Community tank for native eastern mud minnows
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by Fish expert 2.0
4d ago
I was in the woods on Monday, and found A small pond. This pond, being so small, I said there was not fish in it. I was wrong. The pond is only the size of like two cars. Yet there is fish in it. I’m shocked lol. I have never seen a pond so small. I set up a ten gallon aquarium for the 3 dozen I had caught. This is what it looks like more
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Dying Neocaradina Shrimp
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by BlueFishy88
2w ago
To begin with I have a 2 gallon tank and the the current parameters (using API 5 in 1 strips) are: Temperature:73/74F 6.5 pH 180 mg/ml GH which I think is 10° dGH because 1dGH is equal to 17.9 mg/L. So 180/17.9=10.05 0 Kh 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrite <20 Nitrate This was from today and I may do it again later as I did a water change but i'm a little worried about the KH being 0, I'm basing my parameter standards off of... Dying Neocaradina Shrimp more
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Gravid Tetra- advice needed
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by SaturnsRings
1M ago
Hi! One of my tetras appears to be gravid and I’m not sure exactly what the best course of action would be- I’m new to fishkeeping but enjoy doing research to ensure I’m doing everything correctly. Should I quarantine the gravid fish in a bowl to ensure her eggs won’t get fertilized, or do I get an additional smaller tank to separate her and a male and attempt breeding/ raising the fry? I have a local fish store that would probably take them. Help! Edit: advice for setting up a quarantine... Gravid Tetra- advice needed more
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Mystery Worms, Parasites?
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by BlueFishy88
1M ago
I am just getting home, and when I turned my light back on for feeding (as I have strong sun exposure in the room I keep my tank in) I noticed these all over the glass of my tank. I watch my tank quite carefully and I have never noticed these until tonight. There have been no recent fish additions to the tank nor plants. The most recent additions were some amano shrimp as well as some dwarf hairgrass about a month ago but i've never seen anything like this. I do my weekly water changes... Mystery Worms, Parasites more
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White fuzz on Platy
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by Betta_addict36
2M ago
Hello, Yesterday, I got two new female platys and a Betta for a 6 gal tank that I am starting. I am doing a fish in cycle with Microbe-lift's "Nite-out" bacterial starter. Yesterday night, She looked like this: A couple hours ago, I noticed she now has a white fuzzy spot on her tail. I'll post two pictures to help show how far off her body it branches: A couple hours before I... white fuzz on Platy more
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Why do female guppy's eyes turn black?
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by Jexx
2M ago
So I noticed that Boa, before she died, had black eyes like a shark. all the time. I thought that was just her eye color. Now I've noticed that Mamba's eyes, who are usually pearly white with a black pupil, have started randomly turning black and then back to normal. Its pretty weird. I've googled and googled and no one has a definite answer other than the fact that it does happen. Some ppl have speculated it is stress. That makes sense since I don't think Boa was well any way before she got... Why do female guppy's eyes turn black more
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Stocking mid level of a 10 gallon
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by otrimi_everplayful
2M ago
So I recently got a 10 gallon and wanted more fish keeping experience than just bettas. I decided that my centerpiece fish will be a dwarf gourami, and my bottom level will have some Pygmy Cory’s, and 1 nerite snail. This leads me to my question, what’s the best mid level fish? Originally, I was thinking about some male endlers, but have been researching tetras. If anyone has on opinion on this or has feedback on other parts of my tank, I would appreciate it more
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Curious about Trout Diets: Do They Eat Frogs?
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by windfondquist
3M ago
Hey everyone. I've been pondering a question lately: do trout indulge in frog feasts? While trout are renowned for their diverse diets, consisting mainly of insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish, the idea of them munching on frogs intrigues me. Some anglers swear they've seen trout go after frogs, especially during certain seasons or in specific environments. However, others argue that it's not a common occurrence. I'm keen to hear your experiences and insights on this matter. Have you... Curious about Trout Diets: Do They Eat Frogs more
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Is my guppy actually pregnant?
Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by Rebeccax
4M ago
I’ve had my guppies for months now and yesterday while doing a water change I found one single guppy fry. I had noticed one of my females was a good bit larger than the other but it never looked overly pregnant in my opinion and has stayed the same size for quite a time. She has been pooping a lot but other than that she has shown no other signs of labour or pregnancy in general. I have raised molly fry before so I... Is my guppy actually pregnant more
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Betta Fish Forum » Other Fish In Tank
by Gabi Loraine
4M ago
Hi... I had to euthanize one of my bettas yesterday and now have a 5gal heavily planted Walstad bowl without a fish. My husband and I were talking about how bettas are bred like pugs, practically designed for poor health... and he said "why don't you get a mutt?" ... are there mutt aquarium fish? Not like an unattractive betta but... mutts more
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