How To Get The Most Benefit From Your Ketamine Infusions
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
11M ago
You've just had an eye-opening experience during your ketamine infusion. You're inspired, energized, and ready to change. How do you turn this newfound insight into lasting improvement in your life? Enter the concept of integration. What exactly Is ketamine "integration"? Within 24 hours of your first ketamine dose, fresh neural pathways begin to grow. This state of change can open your mind to new ideas, and help you think differently about your life. If your newly formed brain connections are frequently activated, they will remain strong and healthy. Yet, if they are not used consistently more
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What to Know Before Starting Ketamine Infusions 
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
11M ago
There is no doubt that ketamine is a transformational medicine. Yet, when you decide to begin ketamine treatment, it's not just about sitting back and enjoying the effects of the medicine. It takes active work and effort to make the most of your ketamine journey. Here are 6 factors to understand before you begin your ketamine infusions. 1. Preparation is Key Preparation is critical for a positive outcome. Just like studying for an exam or training for a marathon, the more prepared you are, the better your chances of success. Preparation includes: Understanding what to expect during and after more
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Living with Chronic Pain? Consider Ketamine Infusions.
Ketamine Health Blog
1y ago
Living with chronic pain can take a toll on countless aspects of your life, and finding long-term relief from this type of discomfort often feels out of reach. If you suffer from chronic pain in, ketamine therapy could be a powerful tool to help you manage your symptoms safely and effectively. This treatment is the subject of much recent research — and with benefits ranging from improved comfort to enhanced moods to better sleep quality, it’s quickly becoming one of the most sought-after solutions for patients looking for best-in-class pain management. Overview of ketamine treatments for chro more
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Greater Toronto Depression Treatment Center Giving Patients New Hope with Ketamine Treatment
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
1y ago
Picture this: you’ve spent three years working on and off with a mental health care team to manage the debilitating symptoms of anxiety and depression you have been experiencing. You’ve pushed yourself to be open minded to their recommendations: telehealth appointments, apps, one medication and then another one when the first didn’t work. You feel a little better but it’s not worth the toll it’s taking on your body, mind, and spirit. Unanticipated symptoms including weight gain, fatigue and lethargy are taking their toll and draining your resolve. You need something new; a new approach, a new more
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Ketamine Infusions: How to Prepare for a Positive Experience
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
1y ago
Ketamine infusions can reset the brain, which can shift you out of depression, anxiety and stress so that you feel happier. To maximize your chances of a positive experience, preparing both physically and mentally before the infusions is essential. Here are some strategies to help you get ready for your ketamine treatment. 1. Get Plenty of Rest The night before your infusion, make sure to get a good night’s sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of rest. Do something relaxing before bed, like reading or listening to calming music. Avoid electronics before bed, as they can interfere with your slee more
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Reboot Your Brain: How Ketamine Can Help Treat Depression
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
1y ago
Our brains are incredible machines, constantly rewiring and adapting in response to our thoughts and experiences. This remarkable ability is called neuroplasticity. Scientists used to think that the brain was fixed and couldn't change, but now we know that isn't true. When we think a certain way over and over again, our brain responds by creating stronger neural connections. This means that our thoughts and beliefs can become deeply ingrained and hard to change. Yet, the good news is that we can change our brains through intentional action. Think of your brain as a computer. If the software i more
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Ketamine Infusions: How To Manage Your Expectations
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
1y ago
Ketamine therapy is growing in popularity for hard-to-treat mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. Still, it can be hard to know what to expect. Many people come to our clinic expecting or hoping to feel better right away. The reality is that we have seen lots of patients experience remarkable improvements after the first infusion. Yet, we have noticed that all patients respond differently. While some people feel better within a few hours to a few days after the first session, others can take up to six ketamine treatments to experience a significant improvement. Moreo more
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Intention Setting: A Key Tool To Help You Prepare For Your Ketamine Sessions
Ketamine Health Blog
by Ketamine Health
1y ago
Setting a positive intention can help you prepare for your ketamine session by getting you in the right state of mind for the treatment. An intention acts as a guide to keep you on track during your ketamine journey, especially if you encounter any uncomfortable feelings or emotions. It’s important to keep in mind that an intention is not the same as a goal. Goals focus on a specific outcome or a result that you want to achieve in the future. They are often based on factors that are outside of your direct control. Intentions, on the other hand, are about choosing the mindset and attitude that more
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