Igniting Your Inner Fire and Banishing Spells
The Craft & Curio Blog
8M ago
I am a little late in writing this blog for the full moon as I have had a lot going on this month, but it must have been the moon last night that inspired me to write this in the residual fiery energies of Aries supermoon tonight,. As the full moon graced the night sky last night, it illuminated not only the physical world but also our inner realms. Each full moon is unique, aligning with a specific zodiac sign and carrying its own distinct energy. We will now delve into the fiery intensity of the Full Moon in Aries and explore how witches can harness this celestial energy for spells, rituals ..read more
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Capricorn Supermoon and wading through spiritual bullsh!t
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
Greeting beloved, Thank you for joining me again. Moon magick has played a huge part in traditional witchcraft for centuries. Harnessing the cycles of the moon in accordance with it's astrological placement can be a valuable asset to your spiritual path, your spell work and understanding the themes in our society, relationships, business, love and mundane life in general. We are fast approaching the Capricorn Supermoon, this event will occur on the 3rd July at 9:38PM EST. Full moon and new moon energy can resonate themes for up to 4 weeks after the event and they can shape the vibe of that per ..read more
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Newsletter and Yule Activities.
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
Greetings beloved, I'd like to formally welcome all the new subscribers and thank you to all the regulars for all your support. It's been a while since my last letter as I have been very busy with exciting developments! You may be aware, but if you're not - I've opened up a shop with Mel from Harriet Herbery! We called ourselves Hedgecraft. We have been overwhelmed at the response we've received in my small home town of Morwell. Between Mel and I, we have lots of exciting products and services available to you all. We have a full apothecary of beautiful herbs and resins, a shop filled with mag ..read more
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Thunder Gods, Snakes and the first harvest.
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
A warm welcome to new subscribers and a big thanks to you the craft and curio community. The great wheel is being struck again and today I will be writing about possibly one of my favourite Sabbaths - the first harvest, or in my native Slavic culture - The days of the Perun - the thunder god. Make a cuppa, get comfy, cause this blog post goes deep into folklore, sky gods, dragons and the lost sacred art of bread making. You may have noticed travelling around our wide country how the colours are changing, the fields are golden brown now and the sun's light hangs lower in the sky and he has a sl ..read more
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Preparing for Midwinter Solstice...
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
Greetings Magi Folk, I hope you're all keeping warm and staying well. I wanted to do a few posts on Midwinter Solstice and share how I make this time of year joyful and magickal. This time of year may be dark, cold and gloomy, but it needn't be this in our home space of magick and creation. Decorating our homes is a beautiful way to honour our temple and the turning of the great wheel. Our home is an extension of ourselves, it is a place where we come to rest, celebrate, create and dream, it is a place where our magick resides. It holds the three liminal spaces of the world tree - the floor is ..read more
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It’s Fridays I’m in Love
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
Greetings Magi Folk Thank you for joining me for another blog post, today I’m going to talk about love spells and love magick. On a Friday morning, when the sun was sextile Venus, during a waxing moon I put a love spell on my husband. I performed a candle magick ritual and every day that I lit that candle I prayed over it and every time I walked past it - I re told it what to do. Every day I extinguished it - I thanked it. By the end of those seven days of that candle burning my husband was declaring his undying love to me, reminiscing and telling our children the story of the day we met, tell ..read more
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New Moon Magick 101: Manifest when you see the crest
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
We have all read and heard in the spiritual circles that as soon as the new moon occurs you should be prompted to madly manifest your intentions and charge into the new moon cycle with gusto. But hold up! She (or He depending on which folklore you follow) is not ready to hear you yet - for the triple goddess has gone into her cave for three days and nights, she is in the darkest chambers of her temple - quietly waiting to be reborn - so any direction you ask her to assist you with will not have any outcome as she is unseen, invisible, there is no light available, no energy from her yet - she i ..read more
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Samhain Blessings to you all!
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
Happiness to me is watching my favourite season change the landscape from full of life to quiet, cold death. I have reaped the harvest of my good work, I'm enjoying hearty meals, now I can curl up in front of a fire with a good book; often teaching myself something new and expanding on my spirituality, go walking in nature picking mushrooms. I enjoy frosty mornings, rolling fog, rain on the roof... I remember and honour the dead, my ancestors who have helped me to get where I am right now. Some people find the looming winter depressing and gloomy, but when we live our lives according to the s ..read more
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Herbs and curio that protect and banish evil.
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
Greetings magickal folk, I apologise for my lack of presence here on the website, it is the growing season and as herbs do what herbs do best and that is grow like weeds at this time; I have been happily harvesting stock and preparing and creating new curio for magickal folk to benefit from. I have also been spending much time at my local esoteric haunt; Dyoligy in Traralgon where the craft and curio are stocked, so I have had the privilege of chatting to folk about their magickal needs and the most prevalent issue folk are finding have been concerning banishing evil, house spirits and hauntin ..read more
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Musings of a Traditional Witch in a Modern World.
The Craft & Curio Blog
1y ago
It’s been a long time since my last story - and there is reason for it. The world is fast becoming nothing short of a science fiction fantasy movie and as I sit and ponder the future for my family, my business, my practice and what I hold true to my heart, I am torn. As I take part in my daily practice I have moments of “oh, maybe I should post a picture of that to keep my audience captive”... but I am constantly at a crossroads about whether or not to share my spiritual journey with the internet world or whether to keep my practice private. It always falls upon the latter. I go to take photo ..read more
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