Why we need a Sabbath
by Dave
19h ago
Bible readings: Deuteronomy 5:6–21, 2 Corinthians 4:5–12, Mark 2:23–28 The Sabbath is an important topic for Christians. The Bible tells us that it is a day of rest where we stop our usual work to rest and focus in on God. Depending on what stream of christianity we follow it may be on a Saturday to line up with Jewish tradition or Sunday to line up with the day we remember the resurrection of Jesus. In this message I want to look at our readings for this week and look at why we need a Sabbath day each week. 1. We need a Sabbath because it is in the 10 Commandments In our first reading we see ..read more
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Qualities in a friend
by Dave
3d ago
What quality do you value most in a friend? Looking back over the years most of my closer friends have had the same qualities. They are people of faith, I can talk and pray with them, they listen and not judge, and they provide encouragement when I needed it. But my closest friends understood when I needed space to process things. They gave me space and time to think things through and did not take it as we are not friends any more. They understood my need to “turtle” and be inside my shell every now and then. In my heart I am introverted, which just means I need space to recharge my batter ..read more
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The ALL consuming call of Jesus
by Dave
1w ago
Bible reading: Matthew 28:16-20 The title of this message is the ALL Consuming Call of Jesus. I want to look at Jesus’ last words before He returned to heaven. This is known as the Great Commission. As we work through the passage from Matthew 28, I want to take special notice of the word ALL 1. ALL authority belonged to Jesus Matthew 28:18 – Jesus came and told His disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.” Jesus has all authority on heaven and earth. That is a big statement. It means no-one has more authority than Jesus. But as we look at the Scriptures we see ..read more
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You “should” help me
by Dave
1w ago
Over the years people have said the following statement to me a number of times, “You are a Christian, you should help me”. As Christians we should help others. The Bible tells us this is part of the Christian life. It helps us to shine our lights and bring glory to God (Matthew 5:16). However, there are times when we should not help. I have had people make this statement to me when they are doing nothing to help themselves. An example is one fit and healthy person never worked, was often on drugs or alcohol and never tried to get help for that. They went from one charity or Christian person ..read more
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A legacy of faith, hope and love
by Dave
1w ago
What is the legacy you want to leave behind? When I reflect on what legacy I want to leave behind a memory verse comes to mind – 1 Corinthians 13:13. It says… “Three things will last forever – faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.” This short verse contains three great truths that will last forever. 1. Faith – I hope people will remember me as a person who had faith in Jesus and tried wholeheartedly to follow Him. 2. Hope – I hope that my eternal hope in Christ is remembered. I pray people have seen this hope and are inspired by it when I am gone. 3. Love – I hope my love ..read more
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Cold or hot weather?
by Dave
2w ago
How do you feel about cold weather? This is an interesting question again. How do I feel about cold weather? I have to admit this has changed as I have gotten older. When I was younger I loved warmer weather, but something about ageing and hot weather. It seems to take it out of you more. Mind you we do have fairly hot summers where I live. In February we had three days above 45 degrees Celsius. That is nearly 115 Fahrenheit! In winter our coldest nights are about -2 Celsius, 28 Fahrenheit. I just find that where I live I can do most things when it is cold. You just have to put on multiple ..read more
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Five reasons why we needed Pentecost
by Dave
2w ago
Bible readings: Acts 2:1-11, Romans 8: 14-17, 22-27 Today is Pentecost Sunday on the Church calendar. It is when we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit to the first followers of Jesus.  As we saw in our first reading the disciples were meeting in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came. It made so much a commotion that people came from all around. Bible scholars tell us this was the beginning of the church age. The age when the Holy Spirit would fill and empower Christians to love one another and fulfil the Great Commission. The last words of Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. Today I want t ..read more
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Jesus needed time alone
by Dave
2w ago
This one is just for fun. I saw it online ..read more
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Martha gets a bad wrap
by Dave
2w ago
Often when we think of Martha and her sister Mary we often think of Martha in a bad light.  When Jesus comes over to see them, Mary sits with Jesus and Martha is rushing around getting things done. She complains to Jesus and asks Him to tell Mary to help. But today I noticed that Martha gives a very good response to Jesus’ question when they are talking about Lazarus dying and being raised. In John 11:25 Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. 26 Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you bel ..read more
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The oldest thing
by Dave
2w ago
What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today? The oldest thing I am wearing today is my wedding ring. 28 years old and counting My wife and I met 29 years ago and we knew within two weeks we would marry. People told us that is too soon to know. Twenty eight years later I think we were right ..read more
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