Unable to boot with secondary zpool drives seated
The FreeBSD Forums
by jaday
11M ago
Hello everyone! We've got a server configured with two zpools, one for storage and a zroot pool for the filesystem. After starting an upgrade from FreeBSD 12.2 to 13.1, every boot stalls out unless the storage pool's drives have been unseated. The only way to boot up and use the storage drives is to unseat them all with the server off, then boot, reseat all of the drives and import the pool. Clearly not an ideal situation! We've upgraded the BIOS, IPMI firmware and upgraded to 13.2 in attempted fixes, but nothing seems to have helped. We have another server also upgraded from 12.2 to (now) 13 ..read more
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Samba and windows 10/11 07/2023 update
The FreeBSD Forums
by covacat
11M ago
anyone (else) hit by this ? 15418 – secure channel faulty since Windows 10/11 update 07/2023 bugzilla.samba.org i applied the patch manually and seems ok i have samba413 acting as an nt4 domain ..read more
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Plasma wayland fails with "kwin_wayland_drm: No suitable DRM devices have been found"
The FreeBSD Forums
by linus
11M ago
I am trying to get KDE plasma running on wayland. As far as I have understood, it's not possible to launch into KDE wayland from sddm, but should be possible by executing startplasma-wayland.sh or ck-launch-session dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland as a non-root user. Doing so (however fails with the following error (same result for both commands): Code: # startplasma-wayland.sh org.kde.startup: not a reply org.freedesktop.locale1 QDBusMessage(type=Error, service="org.freedesktop.DBus", error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", error message="The name org.freedesktop.loca ..read more
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Create a bootable UBCD USB stick using FreeBSD
The FreeBSD Forums
by balanga
11M ago
Here it is... my attempt to create a UBCD bootable USB stick using FreeBSD, should you ever want to... You may want to change the variables UBCDDIR - (UBCD work directory), UBCDSRC - (source location for ISO), USB (USB device) Code: export UBCDDIR="/tmp/ubcd.iso" export UBCDSRC="http://cdn.removed.us/ubcd/ubcd538.iso" export USB="da0" if ! [ -d $UBCDDIR ]; then mkdir $UBCDDIR fi cd $UBCDDIR if ! [ -d $UBCDDIR/boot ]; then fetch -o - $UBCDSRC | tar xf -. fi gpart destroy -F $USB gpart create -s mbr $USB gpart add -t fat32 $USB gpart set -a active -i 1 $USB newfs_msdos -F32 /dev/${USB}s1 ..read more
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Creating a PC-DOS bootable USB stick
The FreeBSD Forums
by balanga
11M ago
I'm trying to create a bootable USB stick which has PC-DOS 2000 installed on it, and can't find an option for creating it. So I came up with the idea of using gpart to format the USB stick as FAT16 and then install the MBR... Once that is done I should be able to copy the PC-DOS files and be able to boot.. Yes? If so, I guess I just need to dd if=pcdos.mbr of=/dev/da0... but where can I find pcdos.mbr? - not msdos.mbr Maybe I could extract 512 bytes from sys.com or fdisk.com using dd if only I knew where to look... I found an interesting site describing MBR - but it didn't really help.. http ..read more
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FreeBSD GELI problem
The FreeBSD Forums
by simon
11M ago
Good morning everyone! I have a problem. I created an encrypted drive using GELI and ZFS. I can only mount it (GELI attach then ZFS import) on a 64 bit install but the 32 bit install (which also runs ZFS) cannot attach it, it doesn't even give an error, it just....doesn't. All the configuration(s) on the two systems are identical other than one being 32 bit and the other 64bit. What could I change/do to have the 32 bit one mount that drive? I'm letting go of the 64bit one (which is fully backed up onto that drive) soon so that I can get another better one but still need to access that drive in ..read more
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Valuable News – 2023/07/17
The FreeBSD Forums
by vermaden
11M ago
Article here. FreeBSD, The FreeBSD Foundation, and The FreeBSD Forums are not associated with the content of this article ..read more
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Bhyve GPU passthrough with very old GPU question
The FreeBSD Forums
by taiwan740
11M ago
I'm beginning to explore bhyve after using QEMU and Virtualbox personally for years, and professionally with VMWare. I have an ancient machine at home that I've installed FreeBSD 13.2 onto, and I've got two graphics cards, a modern-ish but low power AMD Radeon which is the main GPU and a NVIDIA Geforce 7300 which I'd like to use as GPU passthrough to a VM. The NVIDIA is older than the Obama administration and, although has working drivers (Nvidia 304), it doesn't support ABI or something like that, so Xorg past version 1.20 won't run with it. As this is a proof of concept, and just me playin ..read more
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ThinkPad X61 BIOS upgrade
The FreeBSD Forums
by balanga
11M ago
I just tried updating the BIOS on a ThinkPad X61, but it didn't work. The BIOS updates all seem to involve applying them from Windows, although after digging around I came across:- BIOS Upgrade - ThinkWiki www.thinkwiki.org which suggests that BIOS updates can be applied after booting DOS or creating a bootable USB stick. Should I expect to be able to create such a USB stick using FreeBSD ..read more
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Startx fails, cannot run in framebuffer mode, after recent pkg upgrade
The FreeBSD Forums
by Bill_H
11M ago
My server is running FreeBSD 13.2p1. Friday I ran a pkg upgrade. After that, startx fails with an error: cannot run in framebuffer mode. The server has an unused Intel aspeed GPU on the motherboard and two monitors on a Radeon HD 7750 GPU card. It boots in legacy (BIOS) mode. Following the advice ot the FreeBSD handbook it has been configuring automatically with the amdgpu driver since 2019 (no xorg.conf files). The server is also used in a single monitor environment, so the automatic configuration is very convenient. Any suggestions for getting the x server running again? Thanks ..read more
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