What Makes a Great Coach?
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Leslie Rohonczy
4M ago
Leslie Rohonczy is a certified Integral Master Coach™ specializing in executive coaching, leadership development, and high-performance teams. read more ..read more
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The Ground From Which We Stand - 2023 End of Year Reflection
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Val Rosettani
5M ago
As this year comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on all the change I’ve been in during these past few years and what it is that I draw on and stand upon in the face of all that life brings my way. I am grateful to my mom for being the ground from which I stand. When I think of my mom, I think of someone solid, wise, and independent, and who makes the best out of every situation. read more ..read more
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A Journey Through Powerful Emotions
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Gwen Malo
8M ago
Gwen is an Integral Master CoachTM, member of the Integral Coaching Canada (ICC) Faculty as an Observer and Phone Coach, Federal Public Servant, Wife and Mom. In coaching, Gwen has recognized the power of self-awareness, the freedom of authenticity and a belief that personal growth, resilience and motivation with achieve sustainable change. read more ..read more
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Transitus - August 12
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Joanne Hunt
10M ago
Laura died one year ago on August 12th at 8:20pm EDT. I was in her bed, speaking to her as her breath slowed, then slowed again, then slowed, and then slowed again. Softer and softer until I knew it was her last exhale. It has been a roller coaster of blurred time for me since then. Words don’t begin to describe the many ways that grief manifests in a human. read more ..read more
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Demystifying Peak Performance (and Preventing Performance Anxiety)
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Tiziana Pintus
1y ago
Tiziana Pintus is an Italian Integral Master Coach™ based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She supports leaders and teams towards their next performance level, in particular when under pressure. She offers her coaching services for indivduals and groups in English, Italian, and Dutch. read more ..read more
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Bridging Polarities for the Joy of Coaching
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Agata Belanger
1y ago
Agata lives in Norway and works globally, dividing her time and passion for coaching between her corporate job and private practice. Together with her husband, 3 kids, and dog, they live their lives anchored in simplicity, nature, respect and gratitude. Agata’s restorative practices include yoga, hiking in the nearby forests, and reading. read more ..read more
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A Revelatory Night
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Joanne Hunt
1y ago
When Laura was dying, she often had moments of deep clarity in the middle of the night. Sometimes she would wake me up during the night or I’d hear about something amazing in the morning when she would awake. read more ..read more
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Facilitating with Ease and Grace
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Aimee Maron
1y ago
Aimee coaches with empathy, heart, and cross-cultural attunement. She naturally connects with her clients’ deepest longings for change in their lives both personally and professionally. read more ..read more
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How Do I Know I’m Ready to Coach?
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Dave Hill Jr.
1y ago
Dave coaches the whole person with his whole heart. His original coaching artistry is rooted in creativity, empathy, compassion, and occasionally even song writing to help you unlock your limitless potential. Dave cares deeply about compassionate human development, conscious business practices, and inspired collaboration through connection. read more ..read more
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2021 Reflection and Holiday Message
Integral Coaching Canada Blog
by Val Rosettani
1y ago
It is officially the beginning of the holiday season! We all enter the holiday season in our own unique ways. For some decorations are up and on full display in November, with many gifts and family abound, and for others the holiday season is ushered in more slowly with simple decorations and the company of a few close loved ones. read more ..read more
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