Sport’s Massage, Helping You Perform At Your Best
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Calum Fraser
1M ago
Sports massages include a variety of different massage styles which get chosen accorded to the prefrences and requirements of an athlete preparing for a sports event. When selecting a massage style to be used by an athlete, several factors are put into consideration. The timing of the sporting event in relation to the period of the massage is important. Its critical to understand the training schedule that is being used by an athlete. A good therapist also knows the health condition of the athlete as some might be recovering from an injury encountered during previous sporting activities. Spor more
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What is electroacupuncture?
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Calum Fraser
1M ago
Electroacupuncture involves running a small electrical current between two acupuncture needles. Electroacupuncture is quite similar to acupuncture as it uses the same sort of needles, can treat similar conditions except it has the added benefit of the additional stimulation provided by the electric current.   How does electroacupuncture work? Just like regular acupuncture, electroacupuncture works by treating a blocked or disrupted flow of qi. This added stimulation of these points will help to increase the effect of the acupuncture and can help to restore the flow of qi faster. Elect more
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Benefits of exercise and ageing
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Calum Fraser
1M ago
We have all been told that exercise is good for us and should be incorporated into our weekly routine to help stay healthy. But why is that? Why does lifting some dense hexagonal object help? Also, with all of the different types of exercise on offer it can get rather confusing to know what to choose Physiotherapy, Pilates, yoga, hydrotherapy, commercial gym, group classes, walking around the block to name a few. The purpose of this article is to give some insight of the reasons why exercise is important, what kind should be done as you get older, and to answer some of those questions you mig more
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Low back pain and Pilates
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Calum Fraser
1M ago
Chronic low back pain is a common health problem in Australia, affecting approximately one in six people. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, around 3.7 million Australians suffer from chronic low back pain, making it one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions in the country. Chronic low back pain can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, limiting their ability to perform daily activities and participate in work and social activities. Click to learn about our Grange Physio Services. Pilates in physiotherapy has been shown to be an effective more
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Achilles Tendinopathy
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Wilston Physiotherapy
1M ago
Achilles Tendinopathy is an unfortunately common complaint seen in a physiotherapy clinic. Achilles tendon pain is usually due to small tears in the tendon which can develop over time. This may occur due to a single incident of overstretching or straining the tendon, or through general overuse where the tendon becomes worn and damaged. Several factors can contribute to the development of Achilles Tendonitis. These include: Wearing high-heeled shoes that shorten and tighten the calf muscle A sudden increase in the amount of training or walking Poor footwear that rub against the tendon or do no more
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Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Wilston Physiotherapy
1M ago
Most people have heard of Rehabilitation, the undertaking of treatment and exercise regime following an injury. Some studies are now showing the effectiveness of undertaking Physiotherapy treatment and an exercise program designed to help reduce symptoms and strengthen a particular body area BEFORE undergoing surgery to repair the injury. This is called Prehabilitation. Injuries to the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) in the knee are one of these which has been shown to benefit from Prehabilitation Studies have shown that those patients who underwent prehab, had a faster re more
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Acute Lower Back Pain
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Wilston Physiotherapy
1M ago
Lower back pain is a common condition that many people suffer from every year. There are a number of different structures in the low back that can be effected, including discs, facet joints, nerves and nerve roots as they exit your spine through your intevertebral foramen. Muscle strains, ligament strains as well as irritation and degeneration of your joints can cause low back pain and stiffness. Acute vs chronic low back pain Lower back pains can either come from an acute injury, such as a once off event. This would include anything such as a car accident, a fall or lifting something too heav more
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Wilston Physiotherapy
1M ago
Iliotibial band syndrome is a condition that commonly presents in runners and typically causes pain at the outer aspect of the knee where the iliotibial band (ITB) crosses the knee joint. A thorough subjective and objective examination from a physiotherapist is usually sufficient to diagnose Iliotibial band syndrome. Investigations such as an ultrasound or MRI may be used to assist with diagnosis. Treatment for Iliotibial band syndrome Most cases of Iliotibial band syndrome settle well with appropriate physiotherapy. This requires careful assessment by the physiotherapist to determine which fa more
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Bowen Therapy
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Wilston Physiotherapy
1M ago
The Bowen Technique is a gentle but effective approach to pain relief that triggers the body’s natural healing responses. It recognises that the underlying cause of many musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and other health problems can be found in the fascia. Fascia is an uninterrupted web of soft tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves and blood vessels. It is rich in a range of receptors that influence the body’s neuromuscular physiology in many and complex ways. After an initial assessment, treatment consists of a series of gentle cross fibre moves over very specific points on the more
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Dry Needling vs Acupuncture what is the difference?
Wilston Physiotherapy Blog
by Calum Fraser
10M ago
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice which involves inserting fine needles to stimulate and balance the flow of Qi through the body. Dry needling is based on western philosophies and is often associated with trigger points, tight muscles and stimulating tissue repair at a local level.  How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that has been refined over thousands of years. According to Traditional Chinese medicine the proper flow of Qi through the body’s meridians are essential for good health. By inserting needles into specific lo more
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