo ..read more
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Beyond Resolutions: Embracing a Year of Growth Without the Hype
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by WHWS Gosnells
6M ago
Hey there, fellow journey-seekers! As the confetti settles and the New Year’s resolutions are still fresh in our minds, let’s take a moment to ponder: is there something better than the age-old tradition of setting resolutions? Spoiler alert: yes, and we’re about to dive into the what, why, and how of it all. Embracing Continuous Growth: You know that feeling when you set a resolution, achieve it, and then… now what? Instead of boxing ourselves into a once-a-year commitment, what if we embraced the idea that growth is a continuous, ever-evolving process? Life doesn’t adhere to a January 1st d ..read more
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Navigating Tough Times During the Christmas Holidays
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by WHWS Gosnells
6M ago
The Christmas holiday season isn’t always a sleigh ride of cheer for everyone. In fact, for some of us, it can feel like navigating a snowy road with a few unexpected bumps. In this blog, we’re diving into the real talk about tough times during Christmas. From the pressures to be merry to facing personal challenges, let’s explore how we can find moments of warmth and light at this time of year. This time of year can bring about unique challenges, making it particularly tough to navigate. Whether you’re dealing with personal loss, financial difficulties, or other hardships, know that you’re no ..read more
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Voices of Compassion: The Power and Purpose of Volunteerism
Women's Health & Wellbeing Services Blog
by WHWS Gosnells
6M ago
Ever wonder about the unsung heroes shaping our communities? Well, we’re about to dive into the world of volunteers – those incredible individuals who go above and beyond to make a positive impact. Volunteers are the unsung heroes woven into the fabric of communities, embodying the spirit of selflessness and compassion. Their collective impact is a testament to the transformative power of individuals coming together for a shared purpose. Volunteers dedicate their time, skills, and energy to uplift others in every corner of the globe, often without seeking recognition. Whether it’s lending a h ..read more
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