What Are NOTAMs? Notices to Air Missions Explained
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
6d ago
NOTAMs can be confusing and complicated to read. It’s tempting to scroll past them during preflight. But you could find yourself in serious trouble if you don’t check NOTAMs before you take off. Luckily, you don’t have to stay puzzled by NOTAMs. This article breaks down each type of NOTAM, how to understand them, and where to find them. Key Takeaways NOTAMs update pilots about changes in airspace, airports, and equipment that affect aircraft operations.  Checking NOTAMs before flight is required by Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR 91.103). NOTAMs can be challenging to understand, but th ..read more
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How to Calculate Weight and Balance (Easily)
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
6d ago
It’s tempting to think of an aircraft as a car – fill the seats, pack the baggage compartment, and go. But unlike land vehicles, the amount of weight and where we place it considerably impacts how the airplane flies. If you improperly load the aircraft, it may struggle to take off or be difficult or impossible to control. If weight and balance concepts like center of gravity seem puzzling, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll start with the basics and work our way up to calculations. Key Takeaways Learn why weight and balance management is so critical – and what you need to do to stay legal. S ..read more
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How to Fly Perfect Lazy Eights
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
3w ago
Lazy eights sound like the least challenging commercial checkride maneuver to learn. It’s just S-turns with climbs and descents, right? Despite the easygoing name, many pilots find lazy eights harder than they thought. Meeting test standards is an uphill battle without a solid grasp of the maneuver. Thankfully, lazy eights don’t have to be such a struggle. In this article, we’ll teach you all you need to know to perform excellent lazy eights from lesson one. What Are Lazy Eights? Lazy eights consist of two symmetrical and alternating 180° climbing and descending turns.  If completed corr ..read more
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Mastering Short Field Landings (A Step-by-Step Guide)
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
1M ago
Short field landings are a true test of a pilot’s skill. They are also one of the most feared maneuvers during the private pilot checkride. Not only must you fly unnervingly slow, but you also have to pick a spot on the runway and hit it.  All this while avoiding obstacles and trying to keep your tires–and pride–intact. Feeling overwhelmed by this challenging maneuver? You’re not alone. Whether you’re new to short field landings or a pilot needing a refresher, this essential guide is for you. What Makes a Short Field Short? What exactly is a short field? It’s a runway that is too short fo ..read more
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How to Brief an Instrument Approach (Step-by-Step)
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
1M ago
For new instrument pilots, flying an approach to minimums is a big challenge. Adding an approach briefing to the mix feels like one task too many. But rushing a briefing puts you at serious risk of losing situational awareness. Luckily, mastering approach briefings is not as hard as it seems. This article breaks down how to deliver a top-notch approach briefing, every time. Key Takeaways Instrument approach briefings help pilots maintain situational awareness during the approach. Use the chart as an approach checklist to cover the key elements. A good approach briefing begins during preflight ..read more
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How to Talk to ATC (Beginner’s Guide)
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
1M ago
ATC communication is one of the most challenging parts of flight training. Getting it wrong can be embarrassing at best and deadly at worst. But in this guide, we’ll cut through the complexity and help you become confident and safe on the radio. We won’t help you practice your pilot voice, though… Preflight Preparation Talking to ATC can undoubtedly be stressful when you first start. It is yet another hurdle to overcome when learning to fly. Before getting into an aircraft and talking to ATC for real, prepare for the experience. Learning ATC communication basics on the ground will make your i ..read more
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Class B Airspace Explained
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
1M ago
Thinking about flying in Class B airspace but don’t know how to start? It’s understandable. The fast jets and faster-talking controllers can be intimidating. Keeping track of all the rules and regulations might seem like too much. If the complexity of this busy airspace feels overwhelming, don’t worry. This article makes Class B airspace easy to understand. From entry and weather requirements to interacting with ATC, we have you covered. Key Takeaways Class B airspace surrounds the nation’s busiest airports. Class B airspace features multiple tiers with shelves progressively spreading outward ..read more
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Avoiding The Impossible Turn (Engine Failure after Takeoff)
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
1M ago
As your aircraft smoothly climbs away from the runway, nothing seems amiss. Suddenly, your engine seizes, and you haven’t even reached traffic pattern altitude yet. What do you do? Your first instinct is to turn around and land on the lovely, long runway from which you just departed. But this maneuver, known as the “impossible turn,” is as dangerous as it is appealing.  In this article, we’ll help you resist the lure of the “impossible” and craft safer emergency plans. Key Takeaways Preparing for engine failure and practicing what to do helps keep you safe in an emergency. Knowing your a ..read more
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How to Master Slow Flight (Step-By-Step)
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
2M ago
Slow flight is one of those maneuvers that sounds easy enough. Until you try it. If slow flight makes you feel like you’re always one step behind the aircraft, we get it. There is a lot going on during this aeronautical balancing act. If your slow flight isn’t as smooth and stable as it needs to be, we can help. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll ace slow flight with accuracy and ease. Key Takeaways Slow flight trains pilots to handle the aircraft at speeds just above stalling. Common mistakes include neglecting clearing turns, delaying stall recovery, and misusing the rudder. Practicing sl ..read more
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How to Make a Perfect Soft Field Landing Every Time
Pilot Institute » Airplanes
by Pilot Institute
2M ago
Soft field landings are widely misunderstood. They’re just like a normal landing but… softer, right? Well, not exactly. There’s more to it than simply not landing hard. Going into a checkride (or a grass strip) without solid soft field skills is asking for trouble. Luckily, in this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about soft field landings – including common mistakes that you should avoid. Key Takeaways Soft fields are non-paved landing surfaces like grass, dirt, gravel, and sand. Landing on soft fields requires a specific technique for gentle touchdowns. Incorrect soft field ..read more
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