A quick word with.....Thom Bell
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
2M ago
Club: Kinross Polo Club Scotland Handicap 0 It was not easy to catch Thom for a chat. He's the engine room behind the Kinross Polo Club and Polo Manager at the Dundee-Perth polo ground where this autumn tournament was taking place. He was playing, organizing and commentating. A man for all seasons. When and how did you get into polo, Thom? Well , I came to Perth in the mid 1990s and had started out hunting, when someone at Dundee-Perth polo suggested I try my hand at the game. I started playing Wednesday night chukkers at Scone in 1999 and have been hooked ever since. By 2001 I was playing so ..read more
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Play Polo! No way....Polo Families Part 3
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
6M ago
There are two major problems when writing a blog about an active polo family. The first is to find a family member ready to give me a bit of time for an interview. The second is to get a recent photo of the entire family. For this blog about the family von Morgenstern, the first problem was solved by Sophia Jaenecke, Isabel von Morgenstern's eldest daughter, recovering from a bout of 'flu and so, unfortunately for her, unable to play in the German Low Goal tournament being held at the family home and Polo Club Tagmersheim but able to chat to me. The second was far more difficult, but I was he ..read more
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It's all somehow connected....Cancavallblau
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
7M ago
Honestly I started and restarted this blog at least four times! My notebook is full of scratched out texts. It's so difficult because there's just so much to Cancavalloblau. Katja says "It's all somehow connected ". Yeah, right; but where to start? With the farm and the polo ponies, or the products and the projects, or the theater productions and the plans? Perhaps it's best to start with the epiphany. Katja Lebelt, stage and costume designer , had been pushing herself...working in theaters all over Europe with up to 11 productions a year. Coming out of the dark cellar rooms of the Kammerspie ..read more
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A quick word with.......Vivian Sauter
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
7M ago
Handicap:- 0 Club:- Polo Club Zug Vivi was ready to load up her ponies and head back home after winning the Swiss Low Goal 2023 at Polo Bern when I persuaded her to give me 5 minutes. When and how did you get into polo? I was wanting to learn Spanish and decided to do this in Argentina back in 2005. I'm a keen rider and so while I was there I hoped to get some riding in. I soon realized the only riding around was polo, and so I took some lessons. Sort of forced into it, but loved it. Getting back to Switzerland, it wasn't until 2010 that my work load permitted me to restart polo and I did tha ..read more
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A good cause....... Fürstenberg Polo
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
8M ago
There was something Reto Gaudenzi said during the gala dinner at Fürstenberg Polo Club that has stayed with me. "We have it so good." And isn't that the truth! We've been enjoying a spectacular action-packed polo summer - perfect polo weather, ponies, friends - a blessing we seldom acknowledge. And so it felt both right and fitting that the last tournament of the field polo season was for the Charity Cup at Fürstenberg Polo in Donaueschingen 30th September -1st October . A lot of effort and time had been voluntarily put into this tournament. Kerstin Tritschler donated masses of energy into th ..read more
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Scottish Polo....an Established Event
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
9M ago
The airport lounge is probably not the best place to write a blog, but that's where I find myself, heading home after a fabulous weekend of polo in Perthshire, Scotland. And who said it always rains in Scotland? The boots were left in the car and the raincoat rolled in the handbag while we enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Errol Park Polo Ground, with polo, Pimms and plates of scrumptious food. Sunday the 10th September was the final of the Scottish Polo Tournament for the Alasdair Archibald Cup, raising awareness about dementia, a charity tournament. Alasdair Archibald had been captain of the Sc ..read more
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Indian Summer Sellout ...Vecinos Cup
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
9M ago
Tickets sold out quickly for the Vecinos Cup at Polo Park Zürich 2-3 September 2023. It was the last large event of the season and the hospitality tent was packed with guests. Rain had interrupted games the weekend before, but for this weekend the Indian Summer got itself back on track - perfect polo weather, lavish hospitality, exciting sponsors and, of course, scintillating polo. Low Goal The Low Goal Round Robin had given us the Low Goal final of Swiss Pharmacan vs Polo Park Zürich. Annette Fetscherin for Swiss Pharmacan played a determined game and went on to win Most Valuable Female Play ..read more
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A quick word with ........the Kreiter Sisters
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
10M ago
Annabel and Pauline Kreiter Handicap:- 0 Polo Club:- Hessen Now this interview was certainly quick! I had about five minutes before I had to get back on seat to introduce teams and sponsors at the tournament at Roude Leiw Polo Club, and the girls were getting ready for their game against Team qubic. But I really wanted to chat to these two whose pleasant, well-mannered personalities were so noticeable on the field. No shouting, no stick-waving, just dedicated and competent play. When and how did you get into polo? It was in 2011 when we were on holiday in Sylt. Dad saw the game and wanted to ..read more
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A quick word with.....Eduardo Greghi
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
10M ago
Handicap:- 0 Club:- Polo Park Zürich Eduardo Greghi's enthusiasm for life in general and polo in particular is infectious. He's always positive and a pleasure to chat with. After his team won the Swiss Medium Goal 2023 we managed a short interview between prize-giving, photo shoots and a congratulatory crowd. How and when did you get into polo, Eduardo? In 2016 I had my first lesson with Francesco Podesta here in Polo Park Zürich. I still call Francesco my maestro. I had been brought up on a farm in Brazil and had ridden from early childhood, but just cowboy style, you know. Later, living in ..read more
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A quick word with ....... Inocente
Professional Polo Commentaries Blog
by kieseljanmarie
11M ago
Age:- 8 Height:- 1.57 Owned and played by:- Christopher Kiesel I didn't realize how hard it would be to catch Inocente for an interview after the Swiss Low Goal at Polo Bern When the games ended he was having a well-deserved shower; I mean the temperatures were up in the 30°s. A bit later he was out in the paddock having a roll, and didn't want to be disturbed. Around 6pm he was in his stable, but it was dinner time and you know never to interrupt a Very Important Pony while he's eating. So it was just before dusk, with the light fading that I caught up with him and could ask him a few questi ..read more
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