Drupal 11.0.0-alpha 1 Release: Updates and Roadmap
TheDropTimes » Symfony
1M ago
Gábor Hojtsy's latest blog post on Drupal.org announces the upcoming release of Drupal 11.0.0-alpha 1, set for the week of April 29, 2024. With significant progress made in the codebase, including the adoption of Symfony 7 and jQuery 4, the Drupal 11 update is poised to offer enhanced functionalities. While the community anticipates a stable release by July 29, 2024, the focus remains on resolving remaining issues, particularly concerning PHPUnit 10 support, before the beta launch ..read more
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Leveraging Drupal and Symfony for Enhanced Web Development
TheDropTimes » Symfony
1M ago
Discover the integration of Drupal with Symfony for creating robust custom APIs in Alan Baudoin's analysis. This post offers developers a comprehensive understanding of how combining Drupal's content management with Symfony's modular architecture can elevate backend web development ..read more
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Elevate Your PHP Skills with Gary Clarke's Object-Oriented Course
TheDropTimes » Symfony
1M ago
Gary Clarke launches an in-depth Object-Oriented PHP course, targeting developers eager to master OOP for modern PHP frameworks. The course offers over 100 video tutorials, lifetime access, and a 30-day money-back guarantee, leading participants to advanced PHP expertise ..read more
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Drupal and Symfony: Transforming API Innovation
TheDropTimes » Symfony
2M ago
Explore how the combined strengths of Drupal and Symfony are reshaping API development, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and scalability ..read more
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Drupal 11 Development Progress: Updated System Requirements Announced
TheDropTimes » Symfony
2M ago
Drupal 11 development is progressing, with updated system requirements announced to prepare core developers and inform the community. Gábor Hojtsy shared details, including the requirement of PHP 8.3, minimum database requirements, and the need for Composer 2.7.0 or newer. Symfony 7, PHPUnit 10, and jQuery 4 dependencies are also highlighted, signaling ongoing work in this area. Drupal 10 support will continue until mid-late 2026, with Drupal 12 on the horizon ..read more
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Twig in Drupal: Boosting Performance and Templating Efficiency
TheDropTimes » Symfony
2M ago
Dive into the power of Twig in Drupal with Yogesh Kushwaha's blog post. Discover how Twig revolutionizes templating, enhances performance, and streamlines development for Drupal websites ..read more
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Harnessing Event Management in Drupal: A Guide
TheDropTimes » Symfony
3M ago
Unlock the power of event management in Drupal with insights from Big Blue Doors' latest handbook snippet. Discover how Drupal's transition to version 8 and integration with Symfony revolutionizes event handling for seamless communication and custom logic execution ..read more
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Oliver Davies Discusses Build Configs Tool Enhancements
TheDropTimes » Symfony
3M ago
Discover how Oliver Davies advances PHP build configurations with his latest streaming session, focusing on Behat integration and efficiency improvements ..read more
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Drupalize.Me's Guide for Symfony Developers Transitioning to Drupal
TheDropTimes » Symfony
3M ago
Explore the comprehensive guide from Drupalize.Me, tailored for Symfony developers transitioning to Drupal. Learn to leverage Symfony components in Drupal projects and adapt Symfony best practices with practical insights from experienced Drupal developers ..read more
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Oliver Davies Features Ryan Weaver on "Beyond Blocks" Podcast
TheDropTimes » Symfony
3M ago
Dive into the insightful discussion between Oliver Davies and Ryan Weaver as they explore Twig templates, SymfonyC, release cycles, and the intersections of Drupal and Symfony projects and communities ..read more
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