10 Ways to Find New Consulting Clients
Alicia McKay Blog
10M ago
Are you a consultant looking for new clients? In this article, learn 10 effective ways to find new consulting clients.  ..read more
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Learn From Your Mistakes: Make the Most of Failure
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
Everybody makes mistakes, but only some people know how to use them to get better. If you've made a mistake this week, that's great. It means you're human ..read more
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Share Your Work In Progress
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
I have a house-guest - our former au pair, visiting from Germany. She's launching her yoga video channel, and last week, confided how disheartened she can feel watching her favourite creators on YouTube. They have millions of followers, books out, and dazzling careers. The comparison was crippling, and she found herself pouring hours into making her videos perfect, and then struggling to even want to post them.  ..read more
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Reasons, Seasons and Changing Jobs
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
You're probably familiar with the opening line of a poem by Brian A. Chalker ..read more
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How to Use Value Based Pricing In Your Consulting Business
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
Arguably the most difficult part of developing your consulting offer is deciding what to charge ..read more
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How Consultants Create a Clear Service Offer
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
How do you sell a consulting service? What services do you sell? How do you know what to sell ..read more
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Why People are Opting Out of Corporate Bullsh*t
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
I only lasted 4 years as an employee. I loved the work I was doing (strategic planning and policy in local government) and I wanted to keep doing it, but I couldn't stand the organisational overhead and life required to be a full time public servant ..read more
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How I Developed The Consultants of Choice Programme  (+ graphs)
Alicia McKay Blog
11M ago
The Consultants of Choice Foundation Programme development journey - in a series of graphs and pictures. After banging my head into a metaphorical wall trying to meet a self-imposed deadline for something people don't actually want, I've got some great news for you all: The Consultants of Choice Foundation Programme is coming soon. here! Here's quite an in-depth update on how the programme has been designed, and why. It's a bit of a yarn, so if you're just waiting to find out what's in it and when you can sign up, jump down to NUTS AND BOLTS ..read more
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How To Make Hard Decisions More Easily
Alicia McKay Blog
1y ago
Have you got a hard decision to make? Whether it's at work, or at home, having tricky choices ahead weighs on you, even when you aren't actively thinking about them. The longer you delay making the call, the more conflicted and overwhelmed you might become ..read more
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Why Now Is The Right Time To Start Your Own Business
Alicia McKay Blog
1y ago
Why You Should Start Your Own Business This Year You already know the benefits of self employment – freedom to shape your own work and lifestyle, increased earning potential, more fulfilling and impactful projects ..read more
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