Expanding eCommerce into International Markets with Sylius
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1w ago
Entering international markets is an exciting idea for many ambitious eCommerce enterprises. The eCommerce sector continues to experience significant growth worldwide, becoming an integral part of retail. In 2024, online sales are expected to account for 19.5% of global retail sales, highlighting a progressive shift from traditional in-store shopping to online platforms. The comprehensive guide is written to navigate you through this journey, addressing the essential legal, cultural, and logistical aspects crucial for a successful international expansion. Concentrating on market research, adep ..read more
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Preventing technical debt in Sylius – Best practices
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1w ago
The constantly evolving landscape of software development and continuous technological advancements create an environment where change is the only constant. The introduction of cutting-edge technologies and updates not only opens up new possibilities and areas for enhancement but also necessitates numerous adjustments within and outside the code to enhance older solutions and ensure compatibility with new ones. This leads to what is known as technical debt. In today’s blog, we will delve deeper into the concept of technical debt in Sylius, a metaphor that highlights the inevitable compromises ..read more
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Security releases blog post! ?
Sylius Blog
by Grzegorz Sadowski
3w ago
We’ve got you covered as long as your application is up to date. Perfection may be elusive, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it. While it’s not the most comfortable task, sharing security updates is essential in the tech world. Despite its challenges, we prioritize addressing every vulnerability diligently. Today, we’re rolling out several fixes for Sylius versions 1.12 and 1.13 as part of our commitment to your safety. Sylius 1.12 and above CVE-2024-29376: Potential Cross Site Scripting (XSS) via the “Province” field in the Checkout and Address Book The original security advisory ..read more
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Month of Sylius: April ?
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
3w ago
Welcome to the April summary! As we turn the page on our holiday break, it’s clear that the pause has not only recharged our batteries but also infused the Sylius community with fresh energy and more innovative ideas. As usual, we’ll dive into the exciting developments and updates that have taken place in the world of Sylius, including the 1.13 and 1.12.15 release, highlight new Sylius eCommerce projects,  go through amazing April events such as Sylius Days and MeetCommerce, and talk about the quickly approaching Sylius Technical Fundamentals and Community Meetups in Poland and France.&nb ..read more
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Month of Sylius: March
Sylius Blog
by mikolaj.krol@sylius.com
1M ago
Welcome to the summary of March, closing the first quarter of 2024. This time was filled with many contributions and updates, aiming to make Sylius better each day. To do so, we updated a new Sylius Plus website, implemented numerous improvements, released the 1.12.14 version, and published new case studies. However, it was also a time of excitement and sharing knowledge –  while meeting with the partners and the community at the Sylius Polish Community Meetup and the 2nd edition of Sylius Roundtable Session.  Moreover, Sylius was frequently mentioned in the social media sphere, disc ..read more
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Sylius Plus Module Overview: One Page Checkout
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1M ago
The checkout process is the final step of the customer journey, serving as the crucial moment when intent turns into action. Considering this, it should be smooth and uncomplicated, free from distractions and frustrations that might lead to abandonment. An effective checkout design reduces barriers, encourages impulse buying, and instills confidence in the buyer’s decision to complete the purchase. With all that in mind, we developed a dedicated Sylius Plus module we call One Page Checkout. This module simplifies checkout into an easy process that can be completed on a single page. By impleme ..read more
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Sylius Plus Module Overview: Partial Shipment
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1M ago
Effective shipment management is a key factor for complex eCommerce businesses. The essential tool that empowers online businesses’ logistics and enhances the shopping experience is the Partial Shipment module in Sylius. Some industries or eCommerce stores fulfilling complex orders, like business-to-business (B2B) stores, B2C merchants operating on a larger scale, or marketplaces, might require dividing the customer’s order into multiple shipments,  as sending it all simultaneously is indeed complex. Luckily, the Partial Shipment module within Sylius Plus splits an order into multiple del ..read more
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Sylius Plus Module Overview: Advanced Role-Based Access Control Module (RBAC/ACL)
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1M ago
When an eCommerce business expands, team members often grow proportionally. With an increasing and diversified team, managing members efficiently while mitigating risks and preventing errors has become a vital success factor. Implementing robust access controls can help safeguard sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, establishing clear communication channels and defining roles can improve workflow in a rapidly growing and evolving eCommerce environment. Sylius Plus Advanced Multi-store Module enables companies to assign specific staff members to chosen channels. However ..read more
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Sylius Plus Module Overview: Loyalty system
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1M ago
Loyal customers are one of the most critical factors that drive revenue. They often become brand ambassadors, spreading positive word-of-mouth that can attract new customers more effectively than traditional marketing efforts. By engaging with the brand, they also contribute to improving products and services, helping businesses stay competitive and responsive to market needs. The loyalty points system is a great way to reward long-term customers and ensure that new ones are more attached to the brand. By offering exclusive discounts, free products, or other benefits, businesses can show appre ..read more
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Sylius Plus Module Overview: Multi-source Inventory
Sylius Blog
by Patryk Baczewski
1M ago
These days, any serious eCommerce brand is aware that time and inventory reliability are essential. Customers expect fast and trouble-free shipping at all times, offering up to 24-hour intervals. To achieve that, online businesses operate on multiple inventory sources, ensuring they can quickly respond to demand changes and unexpected supply chain changes. This approach ensures that products can be delivered always on time and reduces the risk of running out of stock with the most optimal path.  Our Sylius Plus Multi-source Inventory module creates many inventory sources. Due to that, pr ..read more
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