What To Do About Crickets Chirping Around Your Rocklin Home
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
Why Crickets Chirp So Much “Why do crickets chirp?” This question has passed through most peoples’ minds at one point or another, especially after discovering one of these noisy pests in their homes. Male crickets have two sets of specialized wings that help make their unique chirping sound when those wings are rubbed against each other. This chirping behavior has two purposes: attracting female crickets of the same species and warning off other male crickets that may be competing with them for a mate. If cricket sounds are keeping you up at night, it might be time to invest in professional pe ..read more
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How Do I Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants In My House In Pleasanton?
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like? Distinguishing carpenter ants from other species of ants can help you when it comes to getting the correct treatment process. But what do carpenter ants look like? Carpenter ants are quite a bit larger than most species of home-invading ants and are generally red, black, or a mixture of those two colors. If you start seeing these pests crawling around in your home, don’t hesitate to invest in effective ant control services from Patriot Pest Management. We have the experience needed to eliminate and prevent carpenter ants year-round.  Can Carpenter Ants De ..read more
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Ridding Your Rocklin Home Of Dirty Roaches For Good!
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
The Dirty Habits And Behaviors Of Common Cockroaches Roaches in Rocklin are opportunistic pests that will eat just about anything they can. Unfortunately, that commonly includes materials we consider completely inedible and disgusting. These filthy pests have no problem crawling through garbage and sewer matter or eating unsanitary items. Hair, skin cells, other insects, feces, garbage, and carrion are just a few of the things that cockroaches may choose to eat. This tendency to eat almost everything is one of the reasons why cockroach infestations are a health hazard. Protecting your home and ..read more
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A Practical Guide To Effective Fly Control For Tracy Homes
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
Characteristics Of Common Flies California is home to many species of flies; however, some cause more problems for humans than others. The most common types of flies to get into Tracy's homes include: House flies: House flies commonly get into homes and are dull gray with darker stripes on the section behind their head, also known as the thorax. Fruit flies: Fruit flies often feed on fruits left on counter surfaces (hence their name) and have tan to light brown bodies and bright red eyes.  Bottle flies: Bottle flies are slightly larger than houseflies and are easily identified by their s ..read more
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A Helpful Guide To Total Rodent Control For Your Rocklin Home
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
Types Of Rodents That Often invade Rocklin Homes Many different types of rodents can invade homes in Rocklin. The most common include: Mice: Mice are one of the most common pests in the world. These small rodents typically only grow to be about two inches long, and have a tail that is almost as long as their body. Mice are good climbers and can jump up to a foot high. Rats: Two types of rats commonly invade homes in Rocklin: the Norway rat and the roof rat. Norway rats are larger than mice, typically growing to be about 16 inches long, including their tail. Roof rats are smaller than Nor ..read more
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Why Cockroaches Invade Tracy Homes And How To Keep Them Out
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
Clear Signs You Have A Cockroach Problem So you've seen a cockroach or two in your home. Is this something to be concerned about? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Even if you've only seen one or two roaches, there are likely many more hiding in cracks and crevices. Some other signs that you have a cockroach infestation include: Roach droppings: Cockroaches leave behind small, dark droppings wherever they go. These can be found on countertops, in cabinets, and even in drawers. Shed skin: Cockroaches molt, or shed their skin, as they grow. You may find these shed skins around your home, partic ..read more
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How Bad Is It To Have Bed Bugs In My Pleasanton Home?
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
How Can I Be Sure It's Bed Bugs In My Home? Bed bugs are small, dark-colored insects, and they are unfortunately similar to many other types of insects that you can potentially encounter around your home. If you want to be sure it’s bed bugs in your Pleasanton home, not other pests such as fleas, ticks, lice, or baby cockroaches, then you can keep an eye out for these indicators of bed bug infestation: Bed bugs are no larger than an apple seed's size and roughly the same shape. Bed bugs leave behind reddish or rust-colored stains on bedding, walls, furniture, and carpeting, thanks to their fe ..read more
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How Do I Get Rid Of Roaches In My Tracy Home?
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
What Do Cockroaches Look Like? There are lots of odd-looking pests here in Tracy, so identifying cockroaches is not easy. These pests have oval-shaped, flat bodies and two long antennae at a base level. All common types of cockroaches have wing pads; however, not all species fly. The three most common species in Tracy are German cockroaches, American cockroaches, and oriental cockroaches. The German cockroach is tan to brown in color, ½" to ⅝” long, and has two almost parallel black lines behind its head. The American cockroach is reddish brown in color, 1 ¼" to 2 ⅛” long, and has a yellow fig ..read more
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The Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Rats On Your Rocklin Property
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
How To Tell If It's Rats On Your Property Rats are sneaky rodents. When they invade local properties, they try to avoid being seen by humans. To do this, they hide inside places like wall voids, attics, basements, chimneys, and other secluded areas. They also wait until nighttime to roam freely through living areas. This type of behavior can make these pests challenging to identify. What we recommend is looking for signs of rats inside your home. Here are a few to start with today: Pellets of fecal droppings in the back of your pantries, cupboards, and near areas rats hide and nest. Grease ma ..read more
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The Benefits Of Professional Pest Control For Your Pleasanton Home
Patriot Pest Management Blog
1y ago
Pests Can Plague Pleasanton Homes All Year Long There isn’t a season here in Pleasanton where pests are not trying to invade homes. We have warm and cold weather pests and those that do not care what the temperature is outside. Keeping this in mind, homeowners experience the most problems with invasive species during the summer months and in late fall and early winter. During colder weather, many pests that don’t typically invade, look to homes as a place to shelter through the colder months, including boxelder bugs, stink bugs, and ladybugs. The question is, is having pests indoors really tha ..read more
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