Will A Tummmy Tuck Help Me?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Lucille Harness
8M ago
1.    Excess Skin Removal: If you have loose or sagging skin in the abdominal area due to factors like significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, a tummy tuck can effectively remove this excess skin, providing a more toned and youthful appearance. 2.    Muscle Tightening: Pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations can cause abdominal muscles to stretch and separate, leading to a bulging or "pooch" in the lower abdomen. A tummy tuck can address this by tightening the abdominal muscles, creating a firmer core. 3.    Stubborn Fat Reduction: While ..read more
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Weighing The Options: The Benefits Of UK Plastic Surgery Versus Abroad
Restore Surgery Blog
by Lucille Harness
8M ago
The decision to undergo plastic surgery is a deeply personal one, and it often comes with a myriad of considerations. Among these is the choice of location for the procedure: should you opt for surgery in your home country, such as the UK, or venture abroad for your cosmetic transformation? Benefits of Plastic Surgery in the UK Quality Assurance: The United Kingdom boasts a robust healthcare system with stringent regulations and high standards of care. When you choose a GMC-certified plastic surgeon in the UK, you can trust that they have undergone rigorous training and adhere to strict pro ..read more
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Breast Reduction Aftercare
Restore Surgery Blog
by Lucille Harness
8M ago
Introduction: Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size and reshape excessively large breasts. After undergoing this transformative surgery, it is crucial to prioritise proper aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery and achieve the best possible results. In this blog post, we will address important aspects of breast reduction surgery aftercare, including post-operative care, pain management, wound care, physical activity, and emotional well-being.   Post-operative Care: Following your breast reduction surgery, your sur ..read more
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Who Is Breast Uplift Surgery Suitable For?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
Breast uplift surgery, known by the clinical term mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to lift the breasts to a higher position. This may be because the breasts have become droopier with age, the effects of pregnancy, or through the effect of weight gain, followed by weight loss.     What does a breast lift involve?  During the surgery, the extra loose skin is removed from underneath the breasts, and the nipple is moved to a higher position. The remaining skin and tissue is reshaped around the breast to give a firmer and higher position on the chest, and a more youth ..read more
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What Does A Mummy Makeover Involve?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
A ‘mummy makeover’ is a series of cosmetic procedures which are designed for women who have experienced bodily changes after having children. Areas which are most often affected include the tummy and breasts. Here’s a look at exactly what’s involved, and if it might be right for you.   Breast uplift Many women find the effect of pregnancy and breastfeeding can leave their breasts saggy, and they want to regain their former figure. This may be to feel more confident wearing favourite outfits, or to improve their overall sense of wellbeing. A breast uplift (also known as a (mastopexy) lifts ..read more
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What Are Inverted Nipples?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
Inverted nipples are a medical condition where the entire nipple points inwards, instead of out. It can happen in one or both nipples and is common among both men and women. It’s also possible for nipple retraction to be a concern, where only part of the nipple turns in. In the vast majority of cases, inverted nipples are not a cause for medical concern, but the aesthetics of the issue can affect confidence levels and self-esteem, which is why people consider having surgery to correct the problem. It’s also important to note, however, that if your inverted nipples have only just manifested the ..read more
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Who Is Suitable for Gynaecomastia Surgery?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
The term gynaecomastia is more commonly referred to as ‘man boobs.’ It occurs in males when the breasts grow abnormally large. It can affect both or just one of the breasts. It is not regarded as a medically serious condition, but the swollen breasts can be painful, and also a source of acute psychological distress.   What causes gynaecomastia? The condition is caused by a hormone imbalance in the body, when the male has abnormal levels of oestrogen and less testosterone. This triggers the growth of extra breast tissue, which can either be a small amount around the nipples or a more notic ..read more
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Can You Still Breastfeed After Breast Surgery?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
One of the most commonly asked questions by anyone considering breast surgery is will I still be able to breastfeed? Even if you are not currently planning to have a baby, it is an important issue to consider for the future. The answer to this question will depend on the type of surgery you have had. Here’s a closer look at the question.  Most women with breast implants are able to breastfeed, but if you want to have children in the future, it is important to discuss the issue with your surgeon before the procedure takes place. In some cases, they may advise you that it is best to conside ..read more
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What Is The Best Way To Choose A Plastic Surgeon?
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
Cosmetic surgery can help to enhance your appearance and self-esteem. However, to get the results that you were looking for, it’s important to spend some time selecting the right plastic surgeon for you. Here are some of the questions that you need to ask before making your final decision.   Questions to ask yourself Before you seek a potential surgeon, it’s important to make sure that you know your reasons for seeking cosmetic surgery in the first place. Sometimes, people can pin unrealistic expectations on what plastic surgery can help them to achieve. It may be better to address issues ..read more
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Managing Scarring After Cosmetic Surgery
Restore Surgery Blog
by Jacob Blink
1y ago
Any type of cosmetic surgery that involves cutting into the skin will create a scar. In most cases, these scars will naturally heal and fade over time. How quickly and how well the scars heal can also be influenced by various factors, some of which you cannot control, but others you can. Here’s a look at post-surgery scar risk factors and management methods.  The role of your surgeon A skilled surgeon will make every effort to minimise scarring after cosmetic surgery, so it’s very important to research their previous experience and ask questions about how often they have performed simila ..read more
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