Gotcha: SharePoint List and Virtual Table Provider
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
4M ago
You can hook up a SharePoint list to a Dataverse environment using Virtual Tables, and without using any code. The documentation on how to do this is at However, the doc page misses two key things when it comes to transporting this table via solution. If the ID on the target environment’s SharePoint List is different you would get this error, which basically says that the list is not found on the SharePoint site. You of course have to create different lists if you need different SharePoint s more
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Running Power Platform CLI in Azure Cloud Shell
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
7M ago
Ever since Dynamics 365 became Power Platform there is always a high likelihood that someone working in Power Platform is also working in Azure. When it comes to Azure, Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell is a tool that gets used daily. In the case of Power Platform, it is Power Platform CLI (pac). If you want to quickly run some pac commands there was no way to do this in the browser before. Since pac is a cross platform and a dotnet tool as well, you can install this in Azure Cloud Shell by running dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI.Tool If you haven’t used Azure Cloud Shell be more
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Connecting to Dataverse from Function App using Managed Identity – Using azd
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
10M ago
I wrote a post about using Functions’s Managed Identity to connect with Dataverse back in Nov, 2021. In that post I used Bicep only. But the technology landscape has advanced since then. I have now rejigged the codebase and used Azure Developer CLI along with Power Platform CLI. Azure Developer CLI makes it super easy to create/update resources into Azure and deploy Function code as well. You’ll just need to remember three commands. azd up – Creates/updates resources and deploys application code azd provision – Only creates/updates resources in Azure azd deploy – Only deploys application code more
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Using Azure Developer CLI to deploy Logic Apps Standard
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
11M ago
Coming from Power Platform world, I am used to complex deployments i.e. Managed Solutions. But when I first started doing Azure, I had to deal with ARM Templates, which is a whole different kind of monster. Just like Managed Solutions, ARM is not easy to start with for a beginner. ARM JSON is messy enough and to this add Logic Apps JSON and you can only describe it as torture to put it mildly. Azure is part of my day job, but Power Platform and Dynamics 365 is still my core focus, so I never bothered to dive deep into Pulumi or Terraform. When Microsoft announced Bicep, I was so excited becau more
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Handling Azure AD MFA prompt in Playwright
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
1y ago
EDIT (25/03/2023): Update to Playwright 1.31 to use project dependencies. Refer and for more information. Last month, I was working on the problem of handling MFA code prompt with Playwright and finally figured out an approach to tackle the problem. I did not blog about it though. But I did share a small video about how it works on Twitter. I then saw Marcus‘s post today on how to handle AD authentication in Playwright, and thought that more
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Using KQL for JSON Operations in Flow
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
1y ago
When it comes to functions for processing JSON data there is not a whole bunch of expressions available in Flow. I would have expected some function for JSONPath, but alas it is not there. So, this means lot of times you have to deal with JSON to XML and XPath gymnastics. In this post, I will demonstrate how you can use the Azure Data Explorer connector to offload these JSON processing to Kusto. Scenario 1: Assuming you can two JSON arrays you want to only return items in Array1 that have a match in Array 2 for column CountryName. Array 1 [ { "Id": 1, "Title": "Max Power", "Cou more
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Using Solution Packager properties in cdsproj file
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
1y ago
When you download a solution using pac solution clone Power Platform CLI also creates a cdsproj file along with the solution components. You’ll need this cdsproj file to do the subsequent pac solution sync to keep the solution components up to date. When you are ready to deploy the solution you run dotnet build either in Debug mode or Release mode to build Unmanaged or Managed Solution. The default cdsproj does not really tell you about all the Solution Packager properties you can use. This doesn’t seem to be documented in the Microsoft docs site as well. Below is the default on cdsproj. If y more
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Importing other Notebooks in Polyglot Notebooks
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
1y ago
I first saw Interactive Polyglot Notebooks in dotnetConf couple of years back. I immediately started thinking about all the possibilities it brings to the table for a developer. It could be used just a place to put all the code snippets by developers, or by Functional Consultants/BA for documentation with just a little code or script sprinkled here and there. One of the recent capabilities that has been introduced in the ability to import other notebooks. I believe this is such a powerful update for re-useability and also to abstract away all the code for non-developer audience who want to sta more
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AWS for Azure folks
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
1y ago
Recently, I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. While I am mainly focussed on Azure, I thought this will be a good exam to take to understand the market leader. I signed up for AWS Cloud Quest. This was interactive training where you have to do things for real in AWS environment, and your actions are verified before you proceed to the next level. This is similar to Microsoft Learn, where you have Concierge environments, and your work is verified before you proceed to the next module. Based on my limited experience with AWS, I think it is not that difficult to learn the high leve more
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Using Azure CLI to authenticate with Power Apps
Dreaming in CRM & Power Platform
by Natraj Yegnaraman
1y ago
During the time of Dynamics CRM, there was not much cross over to Azure. But these days, Azure and Power Platform are used together more often than ever. One of the important tools for an Azure person is Azure CLI. In this post, I will show you two ways you can leverage Azure CLI to authenticate with Power Apps. Scenario 1: LINQPad or Console App There are times when you want to quickly run some snippet in C#. I use LINQPad to do this. If you are logged in into Az CLI, you can leverage the credentials in there through Azure Identity SDK. Sample code below. void Main() { var dc = new more
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