5 Things I Did to Navigate the "Terrible" & Terrific Twos
Mommy Monitor Blog
10M ago
When you’re sleep deprived, overwhelmed, in dire need of some mommy / alone time (and more), dealing with your unpredictable tantrum throwing toddler is maybe the last thing that you may feel like you have the capacity for ..read more
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Overcoming Overstimulation and Overwhelm as a Mom
Mommy Monitor Blog
10M ago
Full transparency, I sometimes experience sensory overload. Looking back, I experienced this prior to having kids, but didn’t quite understand my experience nor did I know this was “a thing” (that others also experienced) until after having children. If you are overstimulated and at times feel: anxious, restless, irritable, etc. keep reading as I am going to be sharing some tips that help me navigate feeling overwhelmed by it all ..read more
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How To Stay Focused and Organized as a Busy Mom
Mommy Monitor Blog
10M ago
As mothers, we often find ourselves pulled in many different directions which can result in feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed out, frustrated and more. The good news is, those feelings don’t have to be our permanent states. In this blog, I will be sharing some things that have helped me move forward during those times ..read more
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Summer Family Fun Activities: 2023 Edition
Mommy Monitor Blog
10M ago
If your child(ren) is / are home from school, and you’re unsure what to do with them or maybe you’ve run out of ideas and you reside in Toronto / the Greater Toronto Area, keep reading! In this blog, I’ll be sharing some fun family activities and events that everyone can enjoy ..read more
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Preparing for the Upcoming Season: Back-to-School Edition
Mommy Monitor Blog
10M ago
Mama, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but we are in August already (can you believe it)?! Do you remember that back-to-school commercial that would come on (around this time of the year) where the parent is pushing the shopping cart with school supplies in it and they are so overjoyed that their child is going back to school and the child is not impressed (I think it was from Staples). They had that jingle that went: “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Well, it’s just about that time! In about a month or so, the kiddos will be back to school. Are you ready? Are they ready? I ..read more
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Why I Don’t Enact Corporal Punishment On My Children and What I Do Instead
Mommy Monitor Blog
1y ago
Prior to having children, I always knew if I ever decided I wanted to have them that I would parent them differently than how I was raised; more specifically, I wouldn't hit or spank them ..read more
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Embracing Your New Identity as a Mother
Mommy Monitor Blog
1y ago
Who Am I? - Mama, have you ever asked yourself this question at any point along your motherhood journey? I have asked myself this question many times throughout mine ..read more
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How to Be Successful After a Setback
Mommy Monitor Blog
1y ago
Have you ever made plans and then life happened and just like that, there went your plans? How did you handle those situations? Did you succumb to your circumstances or did you set yourself up for a successful comeback ..read more
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Things I Wish I Knew: Fourth Trimester Edition
Mommy Monitor Blog
1y ago
Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. It takes a village to raise a child ..read more
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Collective Care: How We Can Better Support Moms
Mommy Monitor Blog
1y ago
Becoming a mother is a joyous milestone and while this is true for some, it is not true for everyone ..read more
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