Factors That Make Summer a Great Time to Detect and Repair Leaks
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
3w ago
If you have noticed a jump in your water bill, it may be that you have a leaking water line in your yard, inside your home, or in your foundation. Hot summer days are an ideal time to check your yard and the soil around your foundation for hidden leaks. Conditions During Summer Make Leaks Easier to See Conditions are dryer during the summer, and this makes leaks easier to see. For example, the contrast between dry and wet soil is quite pronounced. Furthermore, you will be able to easily detect patches of grass that are unusually lush, which is also a dead giveaway you have a leak underground ..read more
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5 Myths You Might Believe About Your Water Heater
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
1M ago
Water heaters are an integral part of your home, but they’re often misunderstood due to common myths. These myths can cause you to either not schedule proper maintenance, misuse your water heater, or make attempts to optimize its performance that only lead to more problems. Good news! Today, you’ll learn the truth behind these five common water heater myths. 1. Water Heaters Heat Up Faster If You Turn Up the Thermostat Water heaters are programmed to maintain a set temperature. Adjusting the thermostat on your water heater won’t cause it to reach a hotter temperature faster. If your heater tak ..read more
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Save Yourself Mess and Odor From Slow or Clogged Drains
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
2M ago
Drains that don’t flow can smell terrible. Even if you can get the clog to clear, there’s the worry that it will just clog up again. There’s a science to keeping your drains clear. A skilled professional can help you address slow or clogged drains. The Source of the Clog Many things can lead to clogs or slow drains. Grease down the kitchen sink can line the drain pipes and eventually cause a clog. Food that gets trapped in the drain can also limit water flow. A simple filter basket in the bottom of your sink can prevent your drain from filling up with debris. Hair can cause the same problem i ..read more
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Spring Cleaning Tips for Keeping Your Sewer Line Trouble Free
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
2M ago
As spring gets underway, you should turn your attention to the critically important task of sewer line maintenance. Spring presents the perfect opportunity to ensure your home plumbing system is ready for the year ahead since you will already be focusing on spring cleaning tasks to refresh your home. To make certain that your sewer line remains trouble-free, consider the following. Why Spring Maintenance Is Essential During winter, your plumbing system might have been put under strain from freezing temperatures and increased indoor activity. As we move into spring, the thawing ground and incre ..read more
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How to Find Hidden Sewer Line Problems
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
3M ago
The reason that fixing a sewer line problem is so messy and expensive is that the issue is likely underground, under a floor, or behind a wall. This means that a plumber needs to dig, break down a wall, tear up a floor, or insert a video camera just to see where the problem lies. What are the signs that your sewer line has a problem that you can’t see? Bad Smells Bad smells behind the walls, under the floors, or around indoor drains are signs that the sewer lines are leaking. Suspect a problem if the smells don’t go away, and then call a plumber. You’ll also notice a bad smell in your yard jus ..read more
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Top Tips for Keeping Your Drains Clog-Free
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
4M ago
As a homeowner, you have a lot of responsibilities to deal with. One of these is ensuring that the drains in your plumbing system are kept clear of unwanted debris that would otherwise cause a clog. Fortunately, we’re going to share with you some of our best tips for keeping your drains nice and clear all year round. Use Drain Guards By far, one of the best steps that you can take as a homeowner to help keep the drains in your home clean is to invest in some drain guards. Also known as drain protectors, these are your first line of defense to keeping unwanted items, like food and hair, from go ..read more
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Ignoring Sewer Repairs Can be Costly and Dangerous
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
4M ago
With all the other demands on a homeowner’s time and budget, it’s easy to overlook the underground pipes that make up your sewer system because out of sight is out of mind. However, if your sewer needs repairs and you neglect to address them, they can trigger a domino effect of property damage, health consequences, and more. Becoming informed about the potential costs of ignoring sewer issues better equips you to make the wisest choices to protect your family, home, and wallet. Damage to Your Property Unfortunately, unresolved issues with your sewer can wreak havoc on your home and property. A ..read more
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4 Ways to Optimize Your Water Heater for Winter
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
5M ago
As winter weather gets colder, it becomes more important than ever for you to take steps to ensure your water heater performs at an optimal level. The comfort and functionality of your home during cold weather depend on it. Winter temperatures and dampness can pose several challenges to keeping your water heater in good working order, but a few proactive measures can keep your unit functioning as it should through the winter season and beyond. 1. Regular Water Heater Maintenance Your water heater can suffer from sediment build-up, corrosion, and other issues during winter. A regular tank flush ..read more
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Getting Drain Cleaning Scheduled This Year Can Prevent Destructive Backups
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
5M ago
Many people overlook the importance of professional drain cleaning. However, using a professional is a better alternative to over-the-counter drain cleaners or home remedies for many reasons. Using a plumber to clean your drain can save you time. Plumbers understand drains well enough to identify what has caused a clog and the clog’s location. You’re likely to see your drain issues cleared up in less time. Homeowners need to be aware of the problems that commercial drain cleaners can cause. The chemicals can be dangerous if inhaled or if they come into contact with the skin. These mixtures c ..read more
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Regular Maintenance Habits for Your Home’s Sewer Line
Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog
by Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning
6M ago
One of the best ways to ensure that the sewer line for your home is healthy is to maintain it throughout the year. Not only should you have a professional plumber provide services like repairs, pipe relining, and replacements when necessary, but you can also get involved with preventative maintenance. A Preventative Maintenance Schedule Keeping a schedule for preventative maintenance for your home can ensure that you are always on top of things and ready to notice changes. Plan on a cursory inspection that you do yourself so you can easily detect if there is anything wrong with your home’s sew ..read more
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