3 super easy ways to apply tooth powder
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
6M ago
Think using tooth powder sounds like too much effort? Think again! Here are my 3 no-fuss methods for applying tooth powder, so you can reap the benefits of a chemical-free clean — every day. I've been making and using my own ,tooth powder for a long time now, so it's only natural that I've perfected the art of making the process quick, simple, convenient and effective. The main point to note here is that while dipping a wet toothbrush into your tooth powder jar may seem like the easiest approach, it's ultimately not a good idea. Introducing moisture to the jar can lead the product to congeal ..read more
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Why St. John's Wort is SO much more than an anti-depressant
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
I'm in love with St. John's Wort. Like, seriously. I had heard other herbalists speak of the cheer and mirth they would feel when touching him, harvesting him or just merely delighting in his company... and I 100% vouch for this! It's no wonder that in modern times St. John's Wort has become most famed for his antidepressant action — it's true that this golden plant, imbued (literally) with the essence of sunshine, has the ability to shine warmth and light into the dark spaces that we all, at times, harbour within us (though most herbalists agree he is certainly no 'cure' for severe/pathologi ..read more
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Folklore Friday: Calendula
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
Calendula officinalis — the herb of the sun! Not only reflecting the sun's glorious pigments of gold and orange in his petals, but also pulling those petals in like a cocoon to sleep at sunset, and unfurling his radiant mane to greet Grandfather sun at sunrise. Or as Shakespeare poetically put it in A Winter's Tale — "The Marigold that goes to bed wi' th' sun, and with him rises weeping". Δ So there's no better place to begin our folkloric foray than to mention that if Calendula goes against his very sun-worshipping nature and doesn't open his flowers in the morning, then folklore decrees tha ..read more
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Easy D.I.Y herbal mouthwash
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
It's so easy to make your own herbal mouthwash at home using common kitchen herbs. Today I'm sharing 3 options that are each valuable antiseptics in their own right. It's cheap and a delightfully easy way to work with plants and be a little home herbalist — tending to your own wellbeing! (is there anything more precious than that?!) Best of all, it's alcohol free. I never understood how rinsing your mouth out with alcohol somehow equated to fresh breath and a healthy mouth. First of all, alcohol is heavily astringent and drying — and mouth dryness is one of the causes of halitosis. Secondly ..read more
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Folklore Friday: Rosemary
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
It's no surprise that rosemary is among the most beloved plants of herbalists the world over (mine included). Rosemary's folklore runs long and deep. Here's just a snippet of the enchantment dear Rosemary has gifted us across the ages. Rosmarinus officinalis Rosmarinus in Latin translates to "Dew of the Sea" (Ros = Dew; Marinus = Sea). Rosemary favours the sandy, dry coastal soils of the sun-drenched Mediterranean — thriving off the sea spray that settles on its leaves like dew.⁠ ⁠ Little wonder then, that in some versions of Greek mythology, Aphrodite was draped in rosemary when she arose fr ..read more
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Benefits of Lemon Balm in skincare
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
What's that? Did I go and juice the verdant, dew-dropped moss from the fairies forest floor? Alas, no — but I did extract our beautiful Queen Lemon Balm into coconut oil (as I normally do) — but with richer results! ⁠ ⁠ From my current batch moving forward you will notice a deeper, more herbalicious green colour to your folk-favourite Thieves balm. ⁠ This doesn't mean you weren't receiving the benefits of the lemon balm before. All Little Lune formulas undergo a deep, slow infusion of herbs prior to reaching your lovely skin — I've just been experimenting and expanding my learnings and am tho ..read more
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DIY dried citrus wheel decorations
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
Now that we're welcoming Old Man Winter to settle in by the fire for the coming months, I wanted to celebrate the vibrant, juicy jewels that provide sunshiney pops of colour amidst the cool, crisp days... citrus! Dried citrus wheels are such a fun and ridiculously easy DIY project for your weekend nesting, and are worth while making due to the sheer myriad ways you can use them. They make the most gorgeously eco friendly, zero waste decorations for your home, cocktails, gift wrapping and so much more! Plus they last indefinitely — meaning you can make up a batch and store soundly until inspir ..read more
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Life update
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
It's been one full lunar cycle since I left the spirited green undulating lands and wild, enchanted rivers and streams of Bellingen in exchange for the bustling, street art-soaked city streets of Newtown. What's it like being a studying herbalist and eco-conscious product formulator who's been dropped back into an urban concrete jungle? Well, it's not ideal , but I've been called back here for a greater purpose... My vision is to buy some rural land, a realm I can call my own, where I will establish a homestead, along with a separate, dedicated apothecary for Little Lune — embraced by extensi ..read more
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How many roses make essential oil?
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
It takes around 252,000 rose petals, or approximately 8,000 roses to distil a tiny 5ml bottle of rose essential oil. When you zoom out to this bigger picture, you cannot help but bow in reverence and gratitude to all that Rose provides for us.⁠ ⁠ You cannot help but know in your deepest being just how precious, and potent, a single drop of Rose oil is. You cannot help but feel that the spirit of this beautiful plant demands our respect when we choose to engage with her on this level of her life force.⁠ ⁠ We use conscious amounts of Rose essential oil, along with rose petal infusions in some o ..read more
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Benefits of rosehip oil for acne scars + anti-ageing
Little Lune Apothcary Blog
by little lune
1y ago
Rosa Canina, or Rosehip Oil, is one of the key lipids we use in our About Face oil and Serum, and that's because it's a truly rich, rosy nectar for skin! ⁠ ⁠ For much of my adult life, into my early 30s, I struggled with cystic acne around my chin area. Since formulating my own skincare products, and following my faery path deeper into the realms of herbalism, those days are now gratefully over. I'll save sharing that journey for another time — it's a raw, vulnerable part of me which I know many will relate to. ⁠ ⁠ But one thing that (actually) worked to help me with the scarring and post-inf ..read more
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