7 Ways Kidney Disease Affects Your Skin and How to Manage It
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
1M ago
The skin is the largest organ of the body and often reflects the internal health of our organs, acting like a window to what’s happening inside. Among various health conditions affecting the skin, kidney disease has profound implications due to the kidneys’ role in filtering waste and balancing minerals in the blood. When organ function is impaired, kidney disease symptoms can lead to noticeable changes in the skin, some of which may be both uncomfortable and concerning. When it comes to kidney disease, early diagnosis is paramount, and skin manifestations can serve as an early warning sign, p ..read more
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A Guide to High Creatinine Levels: Meaning, Causes, and Symptoms
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
1M ago
When it comes to human health, not many are aware of the effect and importance of creatinine levels. An effective marker of how well our kidneys are functioning, creatinine levels can provide essential insights into our body’s state. Here is what you need to know about high creatinine levels. Our goal is to equip you with an understanding that will enrich your knowledge and serve as early detection for conditions that demand prompt attention. What is Creatinine and Why Do Levels Matter? Creatinine is a metabolic byproduct of creatine phosphate, which is found in muscle. It is filtered from the ..read more
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Understanding Kidney Function Tests: Frequency and Meaning of Results
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
3M ago
Keeping tabs on our health often involves a battery of tests, and among those are tests that gauge the functionality of our kidneys. These intricate organs play a pivotal role in maintaining overall health, regulating blood pressure, filtering waste products from the blood, and so much more. Understanding how kidney function tests work, how often you need them, and what the results mean can be the difference between proactive management and potential health crises. What are Kidney Function Tests? Kidney function tests involve analyzing blood or urine samples to determine how well the kidneys a ..read more
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Early Signs of Kidney Rejection and What to Look Out For
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
3M ago
Receiving a kidney transplant is a life-changing event that opens up a world of new opportunities for those who have struggled with kidney disease. However, after the immediate post-operative recovery, a new concern arises—the health of the transplant itself. Among the many elements of post-transplant care, vigilance for signs of kidney transplant rejection is paramount. As you strive to build a new healthy lifestyle post-recovery, awareness of what could go wrong is as important as planning for things to go right. In this blog post, we’ll explore the early indicators that your body might be r ..read more
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What to Look for When Choosing a Kidney Doctor
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
5M ago
As our bodies filter, the kidneys play a critical role in maintaining overall health and well-being. When something goes wrong with these vital organs, it is crucial to seek out the expertise of a nephrologist—also known as a kidney specialist. These doctors are specially trained to diagnose and treat kidney-related conditions, making them an integral part of your healthcare team. However, not all kidney care specialists are created equal. Choosing the right doctor can make a significant difference in your treatment, recovery, and overall quality of life.  When Should You Start Seeing a K ..read more
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7 Expert Tips for Holiday Eating with Chronic Kidney Disease
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
6M ago
Millions of people in the United States live with chronic kidney disease (CKD), a condition that affects the kidneys’ ability to filter waste and excessive fluids from blood. For those living with CKD, maintaining a healthy diet is essential to manage symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. With the holiday season in full swing, it can be challenging to stick to kidney-friendly foods. However, it is not impossible! Planning ahead for a holiday meal plan that’s kidney friendly is one of the most effective strategies to manage CKD, so it’s worth the effort. Here are seven expert t ..read more
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Carb Choices and Weight: How to Make Healthier Decisions
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
7M ago
The saying “You are what you eat” is not the most inspiring or uplifting of catchphrases, but what you eat indeed has a significant impact on your health. When it comes to our diet, carbohydrates play a significant role in our overall health and well-being—carbs and weight gain often go hand-in-hand. However, not all carbs are created equal, and making healthier carb choices can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy weight. The Basics of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are one of the three main macronutrients our bodies need for energy, along with protein and fat. They are found in a vari ..read more
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How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle After A Kidney Transplant
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
8M ago
It can be hard to know what to expect after a kidney transplant. How will your life be different? What changes might you need to make? Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after a kidney transplant is of paramount importance to ensure the longevity and functionality of your new organ. Learn valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate the path to post-transplant health and vitality. The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle After a Kidney Transplant During life after a kidney transplant, it’s important to take care of your body and make changes that will help you stay healthy. By taking these st ..read more
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Is Your Kidney Doctor Testing for High Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)? Here’s Why
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
9M ago
When it comes to your health, some issues are easy to spot, while others remain hidden beneath the surface, silently affecting your well-being. One such hidden concern involves the kidneys and the presence of high protein in urine, a condition known as proteinuria. Your kidney doctor, or nephrologist, plays a crucial role in monitoring and managing this condition.  Learn the significance of proteinuria and explore why your kidney doctor may be testing for it. Understanding Proteinuria (High Protein in Urine) Proteinuria is a term that might sound intimidating, but it’s simply a medical wa ..read more
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Kidney Pain vs Back Pain: How to Tell the Difference
Texas Kidney Institute Blog
by Texas Kidney Institute
10M ago
Kidney pain location can often feel similar to back pain. Due to this, it can be hard to differentiate between kidney pain and back pain. But not knowing which diagnosis to choose can become a bigger problem if it is left untreated. Here is what you need to know when it comes to identifying the difference between kidney pain and back pain. Common Causes of Kidney Pain First, it is important to understand what causes kidney pain. Some common causes of kidney pain include: Kidney Infections These occur when bacteria have traveled to the kidney from another part of your body, usually through the ..read more
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