3 mindset shifts to leap to 10k month as a yoga teacher
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
1w ago
As a seasoned business coach for yoga teachers, I’ve seen first hand the journey of many instructors striving to reach the $10k per month mark. Let’s look at the three fundamental mindset shifts that you’ll need to propel you towards your goals. Before we dive into these shifts, I want to mention The Momentum Mastermind is still open for enrollment. This specially designed program offers a blend of personalized coaching and group support, ideal for yoga teachers aiming to scale their businesses to consistent $5k-$10k months. Now, on to the top three mindset shifts I work on with all my client ..read more
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Consistent $5k-$10k months as a yoga teacher become your bare minimum when…
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
3w ago
Through working with many different yoga instructors, I’ve discovered a range of strategies that have paved the way for achieving monthly revenues ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. Below we’ll look at my top 6 areas to focus on for success. But before we dive into the specifics, I’m excited to announce that applications for The Momentum Mastermind are currently open. This specialized 6-month program is tailor made for yoga teachers who aspire to bring in a regular monthly income of 5 to 10k, all while staying true to their business values and ethics. If this sounds like you, perhaps the Momentu ..read more
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How I went from barely making 1k per month selling my online yoga courses to over 10k per month, in less than a year
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
1M ago
When I decided to increase my income by creating online yoga courses, I was making barely $1000 per month. Initially, that seemed enough. However, the constant cycle of creating new courses each month quickly became exhausting and unsustainable. Transitioning from in-person to online teaching was daunting. I worried about how others would perceive this shift and whether it would affect my authenticity as a traditional yoga teacher. Surprisingly, the support I received was overwhelming, reinforcing the importance of authenticity in business strategies. Initially, knowing the tech I need was ch ..read more
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How to turn your yoga course into a daily sales-generating machine
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
1M ago
Are you tired of constantly promoting your yoga courses on social media or running ads just to make a few sales? There is a way to turn your courses and memberships into a daily sales-generating machine, all without being chained to your computer or smartphone every day. When I first started creating online yoga courses, I found myself in a familiar cycle – launch a course, make some sales, and then struggle to maintain momentum. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the concept of passive income funnels that I discovered a way to automate my sales and generate income consistently, even without act ..read more
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Why I quit launching my yoga courses
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
1M ago
Are you tired of constantly relaunching your yoga courses to make sales? You’re not alone. Many yoga teachers find themselves stuck in a cycle of endless promotion, leading to burnout and frustration. But what if there was a better way to sell your courses without the constant hustle? When I first started creating online yoga courses, I found myself trapped in a cycle of monthly launches. Each month, I would create a new course, promote it on social media, and send emails to my small list. While I made some sales, it wasn’t sustainable. I was constantly stressed and on the brink of burnout. S ..read more
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How to Enrol Hundreds of Students in Your Yoga Course Without Publicly Selling It
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
1M ago
Many yoga teachers hit a wall after their first few course launches, seeing only a handful of sales before moving on to their next idea. This cycle can lead to discouragement and, for some, the decision to give up. The root issue? Most courses aren’t designed with scalability in mind. The Common Pitfall in Yoga Business Expansion A prevalent issue among yoga instructors is the approach to selling their courses—create, sell, and then hastily move on to the next project. This strategy often results in a series of one-time efforts with limited success and sustainability. The critical oversight he ..read more
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How to gain visibility and grow your online presence as a yoga teacher
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
3M ago
In the world of online yoga teaching, success isn’t solely determined by the number of followers you have on social media, instead, let’s explore the essential steps you need to take to build visibility and grow your online presence as a yoga teacher. Step 1: Craft a Clear and Authentic Personal BrandAs a yoga teacher, your personal brand is your story, your personality, and the driving force behind your business. Define your unique traits, whether it’s your yoga practice with your pet, specific colors you wear, or your journey to becoming a yoga teacher. A personal brand goes beyond having a ..read more
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What I Did NOT Do to Transition to Teaching Yoga Online
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
3M ago
Creating online yoga offerings as a yoga teacher is no walk in the park, despite what social media success stories may portray. The story of achieving business growth with just a few simple steps can be misleading and diminish the real challenges faced by teachers starting their online ventures. Transitioning fully or partially online is not a complicated process, but let’s be clear—it’s not easy. The steps themselves may be simple, but numerous obstacles can slow your progress. Many yoga teachers grapple with technological challenges, camera shyness, and the dilemma of choosing what to offer ..read more
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How to Create Scroll-Stopping Content to Standout as a Yoga Teacher
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
3M ago
In the vast landscape of social media, capturing attention is the first step towards building a thriving yoga business. Yet, amidst the noise of trending videos and flashy graphics, how can yoga teachers create content that truly stops the scroll? Identifying Your Audience Before diving into content creation, it’s essential to understand your audience. Your ideal student isn’t just a demographic; they’re individuals with specific pain points, desires, and aspirations. By pinpointing their symptoms, rather than just their problems, you can tailor your content to address their needs effectively ..read more
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Why You Should Not Record Your Course Before Selling It
Yoga Career With Gwen Blog
by Gwendoline Borja
3M ago
The biggest mistake I’ve witnessed from yoga teachers starting online and creating their first course is the tendency to record the course FIRST and then try to sell it.  And most of the times, this is a flop… Let’s see why. The Pitfall: Picture this scenario: You’re a passionate yoga teacher with a vision for an amazing online course. You spend weeks or even months meticulously crafting your content, only to launch and be met with minimal sales or, worse, none at all. It’s disheartening, demotivating, and, frankly, counterproductive. I’ve been there, and I want to help you avoid this cyc ..read more
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