How to Sell Books on Amazon: A Guide for Authors and Publishers
BFC Publications Blog
1M ago
Are you also wondering how to sell books on Amazon? If yes, then you are at the right place!  Hey there, Future Famous Authors,  Got done with writing your own literary masterpiece? Welcome to the thrilling world of selling your own books in the market as an author! It’s time to share your amazing tales with the world, all while earning some credits in this fun filled process.  Think of it as, you are one of us who has examined some certain patterns of your life that match most of the people existing in our world because for a fact “Uniqueness is common and that’s what makes it more
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Building Your Author Brand: From Social Media to Book Festivals
BFC Publications Blog
2M ago
If you are a novice author who has stepped into the publishing world, do you ever wonder how eminent authors have made their way into the literary field? We are guessing you did! So, what do you think? Did they make their name overnight or just in a few days? We hope you didn’t assume that! Building your author brand demands time and effort. However, most novice authors are puzzled about how to start. So, if questions like these trouble you as well, this blog post is for you.  A Look into the Author’s Brand An author’s brand is a distinct identity and reputation you develop that help you more
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The Budget-Friendly Guide to Self-Publishing: Saving Money Without Sacrificing Quality
BFC Publications Blog
2M ago
The decision to write a book is the first step into the literary world, but self-publishing is a step to literary success. However, many authors don’t take the step of self-publishing a book because of the higher charges. But do they really charge higher prices? If you go back in time, you will see that earlier authors had to wait months before they got their agents’ approval. Besides, everyone cannot manage to market their books via book signings, book launch events, etc. But today, self-publishing has made the book-publishing journey for novice writers trivial and more affordable. How? Read more
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How to Write a Book Description: A Comprehensive Guide
BFC Publications Blog
2M ago
Do you ever purchase a book that has a perplexing or giddy book description? We are assuming a massive no. Apparently, the book’s title and cover aren’t the only things that entice readers; its description plays a significant role. So, reading other authors’ book descriptions and rejecting them seems fine. But imagine your readers doing the same with your book. We are sure you don’t want to imagine such things, but you cannot ignore the fact that your book will not make a sale if its description isn’t captivating. So, if you are an author commencing your book publishing journey, this blog pos more
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Top 5 Social Media Platforms for Authors to Promote Their Books
BFC Publications Blog
3M ago
In this digital age, social media has become a game-changer for authors. Earlier, authors had to depend on traditional methods of book promotion like book signings, book tours, etc. But now, they can connect with their audience with just one click and share anything related to their book. From sneak peeks to behind-the-scenes insights, social media has revolutionized how authors engage with their audience, strengthening their reach and influence among readers. Basically, social media is a powerhouse wherein books find their rightful limelight. However, choosing the right social media platform more
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Write and Publish Your Book in 5 Simple Steps with BFC Publications
BFC Publications Blog
3M ago
Do you ever wander around with stories in your head that seek home? If you do, perhaps it’s time to commence your literary journey. But is publishing a book that easy? Stealing time from your schedule to write your first draft, knowing well that it might not turn out as desired, and even if it does, your book may get lost in the literary world. Can you put yourself through all that?  Don’t worry! We are not trying to scare you; this is something that every author wonders about before beginning their writing journey. If you are thinking the same, read further, as in this blog post, we hav more
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7 Tricks to Market Your Book on Social Media
BFC Publications Blog
3M ago
First of all, congratulations! You have finally completed writing your book and are one step closer to fulfilling your dream of becoming a published author. What an amazing feeling, right? However, before you start flying high on the wings of success, there is one crucial thing you need to take care of to ensure that your book reaches the right audience and achieves the success it deserves. Wondering what it is? Well, it’s marketing your book on social media. In today’s digital age, social media is a powerful tool that can help you market your book and reach a wider audience. In fact, marketi more
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How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform? The Ultimate Guide for Authors
BFC Publications Blog
3M ago
Do you remember the days when people used to communicate everything through traditional methods like letters, phone calls, and face-to-face interaction and not rely on social media platforms? Good old days, right? So, given the chance, will you go back to those times? We can sense you all nodding your heads in disagreement. Social media has made our lives easy and entertaining, even for authors. To put things into perspective, picture this: you’re an author who has to rely more on traditional methods to reach out to your audience, like library events, book signings, interviews, etc., to promo more
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What is Proofreading? An Essential Guide for Writers
BFC Publications Blog
3M ago
Have you ever tried cooking? If yes, how was your first experience? Did you taste it before serving? We are assuming you did, as you should! Well, don’t worry; this blog post is not about cooking. What we are trying to say is that proofreading is similar to cooking. Yes! Just as you taste your dish to ensure perfection, proofreading your manuscript ensures it’s free from errors. However, proofreading is a lot more daunting; there are multiple things a writer needs to keep in mind when it comes to proofreading. So, if you are a writer who has just commenced their writing journey, this blog post more
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Top 5 Things to Remember Before Self-Publishing a Book in 2024
BFC Publications Blog
3M ago
Publishing a book has become easier than ever, as in self-publishing, you don’t have to look out for a book publisher and spend days waiting for their approval. Additionally, it provides you with the creative freedom you seek; that is perfect, right? Well, hold on, hold on! Everything has its pros and cons. Now, the publishing process is not arduous anymore, which results in the publication of millions of books every year! You see? Every year! Given the circumstances, your book might get lost in the bookish world! Therefore, ensuring your book stands out in the literary market is essential an more
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