Possibly CTS?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/marky-mark-1998
5h ago
Hello. So I've been getting this tingling feeling in my left hand. It's not like when your hand falls asleep. But kinda feels like after your hand falls asleep where there's these little prickly feelings that will affect my fingers or the palm of my hand or wrist and arm. Random little areas. It lasts a second or two or sometimes it lasts a little bit longer like 10 seconds. I'm scared of a brain tumor but it seems to be affecting both sides though the left side more. I went to the ER because I was getting vertigo as well but he said the symptoms were unrelated. I did get a head ct scan witho ..read more
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Severe nerve damage
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/Unlucky-Tomorrow46
19h ago
So, this Friday I got the nerve test done. I was told afterwards that I have severe nerve damage. I thought as much years before I even knew about the test but hearing the words come from a doctor made it so much more real? I started crying and I am really anxious about losing my hands. I don't know what I expect to come out of this post other than I wanted a place to vent where people can understand. Have a good weekend!! submitted by /u/Unlucky-Tomorrow46 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Bilateral carpal tunnel?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/nancy299
19h ago
Are you 60 years or older, with severe or recurring bilateral carpal tunnel? That’s me too. During CTS surgery # 1, my expert surgeon biopsied some tissue and we discovered that I have cardiac Amyloidosis, a disease which initially manifests in our joints. The “red flags” for senior citizens include bilateral CTS, trigger finger, spinal stenosis, and hip, knee and rotator cuff issues, and occur years before fatal Amyloidosis heart damage. Please please get tested asap, with simple wrist biopsy, if you are a senior having issues with bilateral CTS. You may be eligible for FDA-approved medicati ..read more
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Forearm exercises or stretches for cts?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/EmberSkeleton
19h ago
I have CTS on both hands but worse on my right hand (dominant). I also have tendonitis on my right hand. I don't get numb all the time and I wear wrist braces at night. Still scared to have surgery. I heard that doing forearm stretches and exercises can help it a lot. I wanted to know what are the recommended stretches or exercises. I stopped weightlifting when I got tendonitis which was 2 years ago. I do mostly pilates and bodyweight exercises. submitted by /u/EmberSkeleton [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Are certain exercises bad while you have carpal tunnel?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/ketaminesuperstar
19h ago
Like pushups for example, anything that uses your wrists. Should I wait until my carpal tunnel is completely gone? I'm having a slight flare-up again so I don't have it completely but I'm feeling the pain, numbness and tingling again. Also, are there any preventative measures I can take besides giving my hand a break (I am doing that too, I'm also trying to use my left hand more for things) I'm going to do some research on it today so if anyone could give me something to look into that helped them then that would be great. submitted by /u/ketaminesuperstar [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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10 days post op
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/Distinct-Race-2471
19h ago
This looks worse than it did several days ago. The hospital said that the other pictures I posted looked "great" and sent us home. The surgeon who did the surgery put him on antibiotics and told him to rinse it with peroxide daily... Chunks of skin are falling off now. submitted by /u/Distinct-Race-2471 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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I think my carpal tunnel is coming back ?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/autumnal-pudding
1d ago
it took a month for it to heal the last time i got it and no longer had to wear wrist braces at night or had trouble with tasks that require repetitive movements, but today the pain has returned ? submitted by /u/autumnal-pudding [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Is "sudden onset" a thing?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/PorQuesoWhat
1d ago
Just got diagnosed with carpal tunnel, it's moderate and I guess I will be having it "released", so surgery. The thing is...3 months ago I was not in this amount of pain. I feel like one day I woke up and pointer and middle finger were numb, then a week later my hands feel like they're on fire. Is this normal? or it usually something you notice and gets slowly worse? submitted by /u/PorQuesoWhat [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Does CT cause stiffness and pain without numbness in your case?
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/irisheyesarelaughing
1d ago
Hello! I was diagnosed with mild carpal tunnel by a neurologist in March after experiencing finger numbness in both hands. The numbness has pretty much gone away after sleeping with wrist braces. But I am having a bout of hand pain (all over hand, palm, tops, fingers etc) and finger stiffness. I am also seeing a rheumatologist for possible Rheumatoid Arthritis ( positive RF blood work) so I was curious if the hand pain and stiffness is a symptom of the carpel tunnel, or is this because if the possible RA? Thank you! submitted by /u/irisheyesarelaughing [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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3 days post op
Reddit » Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
by /u/Accomplished-Pipe547
1d ago
First time changing the bandages. The sutures look pretty good to me! And there’s minimal bruising. I’ve been religiously icing it and keeping it elevated. I also got ulnar nerve transposition surgery. That bandage wrap will be taken off at my follow up appointment in two weeks and these stitches will be taken out. Luckily the elbow stitches are dissolvable. submitted by /u/Accomplished-Pipe547 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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