Hashtags & Locations For Your Jewelry Store
Freshley Digital Blog
by Tony Moreno
7M ago
  Clients Can’t Visit if They Don’t Know How To Find You. In today’s digital landscape, leveraging hashtags and locations has become imperative for jewelry stores to thrive in a competitive market. These two vital elements play a crucial role in organic social media marketing, empowering businesses to extend their reach and establish a strong brand presence. By strategically incorporating relevant hashtags, jewelry stores can tap into a wider audience base, capturing the attention of potential customers who are actively searching for jewelry-related content. Additionally, utilizing locati ..read more
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Client Satisfaction Surveys for Jewelers
Freshley Digital Blog
by Tony Moreno
7M ago
  Staying in Sync With Your Jewelry Business. As a jewelry store owner, you know that customer satisfaction is essential to your success. You want your customers to have a positive experience from the moment they walk into your store to the moment they leave, and you want them to come back for more. An often overlooked tool to help ensure customer satisfaction is by sending out client satisfaction surveys. These surveys can give you valuable feedback about your customers’ experiences, including what they liked about your store, what they didn’t like, and where you could improve. Here’s a ..read more
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Digital Vs. Traditional Marketing For Jewelers
Freshley Digital Blog
by Tony Moreno
7M ago
  Mastering The Digital Frontier. Take Your Marketing $$ Further! In the digital era, the role of digital marketing stands as an indispensable tool for independent jewelers. Operating in a niche yet competitive market, jewelers have found that digital marketing serves as the linchpin of their success. The advantages brought forth by digital marketing prove to be a game-changer, effectively overshadowing the conventional marketing approaches that once held sway.   Let’s take a look at how and why digital works for jewelers.   Cost-Effectiveness Digital marketing can be much mor ..read more
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Remarketing For Jewelry Stores
Freshley Digital Blog
by Tony Moreno
9M ago
  Keep Your Store At The Front Of Their Minds As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential for jewelers like you to stay ahead in the realm of online marketing. Today, I’d like to shed light on a potent tool that can significantly enhance your online presence and customer engagement: Remarketing. Remarketing is a dynamic strategy that allows businesses to re-engage with potential customers who have interacted with their website or online content. It’s a powerful way to remind those interested individuals about your jewelry store, ultimately boosting conversions and sales ..read more
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Email Marketing for Jewelry Stores
Freshley Digital Blog
by Tony Moreno
9M ago
The Importance of Email Marketing for Jewelry Stores I wanted to take a moment to highlight the significant benefits of incorporating email marketing into your jewelry store’s marketing strategy. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, email marketing can be a game-changer for your business, helping you connect with your customers on a deeper level and drive more sales. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider investing in email marketing for your jewelry store.   Personalized Communication Email marketing allows you to tailor your messages to specific custom ..read more
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Organic SEO: A Jeweler’s Best Friend
Freshley Digital Blog
by Tony Moreno
9M ago
  The Power of Organic SEO for Your Jewelry Store As an industry that thrives on aesthetics and trust, your online image plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers. Having a strong online presence is essential for any jewelry store. This is where Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) becomes not just important, but crucial. Organic SEO is the foundation upon which successful online marketing is built. It’s the process of optimizing your website and content so that it ranks higher in search engine results for relevant keywords and phrases. Here’s why organi ..read more
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Effective Advertising, Measurable Results.
Freshley Digital Blog
by adminfm
1y ago
Focusing on the Details: Target Audience We know that anyone who is going to be the MOST interested in your Jewelry Store’s collections and services are those who have shown certain behaviors online that connect them to those products and services – this is your target audience. We find your target audience by selecting certain factors including lifestyle, interests, life stage, location, age and even economic status, while building your ads. We choose these factors specifically for your store based on local competitor analysis, consumer study and customer history both in-store and online. We ..read more
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In With The New Normal
Freshley Digital Blog
by adminfm
1y ago
OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW NORMAL If you have learned anything over the past few months, it is the FACT that consumers are looking to their digital devices to make purchases and research products now more than ever. As your brick & mortar doors begin to re-open, NOW is the time to make sure your website is looking its best. Think of this time as a “Grand Re-Opening”, with a brand new website to boot. If your doors remain temporarily closed, a shop-able website can provide you with an additional revenue stream. Three signs your website is ready for a change! 1. Your Website Isn’t Mobi ..read more
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Freshley Digital on Google Advertising.
Freshley Digital Blog
by adminfm
1y ago
Why Google Advertising is so important, and why choosing Freshley Digital to run your ads can make a positive impact in your ROI. #1 Speed. Google Ads gives you more of an online presence and a much faster period than traditional organic search. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads will always be on the top of the first page of Google above any organic search results. #2 A/B Testing. Different ads are displayed on different platforms such as; desktops, laptops, iPhone etc simultaneously to see which ads are the most successful. The advertisements that are found to be the most successful will be used most o ..read more
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When is the Best Time to Update your Jewelry Store Website?
Freshley Digital Blog
by adminfm
1y ago
Freshley Digital has some valuable advice for you: the time to update your website is NOW. Kickoff this season with a fresh start – a new, attentive, digital team and a new custom designed FULLY branded, and thoughtfully managed website that is built for your Jewelry Store’s individual success. A website that captures customer interest online, and with call-to-action items that can be beautifully paired with digital advertising, that encourages them shop your e-commerce store, OR to come in to your store to shop in person! With features that excite customers (new and existing) and get them tal ..read more
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