Solutions For Effective Termite Control In Albany
Kanga Pest Control Blog
2M ago
How To Identify Signs Of Termite Activity While you may see ants walking across your counters or spiders hiding in corners, you may never see the termites infesting your home. Termites have high moisture requirements and protect themselves from open air as much as possible. However, there are a few signs of termite activity that can help confirm there is a problem: Mud tubes in areas where the soil meets your foundation Wood that is soft or sounds hollow when tapped Wood that is blistering or darkening Bubbling or uneven paint Discarded swarmer wings near windows If you see any of the signs more
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Effective Methods To Get Rid Of Unwanted Spiders In Salem
Kanga Pest Control Blog
2M ago
Overview Of Spider Issues In Salem Thankfully, most Oregon spiders live outdoors and away from people, but a handful of species are likely to be found in and around homes. While these pests generally keep to themselves, there are a few issues they can cause, including: Bites: Most spider bites cause mild symptoms you can treat at home, but some can cause severe symptoms requiring medical attention. Webs: Some species build webs only in dark storage areas, but others will build numerous webs throughout the house. Egg sacs: When spiders lay their eggs in the house, you can quickly go from a sin more
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Ant Control In Portland: Your Ultimate Guide To Keeping Ants At Bay
Kanga Pest Control Blog
2M ago
Understanding the Behavior and Habits of Ants Ants live together in organized colonies, which average between 20,000 and 100,000 individual insects. Each colony has different types of ants with specific roles. Queens reproduce, soldiers defend, and worker ants forage for food, maintain the nest, and care for nest mates. When worker ants find food, they create a scent trail to help the other ants in the colony find their way to the source, which helps explain how a single ant on your kitchen counter can quickly become a full-blown infestation. Contact us today at Kanga Pest to learn how our pes more
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Safeguarding Your Business Assets: The Role Of Commercial Pest Control Services In Salem
Kanga Pest Control Blog
3M ago
Common Pests Affecting Businesses in Salem You may assume that if there were a pest problem on your property, you would notice signs or see the pests out in the open. But the signs of infestation can be subtle, and many pests are nocturnal and hide in out-of-reach areas. The following list includes some of the most common types of pests that invade local businesses and the signs to watch for: Cockroaches: Droppings that are blunt and cylindrical or ones that look like black pepper, egg capsules, molted skins Rodents: Damage to food packages, capsule or rod-shaped droppings, gnaw marks, greasy more
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Understanding What Attracts Fleas And How To Deter Them In Albany
Kanga Pest Control Blog
3M ago
How To Tell If It's Fleas In Your Home Determining whether your home has a flea infestation can be challenging, but knowing how to identify fleas is the first step. These tiny pests, typically no larger than a pinhead, are dark brown and move swiftly over surfaces. One of the first signs of a flea infestation is usually the presence of flea bites on family members or pets. These bites are small and red and often appear in clusters, predominantly around the ankles and lower legs. Flea feces, or "flea dirt," can also indicate their presence; it looks like small black dots. You'll often find it i more
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What To Do If You Find Spiders In Your Salem Home
Kanga Pest Control Blog
3M ago
What Kind Of Spiders Are There In Salem? Salem, a region with diverse habitats, hosts a variety of arachnids, making it essential to understand the types of spiders you might encounter. Among these, the notorious black widow spider stands out due to its distinctive markings and potential health risks. However, not all spiders in Salem pose a threat. Residents can encounter a wide range of spiders, from the common house spider, known for its web-spinning abilities in the corners of homes, to the more reclusive cellar spider. The orb-weaver spider, admired for its intricate webs, also frequents more
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The Best Way To Avoid Pest Infestations In Your Portland Business
Kanga Pest Control Blog
4M ago
Identifying Prevalent Pests In Portland Understanding the types of pests commonly found in Portland is essential for successful pest control. In this region, various pests can become unwelcome visitors, impacting homes and businesses. Among the most prevalent types of pests are rodents, such as rats and mice, which can cause significant property damage. Ant infestations, particularly by odorous house ants and pavement ants, are also common nuisances in the area. Portland residents may also encounter stinging insects like wasps and bees, posing a threat to safety. Also, termites, which can sile more
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How To Choose The Right Insecticides For Cockroach Control In Albany
Kanga Pest Control Blog
4M ago
Advantages Of Hiring Experts For Cockroach Removal When faced with a cockroach infestation, many homeowners attempt to tackle the problem on their own. However, there are significant advantages to hiring experts for cockroach removal. Pest professionals, such as those from Kanga Pest, have the knowledge and experience to identify the specific type of cockroach infesting your home; this is crucial because different species may require different treatment methods. Experts can assess the extent of the infestation and formulate a targeted plan for effective removal as well. The pests professionals more
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Exposing The Dangers Of DIY Rodent Extermination: Expert Insights In Portland
Kanga Pest Control Blog
4M ago
Identifying Common Rodent Entry Points: Where Rodents Sneak In Rodents are notorious for their ability to squeeze through the smallest gaps, turning the slightest oversight into a potential entryway. Here are key areas to monitor: Gaps in windows and doors Foundation cracks Roof and attic spaces Utility entry points Basement and garage openings Conducting regular inspections of these areas is a fundamental step in effective rodent pest control. Identifying and sealing these entry points can significantly reduce the likelihood of a rodent infestation, keeping your Portland home or business sa more
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Eliminating Cockroaches For Good: A Comprehensive Approach For Salem Homes
Kanga Pest Control Blog
5M ago
Visible Signs Of Roaches: How To Identify An Infestation To start, let’s go over some of the common signs that indicate the presence of cockroaches in your home. These pesky insects are nocturnal, meaning they spend most of the day hiding, so it can be challenging to spot them. Aside from seeing a live cockroach, common signs include finding cockroach droppings. These can be as small as pepper flakes or large enough to be mistaken for mouse droppings, depending on the species of cockroach. Cockroaches will also leave behind egg capsules in dark, protected areas close to food sources.  Fin more
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