Warming your home: Benefits of gas appliances
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
8M ago
As winters get colder, many will start looking into the most efficient way to make their homes warmer. The last thing one would need after a long day at work is to return to a cold home, that tempts you to keep wearing your winter coat inside. While A/C systems come with a heating alternative, it is not as feasible to have an A/C running for long periods of time because this means your electricity bill will start rising. We spoke already about how saving on your electricity bill can help you benefit from what’s known as the Eco-Reduction Scheme, meaning if you keep within the parameters of ele ..read more
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Saħħan id-dar tiegħek: X’inhuma l-benefiċċji?
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
8M ago
Hekk kif ix-xhur tax-xitwa qed jaraw aktar kesħa, diversi persuni se jibdew ifittxu l-aktar mod effiċjenti biex isaħħnu d-djar tagħhom. L-aħħar ħaġa li wieħed ikun irid isib wara ġurnata xogħol hija dar kiesħa li ġġiegħlek tibqa’ liebes il-ġakketta tiegħek. Filwaqt li s-sistemi tal-A/C jiġu wkoll bl-alternattiva li jsaħħanu wkoll, mhux dejjem huwa effiċjenti li tħalli l-A/C mixgħul għal perjodi twal għax dan ifisser li l-kont tad-dawl se jiġi iktar għoli. Tkellimna diġà fuq kif meta wieħed jiffranka fuq il-kont tad-dawl tiegħu, ikun jista’ jibbenefika mill-iskema tal-Eko-Reduzzjoni, jiġifieri ..read more
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Autogas: All you need to know about its benefits
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
1y ago
Autogas has an important role to play in fulfilling and arriving to the objectives set by the EU on decarbonisation and air quality within the existing vehicle fleet. Why? One does not need to immediately invest in a new car in a time when finances might not permit them to, however, they can simply invest a small amount of money and convert their current vehicle to Autogas. This action would then significantly reduce the NOx and particle emissions that they would otherwise be producing through their vehicle petrol and diesel consumption.   The picture in Europe…are we there yet? According ..read more
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Dak kollu li għandek tkun taf dwar il-benefiċċji tal-Autogas
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
1y ago
L-Autogas għandu rwol importanti biex jintlaħqu l-objettivi stabbiliti mill-Unjoni Ewropea fejn tidħol id-dikarbonazzjoni u l-kwalità tal-arja fi ħdan il-flotta tal-vetturi. Għaliex? Dak li jkun, m’għandux għaliex jinvesti f’karozza ġdida f’perjodu fejn il-finanzi ma jipprermettux, iżda jista’ jinvesti ammont żgħir ta’ flus biex jikkonverti l-karozza għall-Autogas. Din l-azzjoni tista’ twassal biex tnaqqas l-NOx u l-emmissjonijiet tal-partiċelli li wieħed kieku jkun qed jipproduċi permezz tal-karozza li taħdem bil-petrol jew bid-diesel.   L-istampa fl-Ewropa…fadlilna x’naqdfu? Skond rappo ..read more
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Gas or electric oven? Differences and benefits
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
1y ago
When buying a new oven for your home, the first dilemma you are going to face is that of choosing between a gas oven or an electric oven. Therefore, to tackle this dilemma head-on, you need to be aware of the differences between the two oven variations, starting with the most basic of differences: the gas oven uses LPG mix or propane gas as its fuel source while the electric oven uses electricity. Let us first start by looking into the characteristics of the different oven versions, starting with the gas oven. The gas oven uses propane gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a source of fuel ..read more
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Dak kollu li għandek tkun taf dwar l-aħjar water heater għad-dar tiegħek
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
1y ago
Tagħmir importantissimu għal kull dar huwa l-water heater. Wara ġurnata twila ta’ xogħol, partikolarment fix-xhur kisħin tax-xitwa, kulħadd ikun qed jistenna l-mument li jieħu banju sħun biex itaffi l-istress tal-ġurnata, li jkun jista’ jaħsel il-platti bl-ilma sħun mingħajr problemi u li jkun jista’ jaħsel idejh mingħajr ma jiksaħ. Għalhekk, dak li jkun għandu jassigura li jkollu l-aktar water heater ideali fid-dar tiegħu.   Għaliex għandek tagħżel water heater tal-LPG? Meta tkun qed tagħżel l-aqwa water heater għad-dar tiegħek huwa importanti li tikkunsidra diversi elementi different b ..read more
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Checking your gas equipment: When and how
Liquigas Malta
by conceptstadium
1y ago
While gas appliances provide users with an affordable alternative to electrically powered appliances, they need to be properly taken care of to ensure everyone’s safety. In fact, apart from ensuring that when you buy your gas appliances, they come with the right safety features and they’re installed by professionals, there are some other safety checks you should periodically execute at home. The Regulator One of the main things you should check periodically is your LPG cylinder’s regulator. Make sure to replace it if it shows signs of wear and tear or if it no longer properly fits with the cy ..read more
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Getting your first gas appliances: What to look out for?
Liquigas Malta
by conceptstadium
1y ago
Being a new homeowner brings with it a lot of firsts. Your first time entering your new home. Your first time switching on the hob to cook your first meal there. Your first time snuggling in front of the TV, watching the latest blockbuster with the heater on. Your first time inviting your friends over for a delicious BBQ on the roof. A heart-warming journey, for sure. However, before you can get to all that, you need to focus on installing all the appliances, including gas appliances. When you’re looking for gas appliances for the first time, you might not know exactly what to look out for, bu ..read more
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Gass vs Elettriku: Kif tista’ tiffranka l-flus fuq il-kont tad-dawl?
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
1y ago
Minbarra l-benefiċċji ambjentali li jiġu meta wieħed juża inqas konsum ta l-elettriku fid-dar tiegħu, hemm ukoll benefiċċji finanzjarji li jwasslu lil dak li jkun biex jiffranka l-flus fuq il-kont tad-dawl. Għal din ir-raġuni, l-eħfef u l-aktar mod komuni u finanzjarjament vijabbli biex wieħed jiffranka fuq il-kont tad-dawl huwa li jagħmel użu minn tagħmir tal-gass fejn hu possibbli. X’tip ta’ tagħmir tal-gass tista’ tinstalla fid-dar tiegħek? It-tagħmir tal-gass li tista’ tinstalla fid-dar tiegħek biex tiffranka fuq il-kont tad-dawl huma: Forn tal-gass BBQ tal-gass Heater jew fire place tal ..read more
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Gas vs Electricity: How to save money on your electricity bill
Liquigas Malta
by cabrunhosadebrito@liquigasmalta.com
1y ago
Apart from the environmental benefits that come along with using less electricity within your household, there are also financial benefits as one would save money on the electricity bill as well. That is why the easiest, most common and financially viable way in starting to save on your electricity bill is that of making use of gas appliances wherever possible in your household. What type of gas appliances can you install in your home? The type of gas (Liquified Petroleum Gas – LPG) appliances that you can install in your home and that will help you save on your electricity bill are: Gas oven ..read more
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