Wandering Minds: The Psychology of Travel
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
6d ago
Something you may have noticed when traveling, specificially when you travel to Las Vegas, is that people behave in very different ways on vacation than they do when they’re at home.  That might mean drinking more and eating less healthy, taking risks they might not other wise take, or straight-up dropping all their inhibitions and becoming a totally different person…buy why? Joining me to answer that question – and many more – is Dr. Michael Brein, aka “the Travel Psychologist”.  Michael is an author, lecturer, adventurer, and publisher of numerous travel books and guides. We went i ..read more
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From The Vault: Classic Vegas Mistakes
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
2w ago
Now that I'm 5+ years into doing this podcast, with over 200 episodes under my belt, I've realized that early on in podcast, I covered a lot of cool topics that people might not be aware of.  Most of those episodes are now buried deep in the archives and the chances of new listeners finding them are almost nil. So, to save everyone having to search for them, I thought I'd go ahead and do the digging for you with a feature I'm calling "From The Vault", where I re-share some of the best content from the early days of the show. This time around, it's sage advice for the Vegas rookies... Las ..read more
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Neon Waves - An Inside Look At Las Vegas Pool Parties & Day Clubs
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
1M ago
We're headed into another Las Vegas pool season! As the weather heats up and resorts start opening their pools, I've been seeing a lot of questions online about the pool scene in Vegas, specifically about Day Clubs & Pool Parties. People want to know about prices, dress codes, etiquette, and everything in between.  So, in an attempt to help you out, I've enlisted an expert to assist! Christalle Dalstead is a Las Vegas Promoter and the creator/owner of Vegas Free Guest Lists.  For the last decade, Christalle has been working with Vegas visitors to make sure they have amazing ..read more
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From The Vault: Kill Resort Fees
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
1M ago
I'm 5+ years into this podcast journey now with over 200 episodes available - including bonus & special episodes.  There's a ton of great topics I've covered on the show over the years and a lot of those episodes are now buried deep in the archives. So, I thought that to save you searching all over the place for those episodes, I'd go ahead and do the digging for you with a feature I like to call, "From The Vault", where I re-share some of the best episodes from the early days of the podcast. This time around, we're going all the way back to my conversation with Lauren Wolfe, the foun ..read more
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Tropicana: So Long, Farewell...
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
2M ago
We have officially reached the end of an era in Las Vegas. After 67 years, one of the most legendary properties on the strip is shutting down, and as of April 2nd, 2024, the Tropicana will be no more. When it first opened back in April of 1957, it was one of the most luxurious hotels & casinos in Las Vegas, calling itself "The Tiffany of the Strip".  It's seen growth & expansion over the decades and it's survived ownership changes, financial crisis, and a global pandemic...all to be permanently closed to make way for a new baseball stadium. My guest for this episode of the podcast ..read more
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BLACK LISTED - The History of the Nevada Black Book
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
2M ago
If you're a fan of Vegas-related movies & pop culture, chances are that you've heard about "the Black Book". This is a list of people who are banned from entering any gaming establishment in the state of Nevada for ANY reason - as was highlighted by Joe Pesci & Robert DeNiro in this scene from 1995 classic film, "Casino". So exactly how does one end up in "the Black Book"?  And, more importantly, how does one get OUT of it?  My guest for this episode of the podcast is here to answer those questions and many more... Back for another conversation is Geoff Schumacher, Vice Presi ..read more
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The February Trip Report
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
3M ago
It's time for ANOTHER World Famous Jeff Does Vegas Trip Report! For this episode, we're recapping my most recent Las Vegas trip, from February 4-6, 2024 - trip #1 of the year and what might be my most SPONTANEOUS Vegas trip ever! I've got another review of my stay at The Horseshoe, meals at Grand Luxe Cafe, Lou's Diner & Robert Irvine's Public House, and I share my thoughts & opinions on a few hotels/resorts that I took the time to walk through including one brand-new resort and one that's closing its doors at the start of April. ________________________________________________________ ..read more
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Rise Of The Influencers: A Look At The World Of Vegas Content Creators
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
3M ago
Influencers have always been "a thing" in Las Vegas - and in a city as visually stunning as Vegas, it only makes sense that content creators would want to cash in on things. But in 2023, things got weird. There seemed to be a real "boom" in content creators; there are literally hundreds of people blogging, vlogging, tweeting, and podcasting about Las Vegas. The culture has gone through a real shift over the last year or so with the attitude changing from "When one wins, we all win" to "F**k everyone else...I'm looking out for number one". For this episode of the podcast, I was joined by Adam B ..read more
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The February Check-In
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
4M ago
It's been a hot minute since I've released a new episode of the podcast, so I thought I'd take an opportunity to bring you all up to speed on what's been going on in JDV-Land! There's lots going on behind the scenes with a few different projects on the go, planning out guests for upcoming episodes, and preparing for a Vegas trip at the end of February! Enjoy! __________________________________________________________________________ Become a Jeff Does Vegas Insider today for only $5 USD/month & enjoy all kinds of cool perks like early access to new episodes, commercial-free versions of EVE ..read more
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2023 In Review - Las Vegas History
The Jeff Does Vegas Podcast
by Jeff Walker
4M ago
As 2023 comes to an end, I've decided to take you all on a little trip back in time to revisit some of my favorite conversations from the last 12 months of the podcast. For the final instalment of 2023 In Review, I'm covering what's easily my favorite thing to talk about - and based on the reactions to these episodes, I'm guessing it's yours as well: Las Vegas History Over the past year, I was able to cover some very cool parts of Las Vegas History, and I was fortunate to be joined by some incredible guests for these conversations. Take a listen to the complete episodes here: Mr. Showman ..read more
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