My Beloved Wife
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Geoff Loves Charlotte
2w ago
Last Saturday, May 11,2024, my 48 year old wife of 20 passed away overnight while sleeping in our bed. This is the single hardest thing I have ever lived through. She was everything to me. I didn't hang out with guy friends, I always hung out with my wife. She was my best friend, lover, mother of our wonderful children, and the greatest single thing that God has ever bestowed upon me. To lose her has been beyond devastating. Our children are graduating high school tonight and she will not be... My Beloved Wife more
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Weather For Easter Sunday 2024
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Viktoriqzt
3w ago
In today's swift world, staying informed about the latest information and developments is more vital than ever. Whether it's emerging headlines in Canada or major worldwide events, BitMarkNews has instituted itself as a leading online media agency committed to supplying up-to-the-minute reports to its readers. Based in the USA but with a acute attention on Canada and global affairs, BitMarkNews is your go-to resource for updates that matters. Why Subscribe to BitMarkNews? BitMarkNews... Weather For Easter Sunday 2024 more
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Struggling to be around relatives
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Mabello643
3w ago
Hi, so my dad died a year and a half ago. Everything seems to be back to normal now, i don't feel that much pain anymore. However i have been struggling a lot to be around his side of the family to the point that it gives me extreme anxiety just thinking about it. There was a week ago some sort of family reunion and i promised to go but the day before i had a huge anxiety attack thinking about being around them and had to back out last minute. Now some people are a bit mad at me and i don't... Struggling to be around relatives more
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Come Back Curt
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Jenaholic
3w ago
It’s been a week. I signed the papers to give you the pain medicine I knew you wouldn’t wake up from. I watched you take your last breath. I watched as the nurses pronounced you dead. And I cried as my heart broke. I cried as I realized you wouldn’t be there for the first time in forever. I don’t want to be here without you. It doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel right. All I can feel is sad and hurt and angry. And for the first time in forever you’re not here to make me feel better more
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Loss of wife 46 years together
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Cam2017
1M ago
For the last 3 years my wife has went trough Cancer, in remission, May 10th last year fell and broke her back. On Thursday the 4th she broke her shoulder. The ER ran all blood tests, ( everything normal) put shoulder in a sling and we went home. All week before the shoulder break she was cleaning, work around the kitchen ect. Well Friday she was very tired, went to bed at 0700pm, around 1000pm I woke up to her tossing and turning. She count not even talk in coherent words. Call our son... Loss of wife 46 years together more
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Sudden loss of my Dad
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by MissingDad
2M ago
I just loss my Dad in March. It was very unexpectedly. He was 67 still working strong man. He was at the casino with my mom ( having an amazing time). My mom he didn’t complain of anything. She was getting ready to go downstairs to play and all of a sudden he threw his body back on the bed closed his eyes and he was gone. They said it was a massive heart attack. We are very close family and it feel like the king of our kingdom is just gone. I feel so loss. My dad was everything to us. I... Sudden loss of my Dad more
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Both parents passed. They both died disliking me. How to grieve this.
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Elle_in_SF
2M ago
I am sure many people on here are going through worse than this, but this is the first place I've had to share it with anyone. Losing my parents & trying to understand grief has been complicated because I don't have any of the right feelings, and the feelings I do have aren't ones I can really share with people. My parents were really scary and unkind to me, and made me feel unsafe pretty much all the time, so I left home at 16. I kept going to high school and lived with friends. My... Both parents passed. They both died disliking me. How to grieve this more
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Loss of husband after 30 years
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Katek
2M ago
I am still in shock and disbelief after 30+ days since my husband's heart stopped February 9th while in the hospital, being treated for pneumonia. I was with him all the days leading up to that morning and not there at the time it happened. I miss him and can't imagine the future without him. The sadness is paralyzing. I'm trying to be strong for our daughter more
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National Sex Day June 9 2024
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by Viktorivuh
2M ago
Good day comrades ! Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't see ... Holidays are different. • Birthday, Name Yourself Day ,... National Sex Day June 9 2024 more
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My Dad...
Grief In Common Forums » Coping After A Sudden Loss
by ew323
2M ago
I lost my Dad recently. It was sudden and yet prolonged. He had gotteodn cancer a couple of years ago. Actually, I had grieved then because the cancer was rare and aggressive, but he did treatment and was in recession and I was comforted and we were hopeful again. Then, he got a rare leukemia from the radiation, and again I grieved, and he fought, and overcame, and we were hopeful. And then, he got a kidney stone, and the doctors did not catch it, and it caused stage 3+ kidney failure. My... My Dad more
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